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Everything posted by BillsfaninChicago

  1. Really excited the Bills are coming to Chicago even if it is preseason and even if I have to see some Bears fans. I will definitely be there!
  2. That is probably one of my favorite NFL referee clips of all time. What an awesome person that put some great life into the league.
  3. Soldier Field’s tailgating atmosphere is horrible. There is next to nothing around the stadium, you risk getting an open container ticket pretty much anywhere you go. As for Arlington Heights the only thing I know is they have a race track which serves excellent Bloody Marys. I would say that is an upgrade right there!
  4. Ding! Ding! Teef wins and I disagree the spaghetti carbonara and vanilla gelato I ate tonight at the restaurant in my neighborhood where I saw Marv was amazing!
  5. Find the Truth! Whoever guesses right gets to go next! 1. I have less than one percent body fat 2. I got a 1600 on my SATS 3.I am writing this message as I have dinner in the same restaurant as Marv Levy right now
  6. I loved every pick this year. I get that it wasn’t necessarily an exciting draft this year but for once it didn’t have to be.
  7. He always looked like a super high garden gnome to me...
  8. I am a little uneasy with this Sal Cappacio guy as our 5th quarterback.
  9. Ronnie Harmon! I was in first grade and I still remember that drop...
  10. It seems just like yesterday when we were “winning the off season” and losing consistently in the regular season just like them...
  11. The only question I have about the trade is was Atlanta’s front office drunk or high? 🧐
  12. Oh we have all been there the Patriots are going through the same rebuild we did. They are at year 2001...just 16 more years to go!
  13. In 2009 when One Brandon Drive was pushing the “continuity” narrative I would have agreed with you.
  14. It’s a metal football... I think she needs to apologize to me for making me defend Brady ☝️
  15. Most of the players from 2017 were either, drafted, signed, or retained by Whaley. That team ended the drought. You can assign credit however you would like but it would clearly be Whaley that would get the most credit out of that era for ending the drought. I am actually hard pressed to remember what Bean had actually done to contribute to the 2017 season at that point. Remember Whaley left and he came in after the draft. I know we traded Watkins and Darby for some draft picks Gaines I believe and the got robbed by Carolina with the Kelvin Benjamin trade but at that point the plan was to build for the future not win now. Don’t get me wrong Bean is a far better GM than Whaley. However there were some positives he had including his contributions to ending a 17 year period of futility.
  16. Yes I am aware they made the playoffs after he was fired when I said “essentially put together” it means the large majority of players on that team were put there by him. Meaning he played a part in ending the drought.
  17. It is not a bad take and to be honest I never understood the hate he gets. The team he essentially put together did end the playoff drought.
  18. It is my fault! I was at the game and just didn’t reach the right buzz level drinking. Lousy 13 dollar Bud Lights....
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