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Everything posted by teef

  1. the bills definitely lost talent when trading watkins, but i wouldn't be shocked at all if we don't see a dip in passing production...at all.
  2. the love is palpable between you two!
  3. maybe the right people haven't done shaking yet. i don't know if the new staff will or not, but it's happening, so we all have to watch it unfold. the one difference between this staff and the other is that this group seems committed to getting a qb. that's what's going to swing success in one direction or another.
  4. OK. I think all of this is pretty fair, and I think you said it perfectly when you mentioned risk. There's a ton of risk with what's going on here. Could come out great, could come out very bad...again. personally I'm more with the why not approach. Nothing has worked for 17 years and there sure were no obvious changes on the horizon. Shake things up. Get a qb, build a team with players of value, and keep your fingers crossed.
  5. Oh I know. Instead of looking at the reasoning for the trades from all sides, emotion takes over, they plug their ears and scream as to not hear other opinions. It's going to take a while to see if this trade was wise. Some will sit back and wait. Others will scream that they're already right mostly because that's what they do
  6. So if someone doesn't agree with your opinion, they're in denial? Why was sammy's future in buffalo so bright this year? I liked sammy too, but there's nothing to suggest this year would be any different at all. Considering his health, the qb throwing to him, and the addition of doldin and jones, I'm willing to bet there'a not much change in production. As usual you're just being a blowhard. I've never seen someone think so high of their opinion, only to be proven wrong time and time again.
  7. i think the point is that is hasn't happened yet since sammy has been here, so it's not slam dunk that it will suddenly start happening. it should have, but with a boldin, jones, healthy clay, etc...it may not have again.
  8. this is where i'm at with it. maybe this all works out. maybe mcb and bean are the guys we've been waiting for. then again, maybe not. what i do see is that some who don't like the trade are already calling it the end. who knows what will happen. it's been a strange few days, and it's going to take time to see how this plays out. i don't think it has anything to do with the player not wanting to be here. it has far more to do with whether or not it's worth paying him what he wants.
  9. now people are just pushing that the bills could have signed him. sure they could have, but will he be worth the value of tagging him or is it worth throwing a ton of money his way just so he stays? the only way he would have been worth it was if he stayed healthy, and put up bigger numbers. he may have stayed healthy, but i doubt we would have seen his numbers inflate that much with this offense.
  10. this is the better approach. they could sign him, but is it worth it. i'm someone who felt they should have let him played his final year and see how he worked out. the worst scenario would have been if sammy misses a game or two, has that 900-950 with 7 td type season. what do you do then? do you tag him with those numbers? let him test FA? to me, that's when it gets the most confusing. sure the bills could have found a way to keep him, but would it be worth the pay out? beat me to it.
  11. yes, it is. the difference is that you just don't want to believe it for some reason.
  12. there's a lot of ifs there. i'm not sure how great the bills will be this year, and i just can't imagine sammy's production was suddenly skyrocket to warrant the money he likely wants. could it happen? i suppose, but the reality is that he numbers would likely be pretty similar. i'm guessing they'll be pretty similar even in la.
  13. eh...i think they tried to hard when they came on to keep some sort of continuity. this is the real shot at a "rebuild".
  14. come on scott. if you don't think there was a better chance than not that sammy was leaving, you're just refusing not to look at the reality. they could have kept him by throwing money at him, but the question of value always comes up. buffalo letting him go was a calculated risk to not completely lose out. we don't know if it was wise or not yet.
  15. this is why they're making the moves they are now, (i think). this team has to be re-established, get a new qb, and grow. it just depends if mcd and bean are the right guys to do it. if they are, the constant turnover stops. i'd be very surprised if this management was gone after 2 years, no matter what happens. to quote the past 12 years doesn't mean anything to me. different team with different heads not. i'm not going to blame what happened over 17 years on the new bosses. i think we're saying the same thing. he can be great, but it depends on health and the qb. right now i'm not sure either are going his way for him. not that they can't, but he has to show the nfl he can.
  16. sammy is a great one based on potential. he really can be a superstar, and as you said, if goff gets better and sammy stays healthy, the sky's the limit. that's why it was a solid trade for the rams. trade a second for a potential superstar. that doesn't mean it was a bad trade for buffalo though. i'm of the side that it was very likely sammy was gone next year. could they have kept him if they threw money at him? probably, but at some point it's cost value. how much can we possibly spend on a wr that hovers around the 1000 yard mark? i just don't seem him putting up bigger numbers with this team over the next couple of years. he may not with the rams either depending on goff.
  17. so...because there's a fight in practice, the team is mentally weak? i get that some are bothered by the trades, but this is trying far too hard.
  18. do you think sammy will want to wait for a new qb to develop? i think it's more likely that the bills will draft one vs trade for one. he may very well not. next year will be his opportunity to test the market, and he has a huge chance to make great money to on a team with an established qb. he may even do this to LA. i'm not even saying the trade is right or wrong, but thinking that a new qb was going to change sammy's numbers next year isn't likely. technically it's young players for young players and draft picks. in no way were watkins and darby established.
  19. do you think it's more likely that we would have gone or stayed? if sammy had his chance, do you think he'd take a nice deal with a team with an established qb? do you think sammy would want to wait for a new qb to be developed, as his numbers stay pedestrian? i don't know how it would have played out, but some are acting like there wasn't a very strong possibility that he leaves.
  20. like you said it's because of potential. we may not even see a drop off in production at the wr position with the way this team is set up. i don't think this team is better without sammy, but there may not be that much of a change...at all.
  21. certainly makes sense. i just wasn't sure if it was more of a personality/philosophy issue between the groups.
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