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Everything posted by oldmanfan

  1. He will evolve as he continues to mature. Like Elway did. You must be new around here
  2. He will need to transition more, but there is no question he has the arm to do so.
  3. Folks keep talking about Josh running out of time to win a championship. Here’s a link to ages of all SB winning QBs: Lots of older guys, some younger guys. I think the average age is around 31. So he’s got plenty of time. He will likely not be as much the runner, but that’s OK.
  4. If Brady wanted to be coached hard it ‘s OK for Josh to have the same.
  5. My heartfelt sympathies for you and the family.
  6. Jackson caves again in the playoffs. Throwing into triple coverage. I don’t think he’ll ever win a championship
  7. Let him install his entire playbook in the off-season. Then we’ll see. Still needs another weapon or two.
  8. Shakir? Pretty well. Oliver? Pretty well. Rousseau? Pretty well. Epinesa? Not bad. Then throw in guys like Torrence, Brown (yes he played well this year), Bernard, Benford, Jackson. i think you’ve been warned recently about trolling. This kind of stuff is why.
  9. Of course you make that throw. Shakir was wide open. Puts you up 4 and KC has to score a TD. Everyone assumes they would have done so, but maybe not.
  10. Love the Sabres as well, just that this is a Bills message board. When I was a kid my dad would take us to the Bisons games all the time. Then when the Knox brothers got the Sabres into the NHL it became pretty hard to get tickets, even in the new orange seats. But their PR director lived across the street from me and sometimes he’d get me a ticket when I cleared his driveway. Those were the days. The French Connection. Shoeney going through the Zamboni entrance in his fight with Cashman. My favorite was Danny Gare. Sundays we’d watch or listen to the Bills game at 1:00, then watch the late NFL game, eat dinner at the half, and watch the Sabres at 7 - seemed they almost always played Sunday night at 7.
  11. I was 4 years old sitting with my dad and older brother in the Rockpile for the first ever game in 1960. Like Shaw as a kid I lived for the Bills; we got both the News and the Courier and I devoured every item Bills related. To this day the Hit Heard Round the World is the greatest play in the history of Bills football. So when you ask how is older fans do it, part of it is the memories we have. We will always have the memories of the 2 AFL championships. For me personally, I have memories of going to watch my dad ref charity basketball games when the Bills would play back in the 60’s, and hanging out in the locker room with my heroes. Or watching OJ live. Or being there for the Monday night opener in ‘74, still the best football game I’ve ever seen. Or helping carry the goalposts to Ralph’s box when we finally squished the Fish opening day in 1980. Other more modern memories to be sure. The SB years, watching the K gun and Bruce and Thurm and Kelly. Now watching Josh and not believing the talent that kid has. When you grow up in WNY (Town of Tonawanda for me) the Bills just were an integral part of your life. And remained so for many of us when careers caused us to move away. I moved in 1983 after grad school, but it doesn’t matter. The memories and tradition keep you a fan forever. And you pass it along. Both my daughters grew up just outside Indy, and my older one has been a fan since she could watch football. One of my proudest parent moments was when they would have Colts Spirit Day on Fridays and she’d wear her Bills stuff to school. My younger one is a more recent convert but proudly wears Bills stuff on campus most days even though she’s in Bengals country. And the two of them, my future son-in-law, my wife and I group text through each and every game. So why put myself through this for 64 years? Because I cannot imagine life without doing so. They’re the Bills. They’re my team. They made my hometown a major league town. Like Shaw, I’ve mellowed with age. I was sad Monday morning, but not despondent. I think Josh will get us a Lombardi or two before he’s done. With the current coach? Maybe, maybe not. Changes will be made, some will work, some won’t. But come next September it will be like every fall since a 4 year old, waiting all week with anxious anticipation for how my Bills will do that week. It’s in my blood, as it is for so many of us. Go Bills! Brilliant as always Shaw.
  12. There was a lot of critique about Mahomes coming out about his throwing style, whether he could play outside the college spread offense and such.
  13. Pegula should sit Beane and McD down and have them present a plan as to what they will do to get past the Chiefs and get to the Super Biwl. If he is unhappy with the plan then make a change. Dunne should sit down and read actual sports journalists of the past and present, guys like Larry Felser or Peter King, and learn how to write critical pieces that do not so blatantly show a personal animus towards his subject. After this nonsense there is no way I’d give him a dime for his site.
  14. Mad love for Micah and family. If this is the end for him, he was a warrior and a great Bill. When you have a wife, little kids, and risk of spinal damage it’s a non brainer.
  15. No. When they were 6-6 I figured this wasn’t the year. Give them. Credit for the win streak, but as injuries mounted it became increasingly unlikely we’d get there.
  16. Take the hit next year, get younger better guys for 2025 and forward.
  17. Team has to take one step back to take the next two forward. That step back involves getting younger and dumping some vets like Diggs even if they get a cap hit.
  18. Their mojo wasn’t gone or we would have caved. We didn’t.
  19. It is reasonable for Terry to ask McD what his plans are to get the team over the hump. Mahomes would make a rookie look silly too.
  20. Except for the fact the D made a stop there at the end to get the ball back to Josh, who then led the offense down the field to almost tie the game if it weren’t for Bass, your theory about the players’ body language is spot on. Or not.
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