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Everything posted by Reader

  1. To add to this, what was really nice too was that Beane added enough guys where we could feel much more comfortable with our 6th or 7th guy than we ever did during the drought years.
  2. Nice to see that Vegas considers us a strong team with a good chance of repeating our performance from this year.
  3. The Chargers are the 4th most likely to win the superbowl according to that ?
  4. I think it has to be Kiko. Some players were bright spots at some points in their career like Dareus. Some didn't force the Bills to pay them more like Kelsay. Kiko on the other hand might/has been responsible for players injuries that might have shortened their future health/lifespans.
  5. As much as we like to bash Jauron on here, his statement about how hard it is to win in NFL is true. Being able to maintain the success Reid has is astounding and I think people are so used to Madden and/or the Patriots they consider success to be a given.
  6. Moorman was our best player in that decade so he probably doesn't count, I think he went to multiple pro bowls. Had to be McGee who was amazing that year on kick returns.
  7. Our FO passed on two great players once! No one else ever does that! RHeeeeE
  8. C- for the game A as a receiver A+ in my heart
  9. Are you basing this on his play today in his first playoff spot ever or on the trajectory and improvement he has shown since entering the league. You've given us a binary question for something that does not deserve a binary answer. If he plateaus, no. If he continues to improve, yes.
  10. Today was most likely the last time that Lorenzo Alexander will take the field for the Bills. Personally I have loved having him on the team and he exemplified the Bills really well. Great guy, great player, hard worker.
  11. I don't know anything about the guy, but simply on taste alone he sounds competent, especially in comparison to his competition.
  12. To add to the earlier post and others mentioning these two. Where would you draw that line in terms of resigning them? How much do you think the Bills should offer?
  13. Plus this means we will have won at least one playoff game if we're playing Baltimore again.
  14. To be fair, while Poyer might have missed as many, he also seems much more likely to make a one on one tackle, especially in run support.
  15. I forget which analytics site wrote it, but the year after Mario and Bradhman left, both ended up on the sites most improved players list. Rex's scheme made everyone look bad.
  16. I think the Texans in terms of how we match up. But I don't think it matters too much.
  17. If we lose, what is the over/under for Duke Williams threads? 2? 3?
  18. You know, I wouldn't mind getting to a place where instead of signing other free agents, that it is our guys going elsewhere and that we can start getting comp picks as extra ammo for Beane to move up and down the draft as he pleases.
  19. Right, as of now Josh is playing like a below average franchise QB, good enough to win the majority of games, but will stink it up from time to time. If he learns from this I am extremely excited about his play going forward.
  20. Because we demand perfection every single game!
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