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Da webster guy

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Everything posted by Da webster guy

  1. here in the ROC we are mostly bills fans but when the Giants do well (and ONLY when they do well) you start to see quite a few Gmen fans wearing stuff. Going further east to Cuse, it seems like maybe half Bills and the rest Giants Jets. Gonna see a lot more Browns fans soon if they pop this draft like I hope they do. Can't wait to see us and the Browns with two elite qb's.
  2. Almost all qb's will eventually start their rookie year, they usually get in there by week 12 at the latest but obviously depends on a million things like how the current starter is playing, bye weeks, development, injuries, strength of opponent etc I will say I agreed with Peterman going in when he did because there was essentially no crowd noise problem with that temp stadium the Chargers played in (and Tyrod stunk it up badly the previous few weeks) but we underestimated that Chargers pass rush--or maybe coach Lynn just knew how to exploit guys like Mills--but that was the worst game of the year protection wise, and was obviously a nightmare first start because of it. The bottom line is throw three good qb's in camp, all of them will have good potential, and see who emerges. Maybe the rook does sit out the whole year, that would be a good thing in many ways.
  3. they havent done it because of savvy management or drafting moves. Don't confuse Bill the executive GM with Bill the X's and O's guy. He's an excellent gameplanner with an awesome qb. Thats it. Don't need to read the Art of War to know that.
  4. Giants won't trade out for what Pats have to offer. They're not trading back 21 spots in this draft. Beane is so far ahead of them its silly. Don't forget the difference between a legit NFL GM and dopey Belichick/Kraft. Pats last trade was dumping Chandler Jones, the best DE in football last year. Then they sat there and watched their crappy pass rush get zero pressure on Foles and lost the superbowl because of it. Oh wait, that was their second to last trade. The other was Jimmy G for a second round pick hahahahahahaha. GENIUSSSSSSSSSSS
  5. No idea. If you look at all our qb pressures and sacks from last year that weren't simply the qb holding the ball too long, Davis had half of them on a limited snap count. Obviously our coaches know better than I do, but releasing a cheap productive pass rusher seems ridiculous. Maybe he struggled against the run or was a coverage liability or head case. Certainly knows how to hunt qb's.
  6. Yes, and they both stayed in their jobs far too long. As Kenny Rogers says, You've Gotta Know When to Fold Em. They never listened to Kenny (although Jerry loves the chicken)
  7. The Bills have an NFL best 6 picks in the top 100 Yeah until the trade up. Then we're down to 2 or 3. Which I'm fine with. Unlike these cat videos
  8. If he stays healthy and focused, he's worth the money simply because he can win you games on his own. But I agree with you--when you take into account what a nightmare prima donna the guy is, his unstable personality and injury history, he's like adopting a crazy dog who bites everyone--no matter how much you try to train him, he's always going to be a huge pain the ass. People say I'm nuts but I wouldn't take the guy on my team for free. He gets more TV time and attention when he's hurt and not playing than any other player on the field, and he promotes it. After awhile the act gets old, then it just gets maddening. He's amazing on the field, but a huge part of football is what happens off the field, and he's a loser in that sense.
  9. yup. and don't forget if you hit on a qb draft pick you have him for at least a dozen years, whereas some players like Barkley might have a prime career of half that time.
  10. or it could be a year like EJ/geno draft where there isn't a single good nfl qb to be had.
  11. yeah except for bulldog, and Carl Faulk, and my brothers, and a ton of other football podcasts and talk shows. I'm not making it up, its the reason I posted that. Start paying attention to how he gets slid into the "top qb's" conversations. It's annoying. Mahomes and Deshaun too. All I say to them is come back to me when they've played a few dozen games and all the DC's get a chance to learn tendencies and weaknesses, to see what types of gameplans work best--maybe they will hold up, but its likely they won't. I see Garrapolo as a Tannehill, David Carr ceiling.
  12. Jackson over Darnold? See this is why the draft is maddening because there's probably a significant chance you're right. It's almost a total crapshoot.
  13. i agree. had some great screen play runs too. when healthy, my favorite Bill to watch.
  14. everybody seems to be puttinf garrapolo in a class with the elites? the guy had one great game against Jax, who had an overrated defense as we saw in Pittsburgh (gave up over 40 pts in that game too). I watched the Bears game Jimmy should have been benched. Niners win less than 6 games this year, wait and see.....
  15. We tried to build a wall to keep the BBMB'ers out. We aren't exactly getting their best and brightest over here. But we're nothing if we're not tolerant (right Zay?) so welcome aboard to all the nubes. We left a light on for ya..
  16. We have a great young LT, need a versatile guard and rt. i think if we stay put you will see Vita Vea become a Bill. the next Ngata
  17. jets way overpaid for that move up. No way Beane was giving up that much. take the browns #4 spot for much cheaper and still get a great qb prospect
  18. Most drops in the league and now a felon Did not see that coming, seemed like such a stable, quality kid. Someone on this board was yelling for Smith-Shuster in the 2nd round instead of Zay last year, too bad we didn't go that way, he's a legit force.
  19. Yes I think you're right. Sticking to a general trade up chart value system, the trade to #4 allows us to keep BOTH second round picks vs trading up to #2 which basically crushes our entire draft until 3rd round. No matter what anyone says, there is still a very large amount of guesswork involved on which qb is going to be better than the other one. We need those 2nd round picks
  20. if that were the case we'd just burn a pick with Philly and get Foles. I still think that's not a bad way to go if he could be had for a reasonable value.
  21. Oh Chucky. He also likes his job, and realizes his career is staked on this draft. GM's don't stay employed unless they win, and they don't win without a stud qb. I think Allen could thrive in a place where he had an AJ Green, Julio, etc. Big targets with big catch radius. Obviously nobody knows which (if any) of these qb's are going to pan out, but Allen reminds me of Ryan Leaf, which isn't fair to the kid, but I can't help it.
  22. Oh Chucky. He also likes his job, and realizes his career is staked on this draft. GM's don't stay employed unless they win, and they don't win without a stud qb.
  23. He's better than Michael Irvin, Steven Smith or Chris "you gots to have a fall guy" Carter. Those dudes are a joke, at least Deon has some decent insights now and then.
  24. And a nice drive at end of Saints game. The San Diego game seemed like a great place to start him at the time, because that stadium was not loud at all and there would be no issues with sound. The biggest problem was that we could not handle Bosa and the Chargers pass rush. Mills was such a mess that day--he can hold his own in run blocking but he whiffed repeatedly and Peterman had a guy in his face all day. Obviously the first pick wasn't his fault, DiMarco's stone hands were. But the biggest problem he showed was not enough zip on the out routes that day, and trying to do too much. That might be his downfall for the pro's, although at training camp he seemed to have a cannon on those sideline throws. I specifically remember thinking that watching guys catch his passes from 30 feet away--this guy can rope this ball when he wants to. Go to camp this year and judge it yourself. Good showing at the Indy game, although I couldn't see much with a frozen face. .
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