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Everything posted by teef

  1. this place is taking crazy pill. we're on for 6:30 this thursday too. i'll send you an email this week, but let's pick a place to watch the game.
  2. this is what below average teams do. to say this team was anything close to one that was 12-4 is just delusional. could they have improved by a few games...maybe, but it's not a shoe in. at the end of it, how much worse is this year than last. it's not like watkins put up huge numbers that will be missed, (i get that he's the far better talent) and i just don't know if gains will be any different than darby. production wise it could be a lateral move.
  3. You think the bills were 5 plays away from being 12-4 last year? Come on Bull. If you don't think this regime can pick the right guy, I can understand that, but this team has to finally take its shot. On top of that, they don't need the first over all pick to do so. Just because you and another poster list qbs how haven't worked out, it doesn't mean buffalo will have the same fate. The bills have to try.
  4. I'm not sure why everyone is convinced that the bills are shooting for the 1 overall, or that you can't get a good qb outside of that spot. They have potential to trade up if needed, and if wildly lucky, can snag their guy at their position, and use the other picks to bolster the team and prepare for aging players. If you're concerned about the bills not picking the right guy, I completely get that. They have to take a shot. They're set up better this year than any other.
  5. I don't get it. There's a real possibility that the bills finally get their guy next year, and people are wary of it? Any time you pick a qb there's a chance at failure, but that should never stop you from doing so.
  6. So...don't even attempt at drafting your guy at qb because it's scary?
  7. Darnald may not even come out next year, and I'm willing to be there will be other great qb to look at bybthr time the draft rolls around.
  8. I now expect buffalo to do whatever it takes to get their guy next year. For some strange reason, there are a couple in this thread who feel that if you don't have the first two picks, it's not worth it. I'm living in crazy town.
  9. God that would suck. The rams are in a tight spot having to lock up Sammy Kong term.
  10. You and I both know that someone would likely way over pay for Watkins once he it the market, and it would unlikely be the bills. Sammy will get big money even with average numbers. It could blow up in the bills face, but I think there was a real chance Watkins walked and the bill get nothing. If all of this helps the bills secure the qb position, I'm all for it.
  11. i really liked watkins. i thought it was kinda nuts that they didn't pick up his option. i mean...why use all of that currency to get him and not follow through (i get he was a different gm's guy). that being said, what if production next year doesn't warrant the pay watkins wants? i've asked this twice and no one answered. what if watkins has a 900-950 yard type season, 9 tds, misses a couple of games, etc..? is he worth the money? let's face it, that's not an unlikely scenario at all.
  12. no, it's not necessarily how it works at all. you just refuse to see that for some reason.
  13. so again, the bills shouldn't even bother to try? as far as i know there's no number 1, home run type qb in the draft this year, (at this time), so we don't know who will be worth the value in those first few picks. and when mentioning the pats, try not to be so emotional, and actually understand why the comment was made.
  14. so unless the bills don't have the 1 or 2 pick, it's not worth looking for a qb? you have no idea what the nfl landscape is going to look like next year. i get the reasoning, but meh.
  15. if the bills can get a top qb in the draft then yes, it's very worth it. it would be nice not to have to worry about the qb position for a decade plus. haven't the pats typically had high number of picks each year?
  16. he's not even defending it. it seems more to me he's just showing the logic behind it...and yes, there's a lot of logic to the move. doesn't make the move the right one, but it very well could be.
  17. this is exactly it. there's really no right or wrong to this trade right now. if sammy stays oft injured and puts up pedestrian numbers, but bills did the right thing. if sammy stays healthy and becomes a super star, the bills let a wildly talented player go.
  18. say sammy misses 2-4 games and has a generic 900-950 yard type season. is it worth it?
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