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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. He definitely said that line at some point within the speech. It was a big word-vomit.
  2. It's buggy sometimes for me. Mostly when I'm trying to watch it through the PS4
  3. Like Jay Cutler, but with more leadership skills... Uh...***** yes Isn't that just Brett Favre? He has the same passion and competitiveness
  4. They're coming to my town sometime soon... I see the huge promotional banner every day. Just a huge demonic figure growling at my office. They'll be playing across the street
  5. This is why you need to just pony up for Game Pass... ? Every game in full at any time until next August.
  6. I'm tired of females making the fish face. Top half human, please.
  7. All their stuff is on Spotify now, finally.
  8. You'll only be affecting the good people who legally obtain Wi-Fi! What about the illegal users??
  9. He's just living his best life. Leave him alone.
  10. Wow, that's crazy. What a difference between eras.
  11. Is that a good sign for our defensive linemen? Beating them up. The training camp double-edged sword....
  12. Well, a journalist is supposed to paint a picture. Journalists want to draw people into the story and add emotional details. Of course, it should all be factual. The sentence I pointed out is an issue because it's very very likely a false statement. The headline is what generates clicks, though, and that headline does not include "back to school shoppers"
  13. I'm sure a lot of them were. A low-level Walmart employee would be able to notice the difference in the customer demographics. It's this sentence that doesn't make sense: "...and what authorities have preliminarily estimated to be between 1,000 and 3,000 Saturday morning back-to-school shoppers." It just put the back-to-school-shopper label on everyone in there. We're kinda nit-picking a basic news story at this point, though.
  14. Rhino's post shows why they should continue to search and need to be doing both: identifying a habitable planet and developing an efficient way to get there. P.S. - "Noah" was likely a member of a civilization with technology far more advanced than what we currently have. He was able to construct a ship that held two of every animal on his planet and was able to propel that massive ship. Granted, it probably wasn't every animal, or he simply acquired DNA samples for many species. I say "his planet" because he likely was not on Earth originally. As his planet was dying, he fled into space without knowing where he would land. Along the way he identified what we now know as Earth. The dove with the olive branch was likely a metaphor for the drone he sent to nearby planets in order to collect samples before he landed there. Sensor readings from a distance would only tell him so much, after all. He landed, let the animals loose, used the ship for scraps as he had no way of keeping it powered or getting off the planet again, and he and his family eventually died without successfully passing on much technical knowledge to indigenous Earthlings, because there was no way to even use it in that primitive time. Noah and his family would've learned more from the Earthlings than the Earthlings would from them. This was all adapted into a story that primitive Earth people could understand ....obviously. Furthermore, I propose that Noah's planet died from being consumed by its parent star. "Flooded" with fire, not water. His ship likely used solar wind to travel. But how would he explain this to primitive Earthlings? He had to describe it like floating/riding on a liquid. Therefore, the story became that the planet was flooded with water and Noah's ark rode its waves on a boat until it hit land.
  15. That would seem really nit-picky. The press does the same for their analysis. Both parties are paying the NFL for content. I think the issue was previously mentioned by another poster: they simply haven't adapted to the blogging/social media system. They don't have a set of standards to determine which bloggers should be considered "press" and which shouldn't, so they can't reasonably accept one while denying others at this point. It'll happen eventually. Less and less people are going to ESPN/local news/etc for their team coverage and analysis.
  16. https://giphy.com/gifs/reaction-oscars-clapping-FdQ32eHgao3T2
  17. Can't wait to feel that super gravity...
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