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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. Good point about Wannstedt However, we saw with Frazier that the difference-maker was the play calling. Not the design. McDermott showed him how it's done and the defense was pretty successful after that.
  2. I wouldn't get your hopes up. The design of the defense is very bend-don't-break and the sacks most often come from good coverage or 1-1 wins.
  3. That's the big one. I think building through the draft on offense means hitting on the QB and OLmen. Skill players are much easier to make up for in FA if you have the QB and OLine in place
  4. Pretty terrible. AAF's were much better. ?‍♂️
  5. Gotta build through the draft. It's definitely happening on defense. These guys have an eye for those players. Still waiting to see for the offense.
  6. We supercool at night and then turn it completely off during peak hours (3-8pm). We use much less energy that way. It's a plan that's encouraged by the energy company to reduce cost.
  7. If he makes it to the PS, I think he's safe. Another team can't promote him to their 53. I think he'll clear waivers and be on the Bills' PS until next year.
  8. Yeah, he'd definitely go on the 53 as the third stringer. Because I hate the Pats.
  9. If the Pats' 3rd stringer, Stidham, somehow doesn't make the 53, the Bills should steal him. He's looked poised this preseason and he fits the system. Pretty sure he'll make their team, though.
  10. The universe is infinite. The chance of there being intelligent life other than humans is 100%
  11. (looking for a pen and paper) Who the hell marks things down anymore? Can someone please mark this down?!?!?!
  12. The Mandalorian has been SUPER expensive They were gonna out that money into Boba Fett and Obi Wan blockbuster films, anyway. They decided that they could spend a little less money and take on less risk with two TV series $15 mil per episode, according to this article: https://www.ign.com/articles/2019/07/15/the-mandalorian-heres-how-much-each-episode-costs-to-make
  13. I disagree with what most people are saying here. If the Bills have a good offense, Daboll will get HC opportunities right away. The trend right now is up-and-coming OCs. If Allen balls out, Daboll gets the added credit of being a QB whisperer.
  14. Hopeful. I was hopeful for the AAF, too, but we saw how that turned out.... Dammit, I can't stand Landry Jones.
  15. I didn't realize it at first, but like others have noted, it's a fake article. Still, valid point. Definitely got nothing on Bill Cosby. Have you watched Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee? Jerry and Eddie Murphy ***** on Cosby so bad. It's funny. I think him and Jamie Foxx got into the subject of Cosby, too.
  16. Booger said Kingsbury is keeping the offense vanilla, but it goes both ways. Aren't the Raiders keeping their offense vanilla? Murray has been Josh Allen-level inaccurate ?
  17. I'm excited to see how he does. ? The preseason champion!
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