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Everything posted by teef

  1. do you like applebees? at least scott has a good sense of humor.
  2. i really think scott and baldo should date. there could be some real passion there.
  3. without a doubt. he tires to lighten it up by going by Fran, but we all know the score.
  4. i did fall into those traps because i wanted to get !@#$ed up. it was worth it.
  5. there is way too much pats talk around here. just an observation.
  6. maybe he double fists and throws 2 at a time. i understand that, and i wasn't saying the bills being 8-8 is an accomplishment. my point was that every year someone over predicts how bad the bills will do because the bills didn't pick their guy in the draft or let someone go in FA. imo the bills just aren't 5 games bad, and they haven't been in a very long time. predicting 4 or 5 wins is just emotional. same as picking 11 wins. it could happen but likely won't.
  7. maybe the male stripper could bring him beers. another poster, likei've and i have discussed getting male prostitutes and bringing them to the game. not to have sex with them or anything, but rather so we can get really drunk and make them run around while we throw full beer cans at them.
  8. boy is this the truth. if you see a drink listed on a little chalkboard, you know you're getting bent over. it's funny you mentioned speakeasies. the one in rochester, (scofflaw) hits the craft drink concept pretty hard. i always get a bit excited to try something new, but a minute or two into drinking a $15 drink i think meh. since you're asian, don't you get all splotchy when you drink?
  9. that was my understanding too. both home preseason are "kid games".
  10. when was the last time a 5-11 season actually happened, and do you think this is a 5-11 team? i'm going to guess this team is an 8-8 team, with no playoffs, and i still think his prediction is off. does that make my overly optimistic? there's a few on the boards who feel that unless someone feels the bills are completely terrible, they're drinking the "kool aid". don't be that guy. of course it was.
  11. my dad is a francis, (goes by frank) and is one of the better ball busters i've encountered. i think it depends if you want to be called francis or frank.
  12. texas certainly is it's own moster when it comes to football, but i've seen some of the worst injuries in girls soccer, (unfortunately not a joke). if i do have a son, and they want to try it out, why not? if injuries become an issue, it will have to be re-evaluated. i never have a problem if someone doesn't want their kids to play football, but i harm can come from any facet in life. you just have to live it and see what happens. if that decline is constant. who knows if it will be. i just don't think the football is going to go away like some are implying.
  13. i only have a daughter, but i don't think i'd have any problem with a son playing football. i played at the pop warner and high school level, and besides the usual more minor injuries, everyone was in good health. it think it's the continued play at the higher, much more competitive levels that lead to the serious problems.
  14. 25,000 strikes me a a blip on the radar considering how many kids played high school football.
  15. as much as i hate the irish, they've help pretty strong to their academic standards lately from what it seems. fortunately for them the program reputation will still have some of the top recruits coming their way.
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