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Everything posted by SoMAn

  1. I couldn't disagree more regarding the viewing at live events. At the stadium I can see the whole field and watch the play develop, especially with the WRs. My only complaint is the rudeness everyone will inevitably experience in a large crowd setting where there'll always be a percentage of people who have no regard for anyone but themselves. Talking about the ones who have seats in front of your 5 ft tall wife and are unable to sit throughout the entire game. The ones who can't have a nice day out without getting sloppy drunk, spilling their beer on you and shouting swear words within earshot of your minor children. But the actual live, 3D, high def viewing experience, for me, is superior to any TV. I don't really care what the TV commentators have to say.
  2. Thurman and Pattie are in the same situation as me and my wife and half the empty nest couples in our neighborhood- time to downsize, but we’ve accumulated so much stuff over the years, now we have to decide what we really need. Decisions decisions. Sadly the younger generations don’t have any desire for our fine wood furniture, China, collectibles, etc. The thrift stores and Goodwill have reached capacity. Some once-cherished items are going to end up in a landfill. Next stop, assisted living!
  3. OH!! That’s not at all the way it was presented. I’m really tired of all marketing efforts designed to deceive. The offer was $9.99/season, with the statement that it would automatically renew in 1 year. Sure made it sound like a full year subscription. So, now, instead of just getting the whole thing for a year, I’ll have to pay the $80 on top of the $10 I’ve already spent. Thanks for the clarification. If I didn’t love our Bills so much, I give a big middle finger to the NFL.
  4. Thanks. You answer my next question, which about commercials. Is it possible to fast-forward through the breaks? Guessing the answer in ‘no’. I went ahead and subscribed to NFL+ Premium for the ridiculously low price of $9.99 for an entire year. If YouTube had offered promo price of around $199 I’d have gone for it. The thing that’s changed dramatically since the onset of NFL Sunday Ticket 1995 (?) or so, is that with at least 3 primetime night games, thanksgiving, Black Friday, and games split between Saturday and Sunday later in the season, morning international games, and usually 3 games in afternoon in most markets, there aren’t nearly as many games that can’t be seen without the Sunday Ticket. Not to mention Redzone, which works fine for gamblers and others. The cost of NFLST should have been reduced with so much less product available.
  5. I guess. Maybe trying to poach some of the YouTube business, though it seems unlikely since the NFL gets paid through both sources. At sign up it stated that it’ll automatically be renewed at $9.99 May 27, 2024. That’s a bargain for every preseason game live, all-22 coaches video, condensed 40 min versions, and replays of all games immediately after completion of live action, and archived all regular season and playoff games from the past 14 seasons. $9.99 for a year. Couldn’t go to the movies for that price.
  6. Steve Tasker made the point on their show that it’s a rare occurrence that QBs suffer major injuries from running, and most happen when the passer is standing in the pocket, scanning the field for a receiver. I’ve always had that same view. Josh is a big boy and can take hits better than some. I’m more concerned about his carelessness with the ball. Reading between the lines of his press conference statements, it’s clear that the coaching staff has read him the riot act about some of his overly loose play. On one hand, we don’t want to stop Josh from being Josh. But on the other, a little more discipline and communication with his offense will hopefully lead to an unstoppable offense. Teams in our division are not sitting idle and handing the crown to the Bills. Josh and everyone else need to continue improving to stay ahead. I think it would be a huge mistake to overly restrict his running. That’s a threat opposing defenses have to be aware of.
  7. Yes. I’m aware of some of those options. I’m also able to cast from cell to TV. If the Bills were a middling team with only a few national games, I’d probably be forced to purchase Sunday Ticket. But there will be very few games not shown locally in Atlanta.
  8. I just signed up for the Premium version. $9.99 for the entire season apparently. I figured it must be a mistake as it was $74 or something like that last year. Nope. It’s $9.99. on now with game replays all the way back to 2009.
  9. I’m in the ‘sign him if you can’ camp. 3 reasons: 1. If Diggs misses time due to injury, they’re average. Slightly above at full strength if Kincaid is a force as a rookie (in a division with above average DBs) 2. Preventive measure, keeping him from being a weapon against us with KC, Chargers, Jets, or other 3. Mismatch nightmare potential with Diggs, DHop, Kincaid, Cook on the field along with one of these: Knox, Shakir, Shorter, Harty, or Sherfield. I think the Bills O will be good, regardless, but that added threat and insurance against injury to other offensive weapons is a plus in my view.
  10. That’s what she told him to say.
  11. I’m leaning towards NFL + premium. live preseason for all games all-22 coaches tape condensed replays for all games going back to 2009 full replays for all current season games Seems like a good deal at $79
  12. Thanks. That’s what I was looking for. After the Monday night opener, there’s that 3-game stretch that play at 1pm. I’d guess we’ll get at least 1 of the 3, if not more. For those, I may go to Bills Backers locale, or wait for the replay as you’ve done. After that, most should be on TV. $350 is just too much, especially when they’ll automatically bill me $450 the following year if I forget to cancel.
  13. An actor is the last person I'd ever want a relationship with. With football season coming up, wish he's just stick to the playbook, pick up a groupie once in a while or just rub one out occasionally to relieve tension. Don't get all involved with some narcissistic actress that's only going to be trouble in the future. Wait til she starts on the "request a trade to the Rams" BS.
  14. We’ll, I believe that’s only for ‘in-market’ games anyway. Don’t care about that. I can watch those on my TV. My concern is ‘out of market’ Bills games I know. I don’t want to pay $350 (NFL Sunday Ticket) for four or five games not viewable locally
  15. Right. If I’m paying $350 for what may only be 4 games exclusive to YouTube in my area (Atlanta) not very good bang for the buck. I can go to a local Bills Backers bar, stream from someone, or delay viewing with NFL+.
  16. Looking for answers from any past subscribers to NFL + Premium. if I understand their offer correctly, all out of market games are replayed and accessible to subscribers on the NFL app (in my case, Roku TV) 2hrs 10 min following completion of games. This is the part I need feedback/confirmation from past subscribers This may be my option for the few Bills games not available on local TV, Amazon, Peacock. paying Youtube NFLST $350 now with an annual $450 automatic renewal fee is not too appealing
  17. I’m basically in the same situation. I’ll probably be able to watch at least 10-12 games at home. I’ve been spoiled with free Sunday Ticket the last few years, so the idea of paying $350 for maybe 5 games is not my preferred method. If I can split the cost….maybe.
  18. question regarding sharing Sunday Ticket for someone with technical knowledge of the service..... Youtube conditions for service stipulate that a subscriber can view the NFLST on 2 devices, only for people who reside in the same household. Is this enforceable? If I want to share a login and password with a neighbor, are there obstacles that Youtube has in place to prevent sharing outside the subscriber residence? What if I want to take my tablet remotely away from the house? Do I have to remain on the same home wi-fi network to receive the streaming from Youtube? Unfortunately, I'm not seeing these questions answered at Youtube's FAQ site. I'm trying to avoid paying $350 for what will amount to only about 5 or 6 games not shown on local Atlanta TV/Peacock. If I can split the cost with a friend it might be worth it. Thanks in advance for any definitive answers.
  19. Sounds like you’re more a ‘player fan’ than a team fan. I know a lot of people with no connection to WNY started following the Bills because of O.J., Kelly, Bruce, or someone else. I’m sure the Edmonton Oilers gained a lot of fans when Gretsky was Mr. Hockey. Nothing wrong with that route to following a team. To answer the OP- like so many WNYers, I was exposed to Bills football as an impressionable kid, and they were and always will be my only team. I’ve lived in Atlanta most of my adult life and have absolutely zero interest in the Falcons.
  20. Has it mentioned whether Hamlin is in attendance and if so, is he a full participant? I know that his doctors/specialists have cleared him. Have the Bills and their medical staff cleared him for all activities?
  21. I imagine it’s difficult to distribute limited cap dollars to have the best guys in the trenches AND at skill positions. Tough choices for a GM. There isn’t a team in the league that doesn’t have a weakness somewhere.
  22. I seem to remember that ballet lessons helped Fred Flintstone with his bowling.
  23. If they’re able to quickly assemble a better than average line, I’m with you. My suggestion is a method to be as efficient as possible when there are existing holes that can’t be easily filled.
  24. Dorsey and Allen can mask a lot of o- line deficiencies with quick developing dink and dunk plays that don’t rely on linemen holding blocks for more than a couple of seconds. Brady and the Patriots made a career out of it with ever changing lineups in front. Cut down on Allen scrambling around, searching for an open receiver. Keep the chains moving with short crisp timing passes. Reduce 3rd and long situations. Improved time of possession, keeping their D fresh. Put points on the board. Don’t need an all-star o-line with that approach.
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