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Everything posted by BillsShredder83

  1. Plus Jerry and the Cowboys have the highest vested interest in seeing the NFL as a whole do well of any team really. Its not like were handing him our war room lol im all for it, that stadiums awesome, and doesnt at all mean our stadium willk be anything like that. Hopefully it will be the premier open air stadium in the league
  2. Anybody else find it hard to believe he played with EJ? There are a few others on that list I was certain were gone by the time he got here. The man was elite for a few years, and the snow game against Indy is one of my fav Bills memories ever
  3. How many times have we seen these pure running qbs come I'm and crush it for 1-3years, and then just fall off the face of the earth. Lamar doesn't scare me, and shouldn't scare anyone else. He's wasted 3 years not developing his arm and is still a huge question mark. I see him bouncing around the league like Sam Bradford in 2 years. He'll bridge for 4 or 5 teams
  4. A little misleading to me. Rivers at that point was a bottleneck, not someone pushing the needle for them. Wentz might really benefit from a favorable system, and a great running game. My early prediction for comeback player OTY. Franky J is going to get the most out of him
  5. Sit out or get a hefty raise, is a win win of sorts. I was leaning towards the raise because there's no way he gets 10picks again!
  6. I dont sweat the hocus pocus, id love if it were Josh or Diggs.... if that cant pan out, my vote goes to Donald
  7. Anddddddd this is why i come here. Great post. I dont neccesarily agree with his holdout, but in context, it makes a hella lot more sense. That said, i hope they pay him just to hurt their pockets!
  8. Lol this is definitely the dumbest holdout I've ever seen! Dudes a stud but any CB with 10 ints also had alot of luck that year. Anyone think he'll do it again? I sure don't
  9. Well atleast he didn't end up unloaded in the AFC or on a contender anywhere
  10. Well I kinda covered that pretty logically. Honestly I don't see it happening but something to keep an eye on. Maybe something that could happen in season even
  11. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nfl.com/_amp/de-danielle-hunter-expected-to-attend-vikings-minicamp Looks like Hunters playing good soldier and reporting but seems like he still is nome to happy with his contract or the way the teams handling it. Do we see him get moved? Does Beane and thst team have solid chemistry to revisit the trade block together? It's across conference, and both teams made out well in the Diggs deal. Would like to think Beanes got a close eye on him. Maybe some picks and someone like Hughes or Epenesa so they're getting a player back as well and to help open up a spot for him. "We just drafted 2 de's". Yes we did, but it's no secret we love our rotation PLUSSSSS the guys we drafted can line up at any position on that line. Seems like Boogie especially thrived on the inside line. Would really transform this line into something monstrous against Mahomes like we saw in the SB
  12. I like to picture her doing what she does best in heaven... or maybe that other place
  13. He was a machine for a while. Seems like it's slowed down the last 2 or 3 years
  14. That's actually a really cool plug! Would much rather see that then mainstream insurance commercials. I could see josh watching a few shows on AS! Like I needed any more reason to like him
  15. I just pretend I work for FO so she keeps sending me those pics I like 👍
  16. Anything Allen was wearing that Thansgiving game vs Dallas. That "qb power sneak" was my favorite Bills play as an adult, and that was a helluva coming out party for Josh
  17. He really reminds me of Mario all the way around. He's got room for alot more muscle on that frame! He's going from college cafeteria to NFL weight room and strength and conditioning coaches. How stoked do you think they are to get a project like that. He's my fav pick in 10years other than Josh. He's gunna have a good year, and can't wait to see the transformation a year from now
  18. Che was far from special this year. Very favorable situation for a rb to be in too. I think there's alot of rbs that could do what he did last year in that offense
  19. that guys an interesting prospect for sure! think well see a little bit more of him this year!
  20. cool to hear Buff having a good relationship with someone considered a powerhouse agent. does anyone think that deal gets done 5-10-15 years ago? how many freakin good players did we draft and watch go have killer careers elsewhere? pretty cool that Beane and the agent agreed to the interview too, Sal has the best Bills connections around!
  21. Hope he doesnt end up in Balt! Been my fav non Bill since he was a rookie, and i think hed be a total waste there. I guess its better than Indy or NE. Now im kinda hoping he magically stays put, but very unlikely. Bummer
  22. I liked his game after his benching last year. Kinda Alex Smith ish. Would be cool to see him go on and prosper next year!
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