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Everything posted by corta765

  1. Yep been saying for a while the tea leaves are all there for where they want to go and what they want to do. They don't care about people's tailgates believe it or not
  2. I mean there is a difference between actually analyzing something and watching highlights going just off those impressions. Cover 1 did a great breakdown and did criticize some of Daboll. They also did though make valid points that the offense was more hamstrung by NP then anything else and it had chances. That doesn't take away from Warner not being wrong that on first impression they were bad and looked lost nor the fact he's a HOF QB with some good insight. It's two very different perspectives looking at the game from much different lenses. Warner isn't paid to go as in depth as some of the stat guys.
  3. You need to read Cover 1's review of the game. DaBoll did what he could with his part a lot, the players execution failed and he relied on certain things like KB ISO routes to often. But the concepts in general were sound. He is going to get a lot of flak for an offense with no talent
  4. Well who on here had the winning ticket for "after Week 1" being the time we had a post already calling for a new QB to replace Allen
  5. I get this 100% and its how I've felt. I don't want to completely just throw the bathwater out either, but I will say Sunday was the first time I've have had to ask myself a some tough questions about McBeane and their decision making. Long term perhaps adding a solid WR and OL doesn't matter, but I would've rather insulated my rookie QB who will start very sooner then later with one of each compared to this crap. In regards to trades and moves etc... don't go down that road yet. We will not know until the end of the 2019-20 season how to grade anything for real. During the season its such an up and down feeling on player moves/trades etc.. its tough to view things in perspective. Right now not including Allen they seem to have a nice core on defense of Milano, Edmunds, White, Hyde, & Harrison. It true they need a powerful DE rusher and OLB rusher but overall that is a nice core that is pretty cheap on D. The offense we unfortunately just have to wait which determines so much more. They invested a ton into defense early on and truthfully only have Allen, Jones, & Dawkins. Dawkins looks legit, Allen is unknown, Jones not so good. For all we know Allen comes in and turns the backhalf of the season on fire, they add a guy like Randall Cobb, and a solid OL or two and were sitting here waiting like crazy for 2019 to go... OR it just keeps being a tire fire. I wish they had been more aggressive to this point but it is what it is. Skepticism is cool right now I am with you, we just have to wait on the rest which is the hardest part (cue Tom Petty).
  6. Which is why so much is derived from the QB on how a game goes. Lesser QB's have outperformed talent because of moving the offense and capitalizing in some fashion on those opportunities. This game was a team effort in collapsing but the majority of the blame starts with NP. What has become a theme is that any time with the Bills McD's offense is non-existent, if the defense is not perfect the game is over fast and typically a blow out. That is the sole reason why Taylor leaving hurts, he didn't turn the ball over. He didn't do a lot of other things but at least things were safe. The Bills as currently constructed cannot lose the TO battle and have any hope of winning the game. They just don't have enough right now.
  7. I never said that, but the team has only removed WR's and OL of talent and not brought any in for the QB. Yea they could wait another year to add talent like they have, but they need to give Allen help asap. You will not know what you have until the guy has some pieces to work with. I'd rather know by 2020 not 2022 because the Bills waited so dang long to put anything around him and we kept saying it's hard to judge what he has without a roster. This year very much looks like a 3-13 type year and expectations next year shouldn't be much higher even if they do add talent. But people keep acting in this prism that the Bills had to wait until 2019 FA or later same with the draft to add pieces on the offense which I don't understand. Would the Bills have been any worse off long term adding for example John Brown & Justin Pugh which would've given some true depth and talent at OL/WR? The offense has literally added one true piece of talent in the last 2 years with Kelvin Benjamin who looks over his head at WR1. Yes they have Shady and Clay also but they have bled talent for years at WR and this last year OL. That makes it incredibly difficult to judge Allen regardless of how well he plays and pushes the buck further down the road.
  8. Everyone keeps saying we have all this money next year but have you seen the FA WR crop? It's very weak we were better off signing a guy this past offseason and going that route. Randall Cobb and Golden Tate are basically it and I would bet they resign with their current teams before hitting the market. Just because you clean the deck and gain space does not promise improvements on the renovation.
  9. In fairness he did sign last season Poyer, Hyde, DiMarco, & Hauschka for lower $ deals like this and they all had a good addition to the team. BUT you can't gamble that every $ signing that is budget consensus like the one's you listed above would work out also. Would the Bills really have been worse off with $10 million less in capspace but a better OL and WR or CB? Sometimes I think GM's get too fancy of themselves that everything they touch is gold. If you look at even the Darby trade who would be for sure our #2 CB we went from Darby to Gaines to Davis. We basically gained a draft pick and older CB who is worse then the two CBs we let go. Not the best asset mgmt and had they kept Darby perhaps the money on Davis is used on OL or WR. I get its all semantics, but their is validity into asking some tough questions at this GM especially right now.
  10. I don't think yesterday was a fluke. The team lacks talent and is directionless. I will say though that the defense while they did play pretty poor minus the LB corps go put in impossible positions thanks to the offense and turnovers. Consider: -The 51 yard punt return that immediately put the Ravens on our 20 yard line. 17-0 Ravens -Peterman INT that put the Ravens on the Bills 29. 20-0 Ravens -Special Teams blows an easy fumble recovery on the Punt and BAL goes up 26-0 -Bojorquez muffs the punt and the Ravens again have the ball in the Buffalo redzone. 33-0 -Peterman throws another INT and Carr takes it to the Bills 1 yard line. 40-0 Don't get me wrong a good defense limits these problems to FG's, but even if you don't include the failed fumble recovery the Ravens scored 27 pts due to turnovers and bad special teams that had them within our own 30 yard line. No defense has a shot in heck good or bad when that is what your dealing with as a defense. The defense if it had any shot needed some good field position to work with especially given it was a bad day as soon as it was 14-0. The defense may turn out to be OK long term, they have some talent, but I am nervous this is just a preview of many games where the defense is on the field a ton in bad field position with no opportunity to even try to stop the bleeding.
  11. There is losing and being competitive. And then there is losing and being an utter disgrace. They were the latter. I was in the group that saw this as a flawed 4-6 win team, but at least figured the defense would look better. Instead everything looked awful, the team looked disinterested, the coaching staff was a train wreck, and faith in the process is legitimately questioned thanks to our GM's lack of moves to address the OL or WR. These are the kind of games that are red flags on a coach and open really tough and bad questions you don't want to ask but have to.
  12. Agreed. I hadn't come into a season this low since 2010. Holes all over, at best maybe 6 wins which feels every more foolish now, an offense that lacks any identity, and overall just a team that is bridging this year so in 2019 they can make the moves they want. What makes things sooo much harder is the fact they weren't competitive at all and for a quite a few other games won't be. That's really hard on the eyes as opposed to competitive closer losses.
  13. Over (6)- Bills wins 5.5 Under (6)- Allen starts 12 Under (1050)- McCoy rushing yards 1,150 Over (Benjamin 1029)- Leading receiver yards 750 Over (Benjamin 72)- Leading receiver catches 65 Over (18)- Total INTs 15 Under (4 tie between Poyer/Hyde/White)- Player with most INTs 4.5 Under (4 Hughes)- Player with most sacks 8.5 Under (Week 1)- 1st win week 4 Over (8th)- 1st 2019 draft pick number 6 Over (2 McCoy & Hyde)- Bills Pro Bowlers 1.5
  14. Yep the list looks something like this: Baltimore, Denver, Seattle, Dallas, New York Giants, & Chicago. The way people will speak down on the Bills for any issue big or small, they will do the opposite for these teams in a positive way. Chicago is being talked about like their the new Rams despite playing in a division with probably the most complete team in the NFL (MIN) and best QB who single handily can win a Super Bowl by himself. But yea Trubisky is going to in one year make a jump to beat those guys.
  15. Agreed. Remember that preseason in the 3rd game Buffalo stunk it up against Tampa Bay and everyone fretted the same way... and then they beat Chicago in a game everyone had them losing. Typically in situations where things are universally pointed toward one team the end result is far from that.
  16. Agreed. Here is the Ravens record over the past 4 seasons: 2014 10-6, 2015 5-11, 2016 8-8, 2017 9-7 Overall Record: 32-32 Here is the Bills record over the past 4 seasons: 2014 9-7, 2015 8-8, 2016 7-9, 2017 9-7 Overall Record: 33-31 The national media lives off of Baltimore's previous accomplishment because they have won a Super Bowl in the past with Harbaugh and use to have an elite defense in the 2000s. The Bears get a similar praise the moment their relevant about their defense because in 1985 they were great even though it isn't the case. Now I do think the Ravens offense has improved a bit especially at WR, but Flacco hasn't been the same since his knee injury and even before that he never was great, just sometimes really good. I think they could win anywhere from 6 to 10 games, but they are far more mortal then what the media says. They lost to freakin Chicago at home last year and Trubisky threw like 10 yards that game.
  17. 20-17 Buffalo. Buffalo goes up 20-10 heading into the 4th quarter and holds on for a tight 20-17 win. On Monday the NFL is stunned at what occurred. Peterman- 235 yds 1 TD 1 INT McCoy- 76 yds 1 TD Benjamin- 96 yds 5 rec
  18. Eh fans being fans. Over the years I have realized that Ravens fans in general are spoiled to a near Patriots level expectation wise. Even though the Bills and Ravens have both been .500 teams since 2014 their fans think wayyyy higher of themselves then us. Most of that is national media coverage. Baltimore did at some nice WR's and looked decent preseason. The Bills...well even though Peterman actually played excellent all preseason and seemed to grow while the team didnt play their top RB or a lot of their d-line starters are dominated solely by the narrative of Petermans 5 INTs last season and O-line issues. Not saying the Bills won't have issues on O line or that Peterman can't struggle, but its an easy narrative to run with nationally. This is the exact type of sleeper game people overlook where Buffalo is farrr closer then everyone nationally expects. Also Buffalo only got trounced twice last season (NOLA/LAC), the rest of the year they were highly competitive every game and I wouldn't expect much else.
  19. Not saying this will happen but IF the Bills offense were to do well it be for something like this game-plan wise. -McCoy dominates working with an offensive line that isn't offensive to watch -KB performs like a #1 WR requiring double coverage at points opening a rejuvenated Zay in the slot -Clay and Croom create two tough matchups at TE that opens the middle of the field up -Peterman uses a 2-3 step drop to negate blitzing defenses and his quick decision making/accuracy everyone minus the sidelines does a nice Case Keenum 2017 impression This would be my best case scenario and IF it happened the offense is somewhere around 10th overall.
  20. I would say my excitement for the Bills future and the NFL season is a 10. Bills season by comparison 5. Allen isn't starting (which is fine by me) so that takes off some of the fun, Edmunds is learning, a lot of young guys in general are finding the ropes, and in general this team is rebuilding pretty hard. Even when Allen starts I will be judging a lot more then just stats. Whereas last year you knew with Taylor and McCoy the offense could do enough to be a playoff team same with the defense plus McD was new etc... it was a blank canvas which always is a little more exciting.
  21. No. You want to see Allen progress and give you hope that next year he can win 10 games. Honestly a 4-12 season means a better draft pick to keep building the arsenal. I just want to see the competitive and close while the young guys learn.
  22. This was fun. And I love that you used @Dunkirk Don for the name example lol
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