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Everything posted by BillsShredder83

  1. All-pro guard as well. Whaley was a flawed GM but seems like he was a good scout. ppl love to chit on him, but we see that same story in NFL all the time. awesome coordinator, sucks as a HC. it doesnt diminish them in my eyes. someone whos the best at what they do, trying to move up the ladder. the competitiveness for jobs with only 32 teams is insane... reminds me of a fighter whos dominated every contender in his class, goes up a class for a 2nd belt shot and loses... is Canelo Alvarez a bum? Israel Adesanya? Im on a rant, but i never liked the Whaley hate even when we upgraded (imo)
  2. You still keeping track of your record? You were on a tear (terror? Lol) early on dude!
  3. Not exactly fitting the theme, but living in charlotte and following Hornets, they are going to sneak up on teams all year, but especially now where everyone thinks theyre basially the Bears of the NBA. Had a nice win on them last night! Im gunna bet them early and often, and theyre going to crush a lot of overs this year as well. Whats everyone got for tonight? Bills game bets for me are always optimistic parlays, cause its fun, even taking L's. Id never bet against them or take an under on a prop where im cheering against the boys. Feeling a: Bills $line Kink over yards Kink TD And DEFINITELY a Josh TD Proli lose but if team gets the W i really dont sweat it
  4. Gabe for starters. its going to happen if we keep drafting pass catchers. Put Gabe on the Raiders and his 2nd contract likely isnt anything near what hes going to get this summer
  5. I think we drafted him, dont quote me though. I was a kid, I remember liking him and thinking it was BS we cut him. Forget who we got to replace him, but from my child memory I'm pretty sure he had a real nice career The biggest random bills fact I learned from Fitz, was a comment on Fred-Exs 'junk' lol life's weird, so is Fitz, I dig it
  6. He's in town. My buddies son met him and Stevie, with a cool surprise for them. Got it autographed and working on a frame
  7. 100% this. Keep Gabe, who I'd then be excited about again, FOR 2023. he walks in off season... we figure it out from there. Need to keep drafting a receiver in top 3 rounds and keep that cupboard stocked. Keep giving josh targets on the cheap, and if we can't resign them, josh inflated their value in FA (some atleast) and keep comp picks rolling in. Side note, beane needs to stock his front office with best black dudes available. Would love to have some extra 'diversity picks' (idk what they're actually called) rolling in
  8. They're not eating that dead Cap hit to lose his talent and only move up half'ish of a round. This is not getting it done. I'm far from cap expert but I think if we acquire him, it's a fairly friendly deal next year because of tenn dead cap hit... again, grain of salt because I don't seek out sports math lol but I think I got the right idea 4th minimum. Maybe a 7th or some kind of trigger for a higher pick if "Bills/Hopkins does 'x' "
  9. Wouldn't mind it but would MUCH rather not see it come out till a successful scripted first drive gives us a lead. Just don't want to bust it out too early and dig our D into a hole. If it looks unstoppable, we can take it out earlier following games
  10. Gun and ski mask might work. After that I'm outta ideas
  11. been through what? i feel like i missed something
  12. Would be lying If I said I didn't notice everyone of those came from shotgun
  13. I know it looks like he's jogging but any chance he's keeping that safety lower just by being there? If he's in a dead sprint that safety Is closer up on Diggs? Even if that's the case poor route designs. He shouldn't be on a streak, would be more effective to run a comeback or something shorter
  14. They've had 2 great looking #2 overall picks have electric rookie years, get hurt, and then look awful lol very washington-y
  15. Volk taking that on short notice is weird to me.... was he already in camp for a different fight? Why would you take a high level fill in fight, on 3 weeks notice, against a guy who beat you... asking as a huge fan of Volk. Wanted to see him lump up islam. Side note Team Khabib was surprisingly reserved and humble tonight. They seemed humble in victory, and had respectable comments on Palestine/Israel skirmish. I kinda expected atleast one of them to put out a Mel Gibson sound byte lol
  16. Still would up to about 24hrs ago. Seriously impressive run of hotness. My first thought was what happened, as in age never even crossed my mind lol At 35 I'm too young for 3s company but young me knew what was up on Step by Step as a kid
  17. This is why i personally think the fans screaming 'these guys are outta control with their $$, i cant be a fan' thing are too quick on the trigger. if this guys willing to gamble big money like that, to not have an atrocious team potentially tank his career, isnt he actually sacrificing $$ in exchange for love of the game. i know itll be super easy for many to read that and thumb their nose, but hes not some loud mouth Deion 'show me the $$ type', this is at least his 2nd time hinting their are destinations he doesnt want to go, and i think he wants to make sure he has a chance to make the most of his career as a good player. i for one dont think this is a money grab, i think its him trying to avoid bad organizations, commendable to me...... but im sure plenty of dudes who never saw him play or talk will disagree with me that this is even possible
  18. defense is balling out while hurt..... we have this log jam of receivers that arent doing us much good as much as i wish they were. harty, shakir, sherfield, nothing against the guys but adding another fringe guy there only makes it cloudier, dorsey unsure how to use them. unless dorsey has a stroke and takes diggs or adams off the field, you really cant lose, josh will know how to use 2 elite route runners, and Gabe would feastttttttttttttttttttttt if we have a chance to grab a major asset at WR on the offense go for it, if not, im all set. can only trade for whats available but we should be calling, theres been smoke a bunch now. if we cant check that box, another DT or CB would be cool too... the waters there arent muddy enough where id be against trading for a mid level guy, no need to use major assets on a D thats performing like this. find a way to gas up the offense
  19. NO! Gabe (#3 deep ball option, where hes ideal) and Davante on the outside, Stef in the slot almost full time or 70% ish. In the times we need Stef outside, is when Gabe can sit
  20. Caleb doesnt strike me as anything like these guys TBH. i think he wants to protect his career, and i think its smart. if you gotta fling a few turds to try and end up in the right spot so be it. no team is trading outta the pick... however if ARZ or CHI ends up with it, he says 0 chance i play for you, here a list of teams near the top of the board id play for, put together a healthy package and let one of them get me, it could sorta'ish work out for both. if the guy is not going to play for you, but you can swing one of the largest compensations ever, its better than turning up your nose at it to have him go back to school anyways. maybe the nfl will say ownership isnt possible, he can make some other crazy demand (with no intentions of having it fulfilled) "i want to be named offensive coordinator then" lol its so easy to say, player shut up and go play... but if youre him, and in high demand, and are worried the Bears could pull a Bears, and not only f* up your money, but your legacy, i kinda dont blame him
  21. Almost like hes floating some BS that would never happen so he doesnt end up in a city starting with A or C lol cmon guys use your brain, Caleb is.... hes seen bad coaching and front offices ruin solid prospects, i honestly think this is incredibly big brained if this is what hes doing
  22. i see plenty of RBs and WRs, shouldnt there be someone who can throw? 😉 LITERALLY MY VERY FIRST THOUGHT! Must be since boxing is out too
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