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Everything posted by teef

  1. or if sammy would not have shown the production this year to warrant the money i'm sure he's going to want to get. i'm not even saying the trade was right or wrong, but there was a very strong scenario that sammy would have walked and the bills got nothing.
  2. they were just discussing this on sirius. essentially la is taking watkins to help turn goff into a good qb, but it doesn't necessarily work that way. if goff develops, it was a big win for the rams. for now, they're dancing in that billsy territory.
  3. Sure...you can keep anyone if you throw enough money at them. At this point in time, (and it may change this year) the money likely needed was not worth the production. Edit: I see the same conversation is going on already, so just ignore me. I'm late to the party
  4. Unless Sammy had much bigger numbers this year, the value may not have been there. Assume he puts up similar stats this year as his previous years...are you going to pay him what he most likely thinks he deserves? I loved sammy, but I get this If it leads to a franchise qb, I'm all in
  5. Which is a huge reason why I'm sure they did it. With Watkins, it's sll about health and the ability to re-sign. We can only assume they were uncomfortable on both fronts.
  6. I'm in the undecided group, but at this point, I think I'm OK with everything. How's that for a half assed answer?
  7. Referencing anything pats fans say about this is just idiotic. Sounds about right for the op. I've said it once and I'll say it again...there's way too much pats discussion around here.
  8. no doubt. if you really put the emotions aside, this may not effect this year much at all. i'm in no way saying matthews is watkis, but sammy just hasn't shown the extraordinary production we all thought he would/could.
  9. this is why i'm not melting down about this. it could easily be a lateral move in terms of production. it's just tough to think we lost young talent. it all comes down to what they do with those picks.
  10. i still think darby can be fantastic. your logic is certainly right, and i'm sure that was the reasoning. i guess it's all about picks at this point.
  11. i don't know how to see it any other way. if they don't make a move for a qb in the draft, i'll be pretty amazed.
  12. darby is more confusing to me than watkins. i at least understand the logic behind trading watkins.
  13. maybe they felt they could get similar production from matthews, not have to pay the money, (i have no idea what his contract looks like) and grab a pick? they certainly tried to fill the holes they created.
  14. but it's not a total tank. if we see them trade tt, then it's completely on.
  15. i just don't understand this. the only thing i can think is that they're stockpiling picks to trade up next year. right?
  16. some posts in this thread are harder to understand than others.
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