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Everything posted by teef

  1. i think the trade was based on the bills feeling that sammy wouldn't be on the team next year, and just wanted to get something. could they have "forced" him to stay with the tag...sure, but will his compensation be worth his production. it's a risk either way. that being said, i don't think they were going to get much more for sammy. he has all of the potential in the world without the production to match...at this point.
  2. do you think the bills shouldn't take a shot at qb? you really seem to be bent out of shape over taking one.
  3. there's many ways to get a qb. no matter what the method, it's always a gamble, but i can't believe that after all this time with lousy qb play, people are actually nervous about taking one. it has to happen. the bills may even be able to get their guy at the position they wind up with, and will still have a ton of high picks.
  4. i certainly agree that tyrod was a reason watkins never had huge numbers here, but in my opinion, you are down playing his injury history way too much. even with the rams he not going to put up huge numbers due to qb play. i liked your estimate of 1150 yrs and 10 tds as his ceiling, but i think we both agree he can do better with an established qb...as long as he healthy. the rams could be in a tough spot. they need to come up with a reasonable contract soon the sign sammy, and if smart, he'd take it. if he has numbers like you mentioned, i'd guess he'd want to test the market, and possibly find a better situation for him. likely the rams will over pay now and take a chance on his health, which i question. it's not a terrible gamble, so for the rams i think it's worth it.
  5. then why did sammy have huge games here and there? when he felt great he played great. i'm willing to be he didn't feel great 50% of the time. sure other receivers were banged up, but to use that an excuse for the lack of sammy's production when not healthy just doesn't make sense. i really did like sammy, but to ignore how his injuries effected his play is crazy.
  6. again, it's not only the amount of games he actually plays in, but whether he's close to 100%. he played hurt a lot, and it was obvious when something was nagging him. when healthy, sammy can light it up. i hope for his future he does, because i really liked him here.
  7. It's not just about the games he play in or started...it's also about how often he was playing hurt. I loved Sammy as a writer for the bills, and would rather still have had him on this team, but his nagging injuries were evident in his play. I'm willing to bet he hasn't been completely healthy for 50% of his time here.
  8. Or the bills will actually have a guy they like, and will take him because the need a qb. Why does everything have to be so dramatic? With or without these recent changes and new qb was likely in the bills future soon. What happens changes nothing. This staff doesn't strike me as one that would just haphazardly choose a qb for the sake of grabbing one, but what do I know?
  9. I'm actually not defending the moves either. It could go very wrong, but who know...maybe this is the chance for the team to be run the right way. We just have to watch and wait. I just refuse to stomp my feet and cry about how the world is crashing down around us. We may wind up in a better position. It can't get much worse at this point.
  10. I'm not even acting as a pro tade advocate. At this point I'm just trying to show you how foolish it is to say this team was almost 12-4 based on being close in games. Many teams with losing records can say this, and again, we bills fans have been doing it for years. We have yet to sniff the playoffs the following year. I'm not trying to devalue your argument. It just isn't a good one.
  11. Without having sammy, maybe the pats will actually be able to beat the bills for once! Oh wait... You don't have any friends. I'm calling fabrications.
  12. it's a thing today. if you mention the pats in any capacity, people will jump down your throat because they accuse you of comparing the talent, even when it's pretty obvious that's not what was happening.
  13. that's really you basis of argument? just because the bills were close in a lot of games, they were essentially a 12-4 team. this is the nfl. every year arguments can be made for the bottom dwellers. we've even tried to do it as bills fans, and how has that every worked out. come up with a better argument as to why this team is almost 12-4, and i'll listen. i have no idea why you even mentioned trump in that little tantrum.
  14. now i'm upset that i have to go to a wedding soon. this...will...be...awesome.
  15. champs it is. they'll turn on the game over the speakers in the bar, so it's a solid place to watch. i may even uber there so i can get a little rowdy. just looked. the ride will cost me $2.35 in each direction.
  16. those were my first two guesses. the tavern may be a decent place to see that game, but the food is kinda dog ****.
  17. i was just told that the bills were 5 plays away from being 12-4 last year. let that sink in.
  18. gross. not a single person did what he mentioned.
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