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Everything posted by Ridgewaycynic2013

  1. Ar least you didn't advocate for Rosen. * 🤔 * Did you? 🤔🤔
  2. A modest proposal: Reformat these arguing experts into a show where they have to field phone calls from the 'vox populi'. Ought to cellar the ratings and put the experts into therapy or straitjackets.
  3. So, if he marries her, his father in law will be the guy who sang 'Achy Breaky Heart'? 🤔 * 😉
  4. Your post has me wondering about the potential high jinks on an NFL team with Urban Meyer as head coach, and Zach Wilson as his QB. 🤔
  5. Haslam: "I'll trade you a first round and second round pick for Fields, and pay him $50,000,000 a year!"
  6. 'Reader's Digest', indeed. 🤨 A sampling: 'Drama in Real Life: Help! My baby's flying that plane!' 'I am Joe's spleen'.
  7. "I suggest you reconsider that list to include one of the finest WRs who ever attended Alabama, and was woefully cast aside by the Buffalo Bills: Robert Foster, you lop eared varmints!"
  8. 'Bring Kirksey up' * I suggest ipecac. Then again, you shouldn't have eaten him in the first place. 🤨
  9. "Just open another truck stop. A chili dog and medium Slurpee are now value priced at $49.95" - Haslam
  10. 🎶All your ex-teams are in Texas That's why you live in Tennessee🎵 🤔
  12. Maybe he's just tense...needs some therapy to relax?
  13. With Kirk 'YOU LIKE THAT?!' Cousins as Touchstone. 🤔
  14. FFS, what is this? 'Masterpiece Theatre'?! 🤨 * 😉😁
  15. The balls might have been his, but the mishandling was foisted off on those poor massage therapists.
  16. Words can hurt, Simon... I would have expected some decorum from a moderator. * 😁
  17. Patience, McDermott haters. Soon Brandon Staley should be looking for gainful employment.
  18. Is that the scientific name for whining to the ref for a penalty call?
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