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Everything posted by thenorthremembers

  1. Two things on the Kiko hit: 1) Whether he could have stopped himself or not, he led with his forearm. Had he done it to Tyrod everyone here would have said 100% dirty play. 2) No reason to show the replay as much as they did. It was a vicious hit and the result was incredibly tough to watch. I am by no means against playing physical and I think the NFL has gone way too far in the manner in which they call penalties to protect Quarterbacks. However, they come across as fools when they enact those rules and then allow a replay to be shown in what was an overly repetitive manner when Flacco was clearly very hurt. On the Dolphins in general: They deserve every loss they rack up this year. I don’t think I’ve seen a dirtier team outside of maybe the Bengals. You want your team to be aggressive, but they are just flat out ugly. Starting with their eye rolling, head tossing, sarcasm filled head coach down to Suh and Landry they are about as classless as it comes in the NFL. Don’t need a team full of choir boys but watching them last night made me very happy to have McProcess. I don’t know how anyone can watch Gase on the sidelines and think that’s a leader of men.
  2. I'd love the move, however this website looks iffy at best. Other articles Fred Jackson Returning to Bills? Darelle Revis to Decide Between Three Teams
  3. I dont know what the hell Hue is doing besides trying to get himself fired in addition to ruin any slim chance Kizer still has at ever becoming a legitimate NFL QB. Either sit him or start him, stop playing yo yo. He reminded me of EJ coming out, and now he is getting the EJ treatment.
  4. They needed the Bengals game badly and have to win against the Saints, Jets, and Dolphins twice to have a legitimate shot this year. This is the reality of the AFC East where you start the year 0-2. No room for any margin of error like dropping one to a team like the Bengals.
  5. Agree, agree, agree. He has been a tall, strong armed disaster. He needs to stay in school.
  6. The Sammy thing has been on my mind so I wanted to go back and look at a few things to see what the reality of the "Sammy Situation" is/was. 37 receivers were drafted between 2014 and 2016. Statistically (Catch %, Rec/GM, Yrds/GM, TD/GM, Avg) they stack up like this 25/37 (67%)- Statistically worse than Sammy 8/37- (22%) Statistically better than Sammy 4/37- (11%) Statistically comparable to Sammy The tough part about the analysis for both Sammy, and in the same sense the Bills organization is that of the 12 players who were better than or equal to Sammy’s production 7 or (7/12) 58% of them came from his draft class (15 players picked after Sammy). Which means Whaley picked a player at number four who would up being worse or equal to (7/15) 47% of the players drafted at his same position. When you look at the overall statistical analysis Sammy compares favorably to players like Kelvin Benjamin, Sterling Shepard, Tyreek Hill and Jordan Matthews. Anyone who expects Sammy to breakout as elite in his fourth season isn’t playing the odds well, everyone needs to stop looking at Sammy as a wait until next week guy, and start seeing him for what he is, a second tier player who was picked too early in a draft that makes him look worse than he actually is. However, this should also be seen as further proof that our front office is seeing things in a clear manner. Argue it all you want, they got a comparable player and a draft pick in return for a player who overvalues his own worth and would have been impossible to sign at the rate he has earned.
  7. No ivory tower at all. I've made plenty of mistakes in my life, things I'd wish I'd never done. And believe me; I’ve been called out on those mistakes. I believe everyone deserves a chance to be redeemed. The issue I have with Marshawn is he shows time and time again that he has zero remorse despite positioning himself as a leader of his community. I don’t think encouraging poor behavior, especially among people who put themselves in a position to be a role model is a good way to encourage younger kids who may look up to the person. It goes beyond being an athlete, and to a larger problem where men don’t understand the massive responsibility they have in society. But whatever is clever I guess. He will be hilarious until he is not, and then he will be another sad story.
  8. Its not nothing, but you also have to consider who is giving the time and money. Time spent is a wonderful thing, but its not only about quantity its about quality as well. If he puts himself in the position of a community leader he needs to recognize his responsibility as one. In that sense he has been an absolute failure. Couldn't care less about that. Grown men, need to act like grown men.
  9. There is nothing posiitve about the guy from a football standpoint. May have been worth the headaches when he could play football but even then he was doing stupid low class things like bringing his own bottles of alcohol to bars. Some people see him as this loveable buffon, but that act wears thin quickly. I cannot stand how he is hailed like a hero in the Oakland area. Granted he gives time and money to the community, but what would go a lot further would for him to be a responsible man kids can look up to and shape their lives after. Instead they get someone hailed as a hero who fails to respect any authority, swears on live television, and hits on married women for the world to see. Sorry but the guy is a clown and the NFL will be better when his "I am doing the world a favor by being here" attitude is gone.
  10. I've seen you say this a couple time, that Rosen's footwork is great and he has a quick release. I have tried amazingly hard to come around on him, watched him on TV, watched eight games of every throw film and what I keep coming back to is a guy who isnt overally athletic, who holds the ball too long, has trouble with accuracy on medium to long throws, and consistenly throws off his back foot. Still think he is in the top tier of players coming out this year but I am having a really hard time selling myself on him for the Bills.
  11. Maybe I am wrong, but I dont think you're remembering this correctly. HIs first year was with Chan, then he had two years with Marone and two with Rex. He was always a poor tackler. His last year with Marone was mediocre, same with his first with Rex. He has decent ball skills but has always made huge mental errors and isnt near physical enough.
  12. With the 2018 class coming to Earth a bit, a few names to consider during the next few months are Nick Stevens from Colorado State Ryan Finley from North Carolina State and kind of a super sleeper who probably stays in school another year Justice Hansen from Arkansas State. Logan Woodside from Toledo is a guy who has never seemed to enter the conversation of draftable Quarterbacks but seems like his stats have always been on the upside. Again, not guys I've spent a lot of time watching but will invest some time into over the next few weeks. Not sure if anyone here has seen much of them?
  13. And Allen is a mid rounder by arm talent alone. Keep hearing the Carson Wentz comparison because he is from a smaller school, difference being Wentz was a winner at said school. Allen routinely finds ways to throw up all over himself. When his game starts to go south on tape watch out.
  14. Box score analysis or not, four years into his career Sammy is who his stats say he is. I keep hearing about him having Elite Talent, guess what its the NFL everyone in the league has elite talent or they wouldnt be there. He will be on his third team in two years at the begining of next year, not many elite guys have that said about them.
  15. The Bills offense is unwatchable. First year Ive enjoyed College more than the NFL and honestly have found myself enjoying other NFL games more than the Bills. Been a weird year for sure.
  16. Makes sense. If he stays Mason Rudolph has to be considered the best prospect left. Falk and Browning are starting to show their limitations. Finley from NC State may be a late riser.
  17. I can see why Darnold would go back, a red shirt Sophomore, hasnt graduated etc. But with all the heartburn Rosen has about being in school and also being a graduate what keeps him there if he is alreadly the number one prospect? The class is coming to Earth fast, like it always seems to do. You and Ive discussed it but I cant get on board with Rosen.
  18. I would agree here, albeit partially. Preston Brown is not the long term answer at MLB. However, Bowman probably needs to be on a 3-4 Defense where he can focus on the run as his days being a help in the passing game are behind him. Not worth trading a pick for as he doesnt help us past the short term either.
  19. From day one I thought a good comparison for Shaq in the NFL would be Brandon Graham. At pick 19 it's a long shot you get a 10 to 15 sack a year guy, but I completely disagree Lawson hasnt been a solid player this year, especially for being a a low 1st round pick. He is trending towards 38 tackles for 6.5 sacks, and if you go by stats alone, which your shouldnt thats the type of year you should expect. I think he is right on track. There should have never been an expectation he was going to come in and be a ten sack a year guy, he isnt that type of player.
  20. Cam is a piece of work but man I wish we had the first pick that year
  21. Second awful play of the night for Worley. Got juked out of his cleats by the agile Legarette Blount earlier
  22. Both your replies were dead on. I am not sure if it's because he is Peyton's brother or because of his slack jawed mouth agap lost look, but Eli is one of the most underappreciated Quarterbacks of all time. This isnt a Tyrod thread, but your point on him is wonderfully put.
  23. On pace for 45 catches 675 yards and 6 touchdowns. Doesnt scream 14 million dollar wideout to me.
  24. He is and continues to be awful, except now he has decided not to use his feet. Completely futile
  25. When did 6.2 yards an attempt, 106 yrds no touchdowns and a pick become good for a quarterback?
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