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Richard Noggin

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Everything posted by Richard Noggin

  1. It's a bad comparison. Just watch the two of them throw a football. Comparison over.
  2. So you're saying "Get there" and also "stay there." Heard.
  3. Teams who DON'T get away from the run game tend to gash the Bills as the contest wears on. This, to quote SaviorWhatever, "concerns" me. Same same?
  4. This isn't meaningless. These are trends worth pointing out. That said, gosh their defense has the means to really stifle Buffalo's offense. And their rushing attack can grind down the D, it would seem.
  5. Those two players are incredibly different. A team that wants Rudolph is likely uninterested in Mayfield. Radically different skillsets, personalities, etc.
  6. Your definitions of "sensitive" and "freaking out" and "**** your pants" are, ironically...sensitive
  7. The mood in this thread seems a little overconfident. The Jags D is the type that gives the Bills problems; they can play man on the back end and disrupt our running game with an active and athletic front 7. Remember how the O looked during that three-game skid?
  8. Insult to injury. Hell is where I'll be, indeed.
  9. I'll be headed into work around 1. I get to wait on revelers rather than watch the only meaningful game in 13 years. Pray for me.
  10. In a word: yes. In more than a word: yes, AND he was oddly ineffective/slow in escaping pressure, and of course unwilling to throw the ball away to avoid sacks. Really just didn't process things with the requisite urgency.
  11. That's what those in the biz call a silent snap count. Handy for those shotgun formations on the road when the QB might not be heard over crowd noise. It gets varied up from time to time, as you maybe did not notice. The RG taps the center and gets back into his stance, but they don't immediately snap it every time. Almost my birthday.
  12. I appreciate you not exaggerating here. It helps keep the discussion reasonable.
  13. You gotta sneak up on him with that kind of bad juju. Be more situationally aware. Can't just mash the throttle all willy-nilly. He sees it coming.
  14. Oh, mykidsdad. You know, for old time's sake. Darn. Too slow. Should have known.
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