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Everything posted by Ridgewaycynic2013

  1. Jeebus! I must have put the cheech on them! 🤔
  2. The question with a little over 2 minutes left in the fourth quarter, and a four point lead is will the Chargers Charger another one?
  3. I see him underwriting 'Burning Man' so it becomes 'Aaron Rodgers Burning Man Festival', and he lives off the licensed merchandise from it.
  4. Then the board will be so nice. Lawd, they'll be lovey dovey. Until the next Maxwell House level game. (Good to the last drop.) 😁
  5. Still rolling along, but now known as O'Connell's Clothing, according to Google.
  6. It will only improve when young Mr. Allen comes to his senses, and accepts the wisdom of the Man's Prayer: (No points for spelling for the meme creator...🤨)
  7. Unexpected Crazy Lifestyle? I haven't seen this much confusion since Robbie Douglas (My Three Sons) had two dates at the same time. And then, 50 years later, Diggs repeats the stunt.
  8. Not denying or disputing your facts. I just have a case of ATA. (Allen Thread Aversion.)
  9. Have the other media sites started using 'Yakety Sax' as background music when showing Bills footage?
  10. Terry Gross is overrated. I find her fill in hosts do better interviews and better research.
  11. Brought to you as a public service by concerned Bills fans for smarter football.
  12. When the unmarked third party plain white Amazon delivery van pulls up at your house and they cart you away, don't you dare ask why.
  13. The Bills could get a discount on those electric buggies that shuttle off injured players.
  14. Then eat lots of shrimp with 3/4 of a pepperoni pizza, and guzzle 9 or 10 beers. There will be a lot more than 50 pieces thrown up.
  15. I thought he was the guy who came to Earth from Krypton with Kal-El.
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