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Da webster guy

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Everything posted by Da webster guy

  1. I don't think quarterback play was the difference yesterday. We simply had no answer for Tyreek and Kelce, and the Chiefs D looked awesome. Its frustrating to lose, but it hurts less knowing we have a franchise qb, which we weren't even sure of 12 months ago.
  2. That was my frustration too, zero hot route outlets. It was like we had no plan for their blitz. How is that possible? In an NFL blitz scenario, the qb AND receivers need to react immediately and the ball needs to come out at the 2 second mark. We looked like we had never practiced beating a blitz package. Ugly.
  3. Gabe is playing. Played the rest of the game after his ankle tweak, then rested up and got treatment sun-thrs and practiced yesterday. He's not a big plant and cut speed guy anyway, he's a zone buster with a big catch radius. Dont worry Mafia, our 4th round-shlda-been-early2nd round draft pick will be out there lookin to go to 8TD's on the year.
  4. Signature Win is such a lame overused term can everyone just never say that again. Ugh. Keyshawn goes on and on about signature wins all the time its so stupid. But to the OP's point, this sure would be a great game to peak for the offense because 24 points just aint gonna win this game and I think they know it. We have all the pieces in place to run the table this year. Even our head coach has improved quite a bit from his 1st year.
  5. Game winning punchout vs NE is not a jag play thats Kyle Williams level. Everyone expects interior linemen to standout even if their job is largely unsung. How many times did you hear 6'8 all pro Calais Campbells number get called last week? Zimmer needs more playing time to refine his game and so does Ed, but they have learned a lot this year.
  6. Makes sense. This is our year, we are gettin that goddamn trophy and we deserve it more than any team. Good for you *****. Optimism always wins no matter what.
  7. Yeah and Josh had a bad hair day so we're working out Gibran Hamdan and Sage Rosenfels this week
  8. This is a perfect example of what we've seen for the last 2 decades from a lot of the national media, basically no clue whatsover when it comes to the details of our small market team. Wait until we get 2 weeks of superbowl coverage they're going to go way back to how Buffalo is a dying, rust belt town where everyone works at Bethlehem Steel, probably a few quotes from Russ Brandon our GM, Jake Allen our QB, and a bunch of stuff on how Roger Goodell feels like we need a new stadium to COMPETE with the other teams.
  9. I disagree. Brown is much too valuable, tons of chemistry with Josh, multiple 1000 yd NFL seasons, etc. We are a spread it and sling it team now, we need 5 great receivers and Smoke is our #2. If Diggs gets hurt then he's our clutch #1. Obviously if one side gets screwy with money he's gone, but I think he stays. Astro was big on Boettger early on, I still remember how he stood out at camp 2 years ago. Hes 6-6 and seems to tower over everybody but solid build like a tackle. Ford has to beat him out at camp next year and he might not be able to do it.
  10. I'll bet a hundred bucks he picks off Mahomes on Sunday.
  11. That dropped TD pass was the first one I ever remember Gabe not catching. It was an absolutely perfect pass from Josh, Davis was covered well by Humpries but 17 hit him in the hands. Kinda reminded me of the Miami endzone catch, definitely a stretch but catchable. He played the rest of the game a little hobbled, I'm sure the trainers figure a full day of treatment and rest is good right now. We are now approaching a season almost twice as long as the typical college season, and these rooks can hit a wall this time of year. He's earned the rest day. No way he doesn't play Sunday.
  12. Yes I love that Minny stadium. That's a great benchmark I hope they use it. Similar climate too, I'd love to hear Diggs take on it. The lighting is a huge deal, nothing worse than going inside on a nice fall day to LED warehouse lighting.
  13. Our offense scored 10 points at home last game. We will need triple that on Sunday. Staying the course scares me a little.
  14. I disagree. Brown is much too valuable, tons of chemistry with Josh, multiple 1000 yd NFL seasons, etc. We are a spread it and sling it team now, we need 5 great receivers and Smoke is our #2. If Diggs gets hurt then he's our clutch #1. Obviously if one side gets screwy with money he's gone, but I think he stays.
  15. As Bono said right before U2 played Helter Skelter "This is a song Charles Manson stole from the Beatles.....We're stealin it back" Mafia is a word the Italians stole from America, WE'RE STEALIN IT BACK................
  16. Retractable would be ideal. A lot of beautiful fall days for football, heck even Indy game was sunny and pleasant in January.
  17. The word mafia derives from the Sicilian adjective mafiusu, which, roughly translated, means 'swagger', but can also be translated as 'boldness' or 'bravado' Whats not to like? We've got swagger after finally finding a stud QB after decades of searching, and nobody deserves it more. Embrace it dude, it's just a word. P.S. Worry about the KC game like the rest of us, they've got some mafiusu of their own in Arrowhead..............
  18. Charger was the play. He's crazy if he goes to Philly they're evil if their team isn't winning. And they're not winning any time soon.
  19. He signed a deal with West Herr, who has like 20 dealerships now. My buddy is a GM for one of their locations, he's gonna find out from marketing what they paid him but he said they're phasing out Tasker now because nobody under 30 knows who the guy is haha. He said it's no small deal they paid Josh. Its not a national endorsement obviously, but I'm interested to see the details.
  20. My brothers and nephew and I are going to the game from Rochester. We are heading over to my dads at 4pm. to do a one hour firepit in his driveway (small tailgate simulation). Rolling out of Victor at 5pm
  21. DANE JACKSON elevated. I think McD may be realizing Dane's run support is greater than Normans cover skills and experience. He and Taron, Hyde and Poyer= our best 4 speed tacklers.
  22. Chris Brown said it best on WGR today, we shredded Miami with the pass and both their corners are better than anything the Ravens have at that position. Their cover guys are solid but not elite by any means.
  23. Honestly don't care. He's still our OC and we have a playoff game tmrw. Live in the now bro, or you'll miss your life.
  24. Its not difficult to administer the shots, its product distribution that is tricky. Feds interacting with pharma companies on one end and with state and local health officials on the other end. Probably the three worst inefficient bureacracies in the world all converging. We will be in way better shape in 30 days.
  25. Its crazy but necessary. We are pumped to be going, and the logistics are intense (had to drive from Roch to get tested at the Stadium today) but over 4300 Americans died TODAY from this. Well over a thousand more than the 911 attacks are dying every day now. We cant ever forget how deadly this thing is.
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