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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. They're all sports He's just trying to get into your head Focus on the darts
  2. what ISN'T linked to ED later in life.... I think the cause is just later in life....
  3. When she was surviving on Jakku, she always used her staff to fight. It makes sense that she would make a staff light saber, like Darth Maul.
  4. Might be a vision/dream. Red does equal bad, but Rey represents the convergence of light and dark, the end of "Jedi" and "Sith", the grey. I think she kills Kylo and she makes a new light saber. For force users, making your own saber means you've reached the peak of your abilities. Some are speculating that there's a significant time jump in this film; 10-15 years. The other two series had time jumps, but this one hasn't yet.
  5. Doesn't seem like much of a story. She's an astronaut, though, so....yeah.
  6. Why do we have anything? You ever think about that? Like, really think about it.
  7. The NFL has taken pages out of the AAF book. They did the same thing with the sky cam and I thought it was great.
  8. So, TBD is funded by the government. Interesting....
  9. Let's hope the story lives up to this trailer #faithinfavreau
  10. It's gonna work out perfectly because this is my sci-fi fantasy, not Ridley Scott's. ?
  11. Yeah, well, that sounds like a pretty good deal. But I think I may have a better one. How about, I give you the finger. [He does] And you give me my phone call."
  12. I imagine that when we get to the point of clearly identifying habitable planets, we'll want to find one that's just on the cusp of habitation. That way we can influence and accelerate the evolution of life on that planet as much as possible to our own benefit. Kind of like the engineers in Prometheus...
  13. Somebody once wrote, "Hell is the impossibility of reason." That's what this place feels like. Hell.
  14. Yeah, I don't care about the invasion. I've got nothing to hide and I'm a nobody, so Google can't touch me.
  15. He's now applying to trademark "Pharrell Williams"
  16. ***** Tom Ugh Go ***** yourself with your *****, Brady!
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