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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. Honestly would not shock me if going QB in round 1 isn't part of the plans at OBD. Unless someone unexpected falls I would not rule out Falk or White on day 2 and fixing other needs in round 1. If that happens this place will implode.
  2. Interesting that it's such a wide array of QBs with potential to draft one by moving up (Allen), possibly stay put (Rudolph) or take one in a later round.
  3. What's odd is I read them in the voice of Frank Caleindo doing a Mark Wahlberg impression.
  4. In a pinch you can even say McD and people will know what ya mean ?
  5. It's tiring seeing the Patties in the Super Bowl...but at this point what's more tiring is all the "conspiracy truthers" we have crying about the refs.
  6. However Marrone gets out of speeding tickets is his own business. Lets respect the man's privacy.
  7. Not from the draft, but a QB confession just the same. I thought Brian Brohm was going to be a find. The year we drafted EJ, didn't like any of the QBs, so I talked myself into Matt Scott because at least it would be a low round pick spent on him. When we signed TT, I hoped he would win the starting position. Only because the other 2 options were horrible.
  8. I mean, it worked against the Saints last week... obvious jinx hope right here ??
  9. Bortles should not just be standing there watching the game. He should be huddled with Hackett coming up with a plan for when they get the ball back. Poor coaching right there.
  10. So, last week the give us Coach of the year, rookie of the year and DPOY for the division...now they hate us...lmao. 7 wins for an early over/under projection in January for most teams is about right.
  11. Thought you would slip that random "LB" in there and no one would notice huh?
  12. I say draft him at 21. Don't want Belichick sneaking in and grabbing him. Draft him at 22 as well...just to make sure.
  13. Those are the kind of words that get ya a visit from the Leodis Lawn Care Service around here.
  14. It's not really "spinning it" either way. We just differ on team building principles. You can point to ways your way works and mine does not and I can do the same. At the end of the day, as long as there is a long term plan in place so be it.
  15. Trade both 1st and give me the tickets next to hers.
  16. Sustain success...such as Drew Brees? Aaron Rodgers? Each with one Super Bowl win. Why? They are all time greats at the position. Definitely "franchise quarterbacks". Luck? Stafford? Rivers? Not even a Super Bowl appearance between them. Why? Difference between those guys and a Big Ben or Eli Manning? Ben and Eli have had actual teams built around them. That's why when you have as many holes as we have now you can't afford to blow all you picks on one guy. Build the team. Get a serviceable guy for a year or two. If a QB you like slips and you can slide up a bit for him, sure. But don't mortgage the farm when your crops are pretty dry to begin with.
  17. It does. Can't dispute that. But look to the past and the present of QB play. Used to be that a good number of QBs were able to call their own plays. Not just audibles at the line. Now, more QBs than not don't have the permission to audible. More QBs then not are not NFL ready as they don't play anything near an NFL offense in college anymore. Look to the future of the position. Either have to run college offenses in the NFL or find a new way to evolve. Minnesota evolved quite well building a team and finding a capable starter. Jacksonville built quite smart. I'm betting we see more teams built like that than the never ending quest of finding a Luck or Rogers.
  18. Tebow was the best player in College football for a while. Wanna dig him up too?
  19. Oh, we have no way of knowing who the HoF talent is in this draft. Which is why I said earlier and I maintain that trading up simply to swing for a QB is a bad idea. Frankly speaking, You have a better chance hitting on a HoF type player than you do a franchise QB. This team needs a QB, but is far from just a QB away from serious Super Bowl contention. There is no reason to burn draft assets on one guy that may be Peyton Manning...but just may be Christian Ponder. The theory that you just need that "franchise QB" is becoming a dated notion. You need more than that. Lets not build to be the Packers or Colts of the world.
  20. Does it though? Look at the way moving up for a Qb has "helped" other teams other times. You and I could, I'm certain go back and forth with trades that have and haven't worked out on draft Day. I can talk RGIII, you can talk Big Ben...point being trading up for a QB based on position is not always great. However, had someone traded 2 firsts for a Ray Lewis or another legit HoF generational talent...would absolutely be worth it. The deal is no matter what you trade and what you get you still have to build a team around said player.
  21. My sources say Daboll's primary mission: McCray Package.
  22. Yea, Julio has been a colossal flop. And Ray Lewis... definitely didn't propel a Baltimore championship. That was allllllllll former 1st rounder Trent Dilfer.
  23. Actually he has said numerous times he does want to be there. His main problem is he's trying to get an insane contract and "redefine the RB market" as he put it. He is an amazing player, but I wouldn't sign Bell to the contract he is looking for and tie up that much money in a RB. No way no how.
  24. Smith might do well in the Daboll offense, of course same could be said about several guys that should be available without giving away picks. A 4th is as high as I would go. Other than that I'd wait and see if he gets released.
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