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Everything posted by Ridgewaycynic2013

  1. Does KC develop their draft picks, or just pick up players as they're released from custody? Speaking of that, where's Sherlock Holmes been?
  2. Gaffigan is going to become an NFL official?! He's practicing new calls!
  3. An unrelated point, but what have you got against Stephen Stills? 🤔 * 😉😁
  4. Am I the only one wondering if 'her holding his own' was somehow part of the equation? 🤔
  5. Salvation Army! 🎵Put a nickel in the drum! 🎶 🎶Save another MAC bum! 🎵
  6. Goo goo g'joob, classic era. For modern day version, please see 'Reid, Andy'.
  7. There's your next 'Breaking Bad'. A major pharmaceutical corporation funds and supplies the illicit drug trade in order for the NYJ to have the capital to win the Super Bowl. * 🤔
  8. Looking through the thread, the burn unit is appropriate. I have seen some of your answers to people's posts here on TBD-TSW. 😁 * I had a bout of pneumonia and sepsis in late June that put me into dialysis ever since, but at least in December I went from M-W-F down to M-F. What has been somewhat surprising to medical staff has been the fact I continue to produce urine in good quantities. I hope for you continued healing and recovery.
  9. 1. Take their 'lumps' from cap hell. 2. Cut everyone. 3. Scout prison teams for soon to be released inmates. 4. Hire Gregggggggggg 'Bullhorn' Williams. * This is not a viable plan. Just schadenfreude.
  10. Even the younger ones chiming in to protest excessive conditional draft picks being awarded to New England.
  11. This is why we sign out after visiting the forums. For those of us advanced in years, it's also mental conditioning to stave off 'old timer's' disease.
  12. You're also forgetting the guaranteed off season job at the Canadian Tire in whichever city your team is located in. 40 hours a week at minimum wage is nothing to sneeze at. 🤔
  13. There's the difference in franchises. Big Dom keeps the Eagles on an even keel, Gettleman chased Giants players around, nagging them over their meal plans.
  14. Does it mean that the UB Bulls have to take Mo back? 🤔
  15. No lashes. Just go sit on the 'inactive' list for four weeks, the entire team. Teams placed in such a situation forfeit at their games during that period.
  16. As Lenny Bruce said in his Carnegie Hall appearance in 1961, "I'll end up like a schmuck with a Dixie Cup and a string..."
  17. AAA causing the outage? Cutting down on the texting and driving? 🤔
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