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Everything posted by corta765

  1. This is something I referenced in the original post. If the offense struggles and the D is always on the field 35 mins with poor field position we could see a D statistically not much better play on the field.
  2. Good point. Just feels really out of place either way given the circumstances of the event. And on a side note at what point if someone is convicted of something and they pay their debt to society are they allowed to function? Are they allowed to go to normal things like this or are they suppose to hide away at all costs? (All of this meant as a true question not in anyway snark. My mother hates Mike Vick and felt he should never have been allowed to return, I said he paid his time and if he chooses to return its his right)
  3. Yeah its a bummer because they've lost a lot of good producers but makes sense.
  4. Whether your religious or not the biblical verse about throwing the first stone at those with sin is pretty true here. So many people are willing to judge from their glass house without any regard to their own life. Not saying Bennett isn't a jerk for what occurred but talk about awful rhetoric and time/place by Tim Graham.
  5. I think you have some valid points with the d-line. Unless Hughes turns back up or Shaq finds his thing they aren't elite. I do think they can be productive which this coaching staff is good with. LB corp potentially could be dominant in another year or two, this year will take some time but the talent is there at 2 of the 3 spots. Overall if they are even just in the middle defense wise in ypg its good with me.
  6. OH I haven't been a believer in Baltimore's offense since they let their top 3 starters go in Rice, Boldin, & Smith in successive years. Their offensive line is solid it will probably being a boring a$$ game in the trenches. If Buffalo's QB can find anyway to hit a few deep buffalo should win.
  7. OK so I am not here to say the Bills defense will suck or be a bad unit. In fact I think they could Top 10ish in the league and looking back on the season see a formidable unit with its best days to come. With that said I have seen a lottt of posters assuming all ready this defense is going to be great with some going as far as Top 5. I love the enthusiasm but we need to take the reality pill a little also. Consider: -The Bills have not one but two rookie LB's they basically are playing full time. Milano may not be a rookie and got some seasoning but he himself will still need time to adjust to his role. Assuming Edmunds week 1 will just step in without any mistakes and be lights out is a dangerous bet. I think he could win DROY but the kid will need some games to establish himself and learn the flow. I think Edmunds will rock long term and by mid season be showing his potential but slow down on his immediate impact also. -The front 7 is injecting potentially three new starters (Edmunds, Murphy, Star) who also will need time as a unit to grow as a group. Could they start the season on a tear? Sure, they also could need a few weeks to adjust and have issues as they find their way. In no way will this unit struggle against the run like last year I think they will hold their own pretty well, but ascending from bottom 30 to Top 5 is a heck of a leap for a line. -The secondary while it should be good and could be great is relying on two starters (Vontae Davis & Philip Gaines) who have injury histories. I think Davis history is overstated still exists, but Gaines absolutely has issues. If everyone is healthy that is a major difference in coverage compared to what it looks like if either is out. -The Bills defense can still be better but the first half of the schedule especially faces some teams where holding them to 24 pts or less should be seen as a victory. The Chargers, Pats, Packers, Vikings, & Texans (potentially) all offer explosive offenses where just the defense keeping it within a score would be success. Additionally all of these teams have good to great offensive lines, plus a team like Baltimore is returning a guy like Marshall Yanda to the lineup. Remember Seattle's defense started building back in 2011, it wasn't until 2013 which they had their coming out party a full 2 years later. -The Bills offense will probably have issues moving the ball so the defense will have to be on the field a lot and at points in rough field placement. They managed decently with this last year, but even so it still takes a toll on the defense after a while. Like I said I think this Bills defense actually will be pretty decent and I could see them absolutely near the Top 10. The 2013 defense for Buffalo isn't as highly regarded as 2014 but it finished 10th in ypg after being 22nd the year earlier. Our defense finished 26th last year so jumping in the Top 10 range would be a giant improvement alone. It's rare that teams leap rather then take a step first. A modest improvement this season that sees our defense mold into the unit it wants to be by the end of the season would be great in my eyes.
  8. The defense I am not concerned with. Its the offense which I fear can barely put up 10 pts and they lose 14-10 or some craptastic game like that which makes you want to stab your eyes like 2 years ago. Your drinking the koolaid a little but also underplaying it may take a few weeks for all of the pieces to mesh together also. Even if they allow 21 pts I don't think the defense necessarily did bad especially given the offense will most likely not be on the field much so they will have a lot of drives to stop.
  9. Wentz first season for as decent as he was he plateaued and hit the typical rookie wall. People reallyyyy need to slow down expectations for a rookie. It is incredibly rare a guy comes in and things go well enough to be .500 let alone playoffs. McCarron playing well enough would be more believable if we had better WR's and the O line was more known.
  10. That's where I am. I want to just see the defense and Edmunds look like a Top 10 unit while Allen shows potential to truly by into. The rest of gravy.
  11. I agree we will be around 5-7 wins but the defense does not have the holes some say which is frustrating because if they actually researched they'd see our D has the potential to be Top 10ish. The D line is solid enough to not get run over anymore, the LB core is fine assuming Edmunds is the real deal, and the secondary is the strength of the team. IDK just gets tiring at points that analysts are so lazy. I wouldn't be surprised if heading into next year the narrative is "Buffalo's defense has a lot of talent if the offense can just take enough of a step they are for real"
  12. Certainly is possible. I have the Bills somewhere between 5-7 wins, if its 6 or 5 especially I could absolutely see the Browns having more then us.
  13. Assuming Allen is the guy this is the best chance while he is on a rookie contract to be able to spend to put guys around him. You will have to overpay but the Eagles did with Alshon Jefferey and it worked out fine.
  14. Yes and No. Yes because I see them doing what the Rams did with Goff adding some OL and for sure another solid WR. The defense is relatively set minus perhaps another pass rusher or LB at this point. So I think you will see smart but aggressive signing for targeted players like Hyde, Star, & Murphy the past two years. For insistence a guy like Randall Cobb who is potentially available in 2019 would be a nice guy to pair with Benjamin, hopefully Zay, and another drafted WR. That will cost some dough though. Bradin Cooks is another who is a FA in 2019 who could do well. Either way they will spend money on what they want. No because I don't think you will see a spending spree like the Bills did in 2015 offseason which hurt this team down the road to now. This group is too smart to make that mistake and they've showed it so far. Beane told Terry when he took the job he would have the cap cleaned in 2 years. Well 2019 its clean they aren't going to spend 80 million of it and wreck it. Truthfully I am more concerend with a well rounded WR corp then a true #1. Those only really happen through the draft and you need some luck. BUT having Diggs, Benjamin, hopefully an improved Zay, and a new drafted WR would make me pretty happy in 2019.
  15. Bledsoe against the Texans (forgot the season) ran out of bounds on 4th down rather then throwing. It was the final play for the Bills if they didn't convert and my dad and I were quite puzzled.
  16. I had seasons and sit routinely in the 100s. If you are above row 20 the view is fine and you will see everything. Closer the get the more intense the experience although you lose some sight line. In general New Era Field has been routinely in the Top 3 sight lines to watch an NFL game so you will have a good seat regardless.
  17. I feel like I have read this type of thread on an every other week basis. People are absolutely bored right now
  18. Truthfully I really don't hate Boston's teams just currently its a really really high dislike. The Bruins may be the one of the bunch I'd say I hate because I don't respect how they play the game and they always seem to be cheap shot artists. The Patriots though I am at the point of Stockholm syndrome their my enemy but I respect what they do and also know its highly unsustainable long term and will fade. Celtics I generally like and respect. Red Sox don't care for but they have a cool history and ball park. If anything I'm jealous of their championships, but they also went a super long time with nothing minus the Celtics success so I know its jealousy. By the same token I DO HATE RANGERS, JETS, AND YANKEES. Jets fans are the most hilariously arrogant bunch because they won a Super Bowl 50 plus years ago that most can't remember and have done literally nothing league wide since then of any importance. I like seeing the Jets lose and 2015's season finally was oh so glorious. My hatred list for football would look something like this: 1. Pittsburgh 2. NYJ 3. Seattle (This a**hole bunch acts like they are gods greatest gift to fandom and need to stay in their lane big time) 4. Miami (I still remember the hatred it's there just needs some time to reignite) 5. New England
  19. A source of mine who knows the broadcast crew was informed this was 100% true at least early on with Kane years 1 and 2. The players like Eichel and Rhino worshiped the money he made and apparently there was an altercation between Kane v Gionta where Gionta said he owed him respect and Kane replied he was washed up and didn't make much to that extent. Kane was seen as that rockstar figure by Eichel and Rhino something the team could not afford given the youth and experience of the kids they had.
  21. Thanks, Truthfully the odds are pretty low that he completely bombs like Ryan Leaf or jumps out big like Russell Wilson year 1 so my realistic prediction is more just off what most rookies do. Even EJ after year 1 had some good some bad, year 2 is the critical one unless year 1 swings big time one or the other.
  22. Best Case: 11-5 season where we challenge NE for the title with a stud rookie QB and ferocious defense ready to roll. Worst Case: 3-13 season where he looks lost at QB prompting not much faith in him for year 2 regardless of O-line or WR help. The team craters and makes the good vibes from 2017 and building something feel distant. Realistically: 5-7 win season with hopeful growth from Allen where he has a few good to great games (300 yds and 2-3 TDs) that give you a glimpse of his long term potential ala Carson Wentz year 1. Defense rounds into shape as a Top 10 unit that gives you faith that with some offensive improvement in 2019 they can be a real force. His stats in my opinion: 3400 yds, 20 TDs 15 INTs 58% completion
  23. Agreed. I have zero issue if a columnist was critical of a player or the team, I write for a Sabers website and have had my criticisms. The difference though is both Sully and Bucky would take unnecessary shots and criticism at players, the team, and the owners that was unwarranted. My understanding is that the Pegula's got fed up with both of them real quick and effectively started blocking or just not giving access to both. Additionally with WGR gaining a major foothold they always seemed bitter about that development. I will say both teams awful performance had to take a toll because I don't think anyone was to constantly have to write about negative stories, but even in the good moments Bucky still could find a way to be negative. Newer blood has been needed for a long time in the sports area so this is 100% for the best.
  24. Atlanta. Didn't really think we had a shot against a SB caliber team and the fact they pulled out the win in a game they have lost so many times during the drought was such a massive change in mentality. Even if they wouldn't have made the playoffs I felt different about this org because they showed true competence for the first time in a very long time. Plus the game itself was really fun we had a party in our backyard watching and were going nuts the entire time. Lots of adult beverages were consumed after the victory haha.
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