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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. Well, he won a Super Bowl when he actually had talent around him. Has he ever had a HoF coach? You could argue that it would help if he took a pay cut.... Among all of his records, I like this one the best: Only QB with a touchdown passing percentage above 6.0% in the Super Bowl Era. The guy just scores points. The problem isn't him.
  2. Calling him the most prolific sexual offender in history is a..bit..much Cops trying to boost their resumes.... Just because the counted each instance as an individual offense
  3. A sexually charged and highly caffeinated environment The perfect storm, if you will.
  4. All those coffees and mugs in the office... He must've been going crazy. Who's the real victim here?
  5. Did I leave the garage door open? I think I left the garage door open...
  6. When Howard dies, SDS should get rid of the quote button. It dies with him.
  7. It's all fun and games until Disney sues yo ass.
  8. I think it only comes in pink, because..you know...pigs are pink.
  9. I'm not a total grill head, but I'm happy to see a bunch of Weber charcoal nods in here. I've had mine since 2012. Grilling just doesn't require fancy stuff. The only thing that matters is the size of the grill and the chef behind it.
  10. It's all sorts of waste combine with low filtration/flow. Unless you're Royale, then it's flowing nicely....
  11. Always test the acidity of your urine first. Keep those PH strips on hand. If you don't have those, use a cup. Gauge the color. Smell it.... Taste it a little.... You can never be too careful.
  12. It is. It gets filtered waaaaayyy easier. Other organisms in the lake are already adjusted to it, as well.
  13. Thanks for providing something else to distract me from my responsibilities.
  14. It takes time for this ***** to build up to the point that it affects the surface dwellers. Reservoirs like Lake Allatoona, in particular, do not drain fast enough. Ponds can quickly get really gross, too, due to their dimensions. But the process of grossifying our bodies of water definitely started years ago.
  15. Celebrating the end of WWII doesn't seem that weird to me. But I grew up in RI, so... ?
  16. Reservoirs can become very disgusting. People defecate in and pollute them. That ***** just sits there for long periods of time before finally draining out. Humans are gross.
  17. That Medium article is interesting as I apply it's assertions to the Tucker speech. He represents the convergence of the conservative right and UFOlogist conspiracy theorists. We're reaching that point. Left wing conspiracy theorists are probably converging as well.
  18. He had a problem, that's for sure. I'm glad he was able to let it go.
  19. Good film. I'm definitely satisfied with Oliver's first preseason game. He stood his ground and even made some plays.
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