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The BLUES Brothers

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Everything posted by The BLUES Brothers

  1. Buffalo History Museum has several floors of interesting local and national history. Took my son (studying to be a Social Studies Teacher) and he loved it. Nice tribute to late great Tim Russert, too.
  2. I may get roasted for this but like having the TV Draft Coverage on however the Audio coming from WGR550AM (can get it here in Rochester or via Radio.com App). They'll have the most content about our team than we'd ever hear on either Draft Coverage. One time a buddy (who was not listening to WGR) texted me and asked me who I thought the next Bills pick was going to be... The WGR radio reporter had just told us listeners the pick so I had texted him back the right name as the card was being brought up to read by the Commish... I looked psychic - I told him "...I have ESPn" lol
  3. Sorry if the pictures posted too huge -Mods can delete if a problem - but thought some fans may enjoy the trip down memory lane... These are posted in my Man Cave and glad my college age son, and whole family is cool with the memorabilia - yes they are Fans too! At Charity Event - bought Signed Coach McDermot and Tyrod Taylor signed shirts. also have a signed Baseball by McCoy - cool seeing a star of one sport signing the equipment of another... At a golf tournament - Steve Tasker and Frank Reich signed my cap - had i known i would've worn a nice one! lol! WR Lee Evans Lit up on Game Day- cheesy but keeps overhead light off the TV... Signed Aaron Schobel Picture from his time...On the bottom is a Team 2005 plaque - had high hopes for those guys and really should throw it out but they were so bad i might get arrested for littering lol Andre Reed signed football - Gift from my awesome brother - signed by Bills Alumni Aaron Wiiliams, Bruce, Andre, Robert Woods and Daryl Talley - McCoy signed at his Softball Game event At a car dealership opening - all three stars were there and signed one for me and one for my son. In Person - these guys were awesome! Won this at a charity auction - Love Talley! Have his Kelly Jersey of course but here is a signed Kelly Picture... a few Bills Books and my dea friend Ken got one signed by Coach Levy My cousin had Thurman sign this - " To Al, The World's Biggest Bills Fan" - I know its not true but live and die with this team on Any Given Sunday. Thanks for letting me share...
  4. I went with TJ Hockenson and I'm feeling guilty...There are Draft Gurus that went elsewhere and with such Defensive Talent - I can see where a TE is so high for that slot. However - "Change is inevitable"... except from a Vending Machine lol Rationale: 1.) Coach recently said (slipped?) how the TE (Greg Olsen) helped progression of a young Cam Newton. 2.) After review of The Bills off season moves - its (mostly) all about helping the QB early on... 3.) Instant Starter at a position where one is needed. 4.) Helps Allen get time for deeper throws when he Line Blocks along with OL and Gore one of the better QB protecting RBs 5.) Can work to be that big safety/valve escape route pass for Allen - maybe even that go to 3rd down guy. That being said - I liked TE Eric Ebron back in his Draft class and it took him a while to develop so again - feeling guilty...
  5. Team Executives ... feel free to use this as an intro to your pick ?
  6. That was one of many parts that stuck out to me... A man much wiser than myself said tat Ed Oliver is such a great prospect but in our rotating player Defense, its probable our Coach would only have Oliver's position on the field 50-60% of the snaps. By getting a Blocking/Catching TE - we'd have a new player that plays all the time. Obviously a trade down and still getting him would be even better...
  7. I know its a pro-Bills show but they do discuss pertinent team topics and have great guests - I listen live or on demand as often as possible. Tasker does ramble at times but more often is funny, humble and has been insightful. i son't think he needs the $ - probably enjoys the idea of getting paid to discuss a game he loves.
  8. We sure could use his speed but that he didn't stay with the team on a Rookie contract makes ya wonder... He had a great catch against us his rookie season in the opener - would've been cool to turn the tables against his former team right?!
  9. If this is true - I love the Beatles connection but wow - this late in the game preparation - I hope they find who leaked it and "remove from the process" so they can't leak in the future. Not too long ago I watched an NFL film where both teams used West Coast Offense and therefore used the same terminology - The QB was interviewed as they showed the highlights and said in the huddle "I'll call out this play at the line but we are really doing this...." and the defensive CB came up in run support and the WR was open for the game winning TD. Would be awesome if something like this works out like that for us if they are aware...
  10. Once Murphy is healthy and bringing the needed pressure - it'll definitely help all other forces of our Defense.
  11. How can you tell when you're getting old? When your wife gives up sex for Lent and you don't find out until Easter. ;-) I am off to get Ashes this morning and my new Lent thing has been to do something Good everyday during Lent - so perhaps I should try and say something Positive about a Post during these next 40 days - if the Draft goes south it may be hard though
  12. I happily disagree - saw DT at the event for Bills Alumni prior to the Opener this year and he was in good spirits and we shot the breeze for a while - Great guy. Saw him again this season at the event that Andre Reed hosted prior to the Bills/Broncos game and got some signed memorabilia by DT, AR and Bruce Smith. I have about 100 photos from these events - I was like a kid in a candy shop. We are all getting/looking older but glad to say DT was great - personable and funny too.
  13. He probably does have some resentment but would also believe he appreciates that the Bills Brass believes in him and we pay him really well - higher than other teams pay their #1 RB so he has to feel respected and that goes a long way too
  14. The one category I could've ran all the way through on Jeopardy - I would've felt like Cliff Clavin in all his glory! ;-)
  15. We played better D when A. Williams was out there. Purchased a helmet signed by him through NFL Charity Auction and still display it in the Man Cave. Took character to write that and wish him many happy years ahead.
  16. A few months ago, while channel surfing, I stopped at TBN (religious channel) to view a discussion. One of the speakers was none other than Kirk Cousins. He is deeply religious and I later told my son I could see him wanting to come to work with Coach Sean McDermott because of that religious belief connection. My son said "Dad stop dreaming -Washington will never let him go." I voted Buffalo because, in spite of what many think, there is more to these decisions than money.
  17. First Bills Memory was family cheering on Simpson to break the 2,000 yard barrier in one season - small TV but Big Cheers. Favorite Poster - may not be fair answer but hey it changes - this time of year love Blokestradamus, Gunner Bill and other Draft enthusiasts (sorry its like the Oscar Award speech - way too many to thank). Kudos to Yolo in Ohio and 26 CornerBlitzfor awesome timely updates all year. I chose "Beef on Weck" since even though I live in Rochester - it is a WNY Fave. One thing if I could on TSW - maybe separating Real Updated Stories (about Players/Game facts) vs other stories that are more Opinions and hypotheticals - but no worries - I'll read about all of them. Upon further review -perhaps less snarky comments would make for more peace but lately its been all great to me. Question for the next Player: What game would you choose us to play on Prime Time MNF next season (and why)....
  18. Wonder if a guy like this (available/looking for a gig) goes to the Senior Bowl on his own to get familiar with the QB prospects and rub elbows with the Coaches...
  19. So many times a day I'll come here to get Info, Insight and Insanity (the kind that gets helps me laugh ;-) ~ Happy Birthday and next year you can legally drink in NYS. Go Bills!
  20. What is it about Rudolph that you have him last? Certainly his throwing motion isn't as long but that and pocket presence can be coached, but curious why last of the crop above? Thanks in advance
  21. I appreciate the honesty and the candor of this confessional...Takes guts and shows character plus - based on College film - it really is crazy how it turns out for some. Personally I wanted TT to succeed since he is a hard worker and because I met him so it makes it easier to root for a good guy like that. Selfishly - had he clicked, then we wouldn't have to use sacred Draft Capital to get another. I am not as knowledgeable as the Draft Gurus on here (love reading their insight) but the guy I wanted when watching back in the day was Big Ben and he went just 2 picks before us. This year I think the Bills will go for Rudolf because he checks off the character and playing 3/4 seasons as a starter boxes.
  22. Glad to have donated to both of those inspiring Bengals - then I saw Andre Reed's tweet asking for $8.30 (for #83) and it felt good to show some love for the Hall of Famer's foundation. Yes - I have a lot of Karma to burn off Go Bills!
  23. Thanks for sending the link - Got to love that unbridled enthusiasm of the play by play announcers. We had watched this during a cousin's 60th Birthday Party - we were 90% Bills Fans but it added spice and was a heckuva game.
  24. Thanks TigerJ. I thought I'd get roasted because I understand/respect the bigger focus is on grabbing a QB as primary goal and I was bringing up a LB...but wow would be awesome to bet R Smith! RE QB: Today heard a Sportscaster bragging on QB Mason Rudolph - 4 year starter and he does not love the limelight - prefers to watch film and get better - love that dedication.
  25. l am going to get roasted for this but now that R Smith LB from GA has declared - would love to see him in Bills Colors.
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