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Everything posted by boater

  1. Ravens = Moribund local economy. Downtown palace stadium. PSLs. Any lesson here for WNY and Bills fans? Buehler? Buehler?
  2. Yep! I cook steaks almost exactly to this method. They come out steakhouse great. I use a digital meat thermometer also. I used to have the internal temps written down for rare, medium rare, and medium, but I've lost that over the years. Note: "Letting that mutha rest" for 15 minutes after baking is an absolute necessity that many people gloss over in haste. If you cut that steak without resting it, it's juices spill out all over the plate. The resting process drives the juices back toward the center of the cut--it's also a good time to prep the sides.
  3. Jerry Seinfeld's clockwise swirl has the be signature move of all time. David Puddy thought the move un-original. The move was so complex, George Costanza needed a cheat sheet.
  4. Interesting poll result. Today I learned: 60% of TBD readers are from out of town. Most of those are probably Ex-Pats. Though there are surely some who follow the Bills never having lived here--like Pancho Billa.
  5. Yummm... Toradol. Worked wonders on my back until this damn opioid crisis caused the pain Doc to cut me off.
  6. July is a difficult month for TSW. Possibly the worst. Mostly posts talking about something already beaten to death. But a very early mock draft takes the cake. C'mon August. Especially c'mon September.
  7. He broke Operational Security by naming his pet peeve. Now the opposition is going to play the sounds of a vacuum cleaner.
  8. I remember it as well. The Metro and VRE shutdown, stranding thousands of people. Every single restaurant in the neighbor shutdown, except one: Chick-Fil-A.
  9. There is some, but not enough discussion here about cost. I notice many of the "roof" voters reside outside Erie County. It's always fun to have an open wallet with OPM (other people's money). But when it's your own wallet being raided to pay for the stadium, you a become a little more circumspect about what features come along and how much they cost. Don't be naive. Don't fool yourself--if you live in Erie County, one way or another the stadium cost is being passed on to you. There aren't rich guys with sacks of cash, or government slush funds to defray from the cost. There's no magical accountant tricks. And cost isn't going to be a drop in the bucket. It will be something that will impact your budget (unless you're on welfare or a refugee). A 20 year construction bond on a 1.5 billion stadium will have a 9 million monthly payment. Every man, woman and child in the county will pay $116 per year in increased taxes. No small change if you're a family of five. I'm not opting for a roof without some argument for it's return on investment. Would it lead to other events, such as winter concerts? PS: Lucas Oil Field at $750 mil a couple years ago has been proposed as a benchmark. No way that happens in WNY. Too much graft and corruption.
  10. Is there a way to filter the survey so only those who will pay the resulting tax increases vote? ha ha ha
  11. Eeeewww.... gross. Do not click. It's worse than a Peter Pan thread.
  12. As a kid, I remember watching that control room in action. They should add some wax figures of people as they appeared during the period. So different from how things are today. I saw a big glass ash tray in one of the photos--it's reminded me that probably 90% of adults smoked in those days, and they smoked like freaking chimneys. I also remember most people in the control room had: crew cuts ties a pocket protector a slide rule The 60's were a significant period--delete some hippies and it would have been perfect.
  13. He's not a legend. He's a notable player. Notable is just below legend on the famous scale. What made his career notable was his speed getting down field. If it weren't for his speed, he might not even be in the NFL.
  14. But does Daboll say Patience, young grasshopper?
  15. More specifically, you should buy official gold currency that has collector's value and has a liquid market to buy and sell. I'm thinking US Double Eagle Gold Coins. Or a Vanguard Precious Metals account if you don't want physical possession.
  16. The WNY stadium discussion is lower middle class people debating whether to get a red or black Mercedes---when really all their FICO score supports is a a used Hyundai. In the highly unlikely event WNYers agreed to fund a new stadium, the construction bonds floated would be below investment grade. A show stopper. Unless Santa Claus comes in with a sack of free money--a new stadium is not happening. Period. Get over it.
  17. The powers that be will never allow a cure for cancer. Too much money to be made in treatment. Too much insurance savings by having people die early. ...ooops... this is a football board. The Conspiracy Central Board is a different bookmark. My bad.. it's the alcohol.
  18. 3 pages of comments in, and yes, it appears you are the only one finding this cringe-worthy. I've read three pages of thumbs up. (I may have missed another negative comment)
  19. I like the interview format of BSing while chucking the ball, it probably led to more frankness in the discussion. I thought it was interesting that they each had receiver who did most of the catches.. I wonder why. Them comparing thumbs made me chuckle. I liked the JA description of what he does upon breaking the huddle, how assesses the situation.
  20. Americana: Fried Chicken, Sausage, Hot Dogs and some really good beans. The beans had sausage, ground beef with hints of BBQ sauce.. and there were some Fava Beans mixed in (no Hanibel Lechter). Italiana: eating till you burst.. then Iced Prosecco, which I'm not a fan of because it tastes like Lemon Heads mixed with grain alcohol. Me: I brought bottles of wine, I'm shy about cooking for others but want to contribute. EDIT UPDATE: someone brought artichoke dip.. it was so good Angels cried tears of joy when you ate it.
  21. I was going to make a long post about the brittleness and fickleness of the New England sports fan, but decided not to waste my Memorial Day. Short story 1: Billy Buckner deserved better fans. Short story 2: I hope St. Louis clobbers the Bruins.
  22. I must have missed the memo. I'm not aware of any particular hatred toward you.
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