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Everything posted by corta765

  1. I don't know why people bother with these studies and get upset. These studies always are looking at brand, marketability, $ drivers, etc.. Bills fans in the sports world are known in the elitist of the elite for passion and loyalty. It showed really well after they made the playoffs and people went to the airport. We will never be super high even if we win a super bowl because we arent Dallas or NYC for example.
  2. I could see that although I am not nearly as high on the Titans as some and I believe Luck will be back like he was and even if the roster sucks he can elevate them pretty far.
  3. Yea I have wavered between 5,6,7 wins at this point. Division wise I don't see us sweeping either MIA and NYJ for reasons you said. The Jets have really added to their defense and Miami should be better culture wise which should help. The SD/BAL/GB/MIN start is a killer and they have to find a way to be at least 1-3 if they think they can be a playoff team.
  4. I like to go playoffpredictors.com and predict the season. It's fun for me to do to see what I change from week to week and the league itself has changes like Jameis Winstons suspension. Anyway here is my Bills prediction with one sentence describing each game: Week 1 at Baltimore: Loss 19-13. Defense plays like many think but the offense led by Peterman stalls at the end costing the team. Week 2 LA Chargers: Loss 24-21. Good game but the Chargers pull out the win late to send Buffalo to 0-2. Week 3 at Minnesota: Loss 31-13. Defense does it's best until the offense turns the ball over early in the 4th to make this a wash. Week 4 at Green Bay: Loss 27-17. Close game until the mid 4th quarter where a Peterman pick 6 puts the Packers up by 10 pts while the defense holds the Packers to just 20. Week 5 Tennessee: Win 24-14. Bills defense harasses Mariota all day while the offense does enough to get Buffalo's first win at and the team moves to 1-4. Week 6 at Houston: Loss 28-10. Houston throttles the Bills offense into many turnovers and the defense can only stop the bleeding at 28 pts. Week 7 at Indianapolis: Loss 20-13. If this game was in Buffalo the Bills win, but the Colts led by a rejuvenated Andrew Luck do enough to squeak by Buffalo. Week 8 New England: Loss 24-13. Buffalo actually has the lead going into the 2nd half 13-10 and the defense keeps the Patriots to 17-13 until a late 4th quarter drive turnover allows the Patriots to seal the game. Week 9 Chicago: Win 21-17. Buffalo's defense tortures Trubisky into multiple turnovers and the Bills offense manages enough points so the Bills can get their second win to move to 2-7. Week 10 New York Jets: Loss 17-9. The game is an absolute snoozefest between two good defenses and two awful offenses with the Jets having a little more luck scoring points. Bye Week- At the bye the Bills are 2-8 with a defense that is close to great and offense not doing nearly enough with Peterman playing pedestrian at best. McD decides to let Allen start after the bye against Jacksonville. Week 12 Jacksonville: Loss 23-21. Allen has a solid start against a very good Jags defense that isn't sure what to expect, but Allen can't lead the offense to a win on the final drive. Week 13 Miami: Loss 23-10. Allen gets his first real taste of reality in the NFL on the road against a rebounding Miami team that has its way with the Bills throughout Week 14 New York Jets: Win 23-20. Allen gets his first win in the battle between the rookies and throws for over 300 yards leaving Bills fans drooling over a glimpse to his possible future. Week 15 Detroit: Win 28-20. The offense now showing signs of life has their most complete game and the defense does its job in the best win of the season against a shaky Lions team. Week 16 New England: Loss 31-17. Bills stay in it until the 4th quarter where Allen turns the ball over and Brady seals the game. Week 17 Miami: Win 21-14. The Bills beat Miami in a cold season finale with the defense locking things down and Allen having a solid performance capping a decent rookie start for him. Overall 5-11 with Bills having a hard start but finishing winning 3 of 5 and Allen showing a lot of potential and getting praise/hype going into 2019 the way Garrapollo did.
  5. I live in Rochester (grew up BLO family still there) and my wife and I will come in for events that are non game. We almost game in for a Steve Hauscka Jordan Poyer signing in January but a massive car wreck on the 90 in January stopped that. We also go to training camp regularly but yea if there was an event we'd be there or try at least.
  6. 100%. I had no problem with criticizing the team and questioning the decision making. As a fan I tended to agree with a lot of what was said, I remember especially after the 2016 Steeler game everyone just saying can Rex and Whaley and restart the disaster straight up. I thought during that the media actually did a good job to illustrate how out of control the Bills FO was. BUT yea they crossed far too many lines and even with new management they were ready to attack anything remotely wrong. There is fair and balanced reporting with criticism and then chasing the smallest fire the size of a cigarette. Sullivan I think his voice had become dry over the years and he was to opinionated in his own ways, but had he adjusted a bit could've been fire. Bucky Gleason though was a straight up jerk and I was thrilled to see him go. The last time he wrote anything remotely fair to the Sabres was tens years plus. And yea as a owner I would restrict access if we were constantly harnessed at every step for not taking the wisdom of two reporters from TBN.
  7. If you read the piece while buyouts were an option all of them chose to leave. They were not forced out and in Sully/Gleason case neither like the direction things were going. That's a big difference. That said the BN Blitz is every much the disaster it seems and mgmt absolutely messed that up.
  8. I am 30 I have no memory of a good MNF game. Just a list of worst losses tied by the Dallas debacle and McKelvin fumble.
  9. I don't disagree the offense is worse on paper then last year thats been covered in length on here. But the laziness of people with the defense is truly astonishing. The secondary was Top 10 last year and added Vontae Davis a former pro bowl talent, they added a potential all pro at LB, and the DL got depth added all over plus a DT that should eat space how they want. Additionally the defense after the 3 game losing streak rebounded nicely back to being the bend not break unit they were while holding NE and KC two of the top offenses to 23 pts and 13 pts respectfully. Plus Matt Milano who became a starter after the 3 game skid of course is not mentioned for helping to improve the unit. I still have them at 5-11 6-10 but I despise how people just right off the defense so quick.
  10. Don't disagree in the least. I have zero hard data on this but I swear QB's drafted high who wait a bit tend to do better then those thrown to the wolves. Carson Palmer, Jared Goff, Drew Brees, Aaron Rodgers, Eli etc.. all spent some amount of time on the bench. Obviously not a guarantee as shown by JP but especially with his talent and areas needed for improvement I have to think it would do wonders.
  11. I've generally thought they are not going to rush Allen. BUT from what I have read and heard he seems ahead of schedule in his limited work and I could absolutely see him pushing hard for the starter spot. Thing is Peterman looks to be also progressing soo it'll be interesting.
  12. If we did that every offseason I feel like you'd feel that way most of the time: 2017: Loss Gilmore, Gillislee, Woods, Goodwin, Graham, & Coleman. (Plus traded Sammy & Darby) Added: Tre White, Poyer, Hyde, Dawkins, Hauschka, Milano, Wright, Holmes, & Corey Brown Mind you that hindsight looks amazing with White, Poyer, Hauschka, Dawkins, Milano, & Hyde and that they hit a home run all over but at the time no one saw Tre or Poyer especially being to the level they were and Dawkins/Milano playing really well as they found their footing. I don't disagree that some of our losses especially O-line wise and the WR corp feels even worse then last year somehow. I hated them not even keeping Deonte Thompson
  13. The Talking Proud thing set the entire city and region back by 30 years which we are just recovering from. It should burned and never seen again. Additionally their current uni set is pretty close to their 1980 unis minus a change here or there.
  14. I read his work and respected it highly. However your twitter/social presence does have an effect on how your viewed etc.. Personally I could separate the two and at times agreed with TG at others disagreed. At the same point his tweets on Bennett when a charity event itself was being run certainly crossed a professional line for someone in his spot IMO. In today's climate and environment where outrage is everyone and your watched on your every move he may have crossed one too many lines on it. I actually think he is better off doing work outside of TBN he had great work before rejoining anyway.
  15. I am one of those in the "this team is 5-11 6-10" camp so I am not drinking the coolaid. I freely would admit I expect the team to regress this year due to luck swinging against them and in general an offense that won't do enough to support a potentially decent defense. That said some of his remarks are straight pot shots and scream of a someone who only looks at numbers to analyze everything and nothing else matters when building a roster. Saying a team mistakenly made the playoffs is about as dumb as it gets. Culture is a major competent to the success of any org regardless of sports. Incredibly talented organizations have fallen despite the talent they had because the culture destroyed any chance of success. Outside of Marrone this franchise has lacked a clear concise culture from its coach and in total from owner to coach going back to the days of John Butler. It really f*ckin mattered they made the playoffs given the pressure and decisions made during the drought and the weight it lifted. It shifted the expectations finally from just making the playoffs to winning consistently long term. I've read a lot of Silva's stuff and he basically believes the Bills should've sold off everything last year to rebuild to bottom out at like 2-14. Ask the Browns how that's gone for years and where they stand. Drafting QB's is the biggest gamble period. The Bills at least took a shot at a guy, they have $100 million in cap, and a good amount of picks in 2019 to build with Allen long term. The majority of major NFL media understand all of this and have praised what McBeane are building. You have no guarantees in sports but the plan is there in plain sight which is vastly different compared to years and years before. Like I said their certainly is valid criticism for the current roster I have no clue why the heck we didn't resign even Deonte Thompson at WR but I am just one opinion and voice. I wish analyst's like Silva would do less interjection of their personnel view on building a roster/team and actually analyze even if it is different from their beliefs. He seems to want to dissent for the sake of dissenting. On twitter he is blocking anyone who disagrees even if their argument has any fact because he is set in his ways.
  16. Hey just wondering if anyone has an inside scoop on camp. Usually by now I feel like they announce the dates and everything and we still have nothing.
  17. Not only that the amount of hair brained suggestions people make would make me have a dwindling patience. The two year reign of "There is something about Jeff Tuel, I've watch football for 40 years and this kid has it" by various callers in Cheektowaga and else where would've forced me into retirement.
  18. I like the show enough but Murph absolutely has a more pro Bills vibe then his previous radio show before the Bills partnered with WGR. I think he was willing to be more objective back then he can't now with the parternship between the Bills and WGR. FYI thats the norm across all teams from what I've seen. My buddy is a huge Cowboys fan and their show is very "state radio" controlled message that really won't dip into the weeds much.
  19. 1. Allen wins the job week 1 and puts up a season like Wentz year 1. Some good some bad with potential to be great. 2. Benjamin breaks 1000 yards and the Bills resign him for 4 years 12 million 3. Defense improves to 14th in the league led my a great secondary and solid LB corp. The D-line is improved and not walked over anymore but still lack a true pass rusher to make the unit special. Bonus: Bills go 6-10 but beat NE on MNF.
  20. This is something I referenced in the original post. If the offense struggles and the D is always on the field 35 mins with poor field position we could see a D statistically not much better play on the field.
  21. Good point. Just feels really out of place either way given the circumstances of the event. And on a side note at what point if someone is convicted of something and they pay their debt to society are they allowed to function? Are they allowed to go to normal things like this or are they suppose to hide away at all costs? (All of this meant as a true question not in anyway snark. My mother hates Mike Vick and felt he should never have been allowed to return, I said he paid his time and if he chooses to return its his right)
  22. Yeah its a bummer because they've lost a lot of good producers but makes sense.
  23. Whether your religious or not the biblical verse about throwing the first stone at those with sin is pretty true here. So many people are willing to judge from their glass house without any regard to their own life. Not saying Bennett isn't a jerk for what occurred but talk about awful rhetoric and time/place by Tim Graham.
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