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Everything posted by corta765

  1. Don't disagree with fearing Ottawa was not confident going in only in hindsight does it make sense. I was at the first game we beat them that season which Miller went toe to toe with Hasek and we won 2-1 in a shootout. The arena was chanting USA after for Miller because the US brilliantly didn't take him on the Olympic roster. One of the coolest moments I've ever been at.
  2. 2006 Sabres were better then 2006 Senators and 2007 Senators were better then 2007 Sabres. 06 Sabres/07 Senators both were the top teams in the league the 2nd half of the season whereas the other two teams benefited from insanely hot starts to the season that made them slightly better then they were. 2007 Sabres were a paper tiger in terms of team composition. 07 Youth could score but lacked the heart and grind like you mention that vets who left like McKee, Dumont, & Grier had.
  3. I suppose I am in the big step back camp even though I had them at 8-8 just because I think 6-10 or 7-9 is very likely. I believe the team will be competitive and not blown out in games because I do think the defenses improves. But the offense needs time for the O-line to gel, they are incredibly shaky at WR after Benjamin, and while the offense wasn't sensational in the least last year they didn't turn the ball over. If they open it up and have more turnovers that's no conducive for a young learning offense/QB. Personally I am ok with this because Wentz's Eagles went 7-9 and Goff's Rams were even worse, but both grew big time last year. I just want to see enough signs that this really can work long term.
  4. At Baltimore: L vs LAC: W At Vikings: L at Packers: L (1-3 1st quarter in) vs Tennessee: W at Houston: L At Colts: W vs Patriots: W (4-4 2nd quarter in) Vs Bears: W at Jets: L Vs Jags: L at Miami: L (5-7 3rd quarter in) Vs Jets: W Vs Lions: W at Patriots: L vs Miami: W (8-8 4th quarter in) I actually could see them 7-9 or even 6-10 with losses to LAC and more likely Pats at home (although I have a good feeling for that one). This to me is a transition season and all about Allen's development. As long as they don't crater to like 4 wins I"m ok with 5-7 wins.
  5. Haha after the Dolphins game I grabbed my dolphins trading cards I had and was about to start ripping them up in anger but my Dad wouldnt let me haha (glory days of being a 10 year old)
  6. So here is a fun thing I want to try to keep going until we get to pre-season. Every Friday we flashback to a season and comment on what you remember from that you that was memorable good or bad. To kick it off lets focus on the Bills 1998 season. For me the biggest thing I remember from that season is the game against JAX where at the end Flutie leads the game winning drive and on 4th down does a QB roll out to score the TD. If I am not mistake JAX was undefeated at the time and for Buffalo a win would get them back to .500. The excitement from the game just seemed to bleed over to the rest of the year. Looking back at the video highlights it looked like one of those games you wished you were at.
  7. Its funny if they looked at BB's tree for guys who went on to be GM's and Presidents its farrr more successful. You have Ozzie Newsome for starters, Scott Peoli, Demtrioff etc.. Coach wise Saban may be his most successful and he is in the college ranks. But I think those who got his tutelage for non coaching positions have done well in my $.02 opinion
  8. Thats why I have them splitting. Their defense is improved, their offense has some pieces especially at WR, and if Darnold is anything decent they are a challenge.
  9. Houstons defense is really good and with an even average Watson it is a tough game with the talent they have. Plus we are on the road it isn't a home game. Like for insistence the Chargers I think is winnable because its home, on the road I think its a really tough game as shown last year regardless of Peterman. I think the Bills because of the defense can be competitive in almost all the game with maybe a blow out loss at NE or GB because every team has a really bad week. I just think road games in general are tough to win and with a porous offense plus the opponents they have its a tough go.
  10. After having some time to marinate between free agency, the draft, and the schedule I finally have taken a bit of a look at the season for real and where I kind of see things playing. This is based off what we know I understand that come October some teams could change in terms of what we think so take it with a grain of salt as always and just have fun with it. Home: Looking at the Bills home schedule I see five games which I would say I expect them to win: NYJ, MIA, DET, TEN, & CHI After that I see the Chargers and Jaguars games as ones I would expect us to be slight underdogs but we should have a fighting chance and of course NE haha which is what it is. With that I think is reasonable for the Bills to be around 6-2 at home. They seem to really feed off the crowd last year and play really well minus the NOLA game. Believe it or not I actually kinda trust them at home with this coaching staff against everyone minus NE. The road though yeesh! Games I expect to lose: NE, MIN, GB, HOU Games that we may have a chance but it will be tough sledding to some extent: NYJ, MIA, IND, BAL I really can't find a game on the road I expect them to win. I understand a lot of people think the Jets and Dolphins should be easy wins but we blew it on the road last year in NY and they look improved at all areas. MIA we swept last year and even though I believe they will be one of the five worst teams in football I still don't think its cake walk and see them winning. IND is the one game that seems most winnable at this point even if Luck plays. Last year part of the reason the Bills made the playoffs last year is they won two big games (ATL/KC) that none of us saw them winning. They will have to do that again this year against what I feel is an even rougher schedule across the board on the road in some really tough places to win. 3-5 hopefully would be good enough to keep them in the race, but truthfully if they plan on really being in the playoffs 4-4 minimum would be the goal on the road and that looks even tougher then last year.
  11. I don't disagree the WR corp is very shaky but the OL people need to really slow down on. Even with their losses Incognito was one or two seasons left at most and they knew that position could change. Cordy Glenn has barely played for the last two years and the LT they have in Dawkins played just as well last year. They have enough starters that I want to give it time before we criticize. Second with the change in offensive scheme by Dabol we really don't know how good or bad this offensive line would be anyway because they will have to learn it and gel together. I think people are downplaying how much scheme and the guys playing as a unit matters to its success. Don't forget that offensive line was considered a liability until Taylor came in and many of those who departed were on the previous offensive line that was criticized. So lets give it some time to see how things shake out.
  12. Why would we need Colby Fleener when they have Charles Clay, Nick O'Leary who came into his own last year, and Logan Thomas who they have developing while WR is paramount by comparison to add for pass catcher.
  13. Exactly. Even so I could see them after this year buying it out especially if McD has another good season which would only empower them more decision making wise. Living here in Rochester I love that we get training camp but I have accepted its on borrowed time since last year when McD changed the schedule to be way less fan oriented (which is fine team first) and we only got one night practice. I know he wants it back in Buffalo and it will be at some point. We might get or scrimmage or two but that-ll be it.
  14. I read his column every Monday great insight although I do agree he may have lost his fastball a little. Big loss NFL wise because he had so much knowledge he shared, but the rest of the MMQB crew is great. Just stinks because he loved Bills training camp and always gave us good reviews.
  15. This 10000%. Aaron Rodgers may be the best QB in football and the Packers have been successful but the Vikings have challenged them many of times despite this because the team is well run. If your managed well you will have a despite shot for success routinely. I think if NFL teams were to show fans how some are truly managed you would be blown away at the ineptitude in some orgs.
  16. By the same token there are a lotttt of rich people who are not necessarily the brightest. I don't doubt Terry isn't smart, but for a major sports org where everything is analyzed inside and out she comes off far better then he does. I am sure in the business world he is far more savy then her tenfold. Half of being a sports owner is PR relations and managing it correctly. She excels at that where he just isn't as strong.
  17. She is a farrrr better voice to be speaking then Terry. I trust her when she talks, Terry is nice and all but aloof as heck or at least seems that way.
  18. Wrong. Owners have to get involved to some extent. Do you honestly think after last seasons protests which the Pegula's directly had to get involved with their players, that they didn't speak with Allen also regarding the tweets posted and whether they wanted a player like him in the organization depending on what he had to say. I would be slightly concerned if my owner had absolutely no idea about any player moves given how personality and character especially in today's world can have drastic consequences if your not paying attention. Plus in a position like QB that individual is expected to be the face of your franchise for hopefully 10-15 years and someone you are going to pay millions upon millions of dollars. If my team was making that type of commitment I'd want to at least be involved a little in the process. I would still let my GM make the call but I wouldn't be asleep at the wheel. ALL OWNERS are involved. The difference is to what degree. Jerry Jones and Dan Snyder especially are the anti-thesis of what you want. They are too involved and as a result cause to many problems. At the other end of the spectrum the Rooney's from Pittsburgh almost forced Big Ben out after his sexual misconduct and motorcycle crash because they didn't want that associated with their organization. Finding a healthy balance of where to be is key and teams like Pittsburgh/NYG typically are models of this. The Pegulas with both teams took some time to find the healthy middle ground of not being overly involved. Rex Ryan's hire was their failure, but to the same token McBeane is looking like their success and in general they now seem at a safe distance. The single most important thing is for the owner, gm, and coach all to be on the same page and vision. Issues arise very quickly like we saw with Whaley with Marrone/Ryan when things aren't in unison and the owner sides with one of the other.
  19. Truthfully this is where fans make a mountain out of a mole hill. I get Russ seems to be close to universally despised by Bills fans and many for some dumb reason think he has had a role in football affairs despite not for years now. But what exactly is news worthy that the president of the business side of the house leaving requires any great announcement. Its pretty clear based off the Bills announcement his forced resignation was based off some real bad stuff and no organization is going to go around and keep bringing it up in various forums. It's a major news story in the eyes of those who dislike him or because a person in his position left a major organization but I fail to understand who a show geared on the football team itself which focuses on everything from team, schedule, picks, etc.. would recognize something that has zilch to do with the football side. Also depending on if any law suits come from this PSE may have been advised to limit any conversation for legal matters.
  20. You heard it here first 23-0. Sweep the pre season... regular season... playoffs... superbowl champs
  21. That picture should more or less summarize the Marrone era. Truthfully I have always been skeptical Toronto was all Bills driven. Given the NFL's push to international markets, the fact we had a really old owner without a replacement plan, and the want for a better stadium in Buffalo I have always thought the NFL had at least a piece in that decision. I think they may have said "if you plan on regionalizing the team and trying to stay long term we need to see you in Toronto". Not at all doubting Brandon drove that himself and in general Brandon for mostly better did help regionalize the team across the State and Canada. But yea Toronto straight up sucked.
  22. Dobutful. SJF has invested big time for the Bills to have the facilities at their standards and the impact regionally in Rochester to create Bills fans is unbelievable. I grew up in Buffalo and was stunned when I moved here how much people really are hardcore for the Bills to the point it feels like your in Buffalo. McD will probably keep doing what he did last year where he does a portion of practice/night practice in Buffalo which allows everyone to kind of win. Funny fact Rochester until the late 80/early 90s was a Browns town because that was the way the broadcast rights were and during that time the Browns were a preeminent NFL franchise. It was only when the Bills got good things changed and the the TV rights switched. The older generation 50 and above actually still have a lot of Browns faithful. Many are also Bills fans but still a ton are mainly Cleveland.
  23. I kinda figured it was a joke but you stirred up a minor hornets nest. Rochester has become a major Bills town thanks to the regionalization efforts and when players/alumni come to events the place is swamped. People here are just as passionate as in Buffalo.
  24. Truthfully I bet the over because in my head I think the defense has a enough talent to be top10ish in the league so they are in every game they play. I don't think they will be better then 7 or 8 wins but in my head that's where I have them. The Jets and Dolphins both will be pretty bad especially with NY breaking in a rookie so if the Bills even go 2-2 vs them I think I can find 5 more wins. In my heart I am more with @Kirby Jackson and think even if the defense is improved the offense is a major work in progress and the QB position will seal the fate pretty quickly for the team. Even if Allen starts and does well he will still take his lumps (I have no faith in the other two), their pass catches are shaky at best, and the O-line needs a year to solidify. Plus the schedule is a bear and starting out 0-4 is a real possibility. I don't want this to happen but I have this awful feeling we are 2-5 or 1-6 for the nightgame against NE and the season is straight up toast.
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