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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. I was a dumb kid, around the same time...I still get teased to this day for playing alone, on the front lawn saying "OJ passes it to Simpson" Randy Smith was always my guy! (see my avatar) Speaking of Randy, can any other old-timer confirm for me, that Randy Smith once recorded a song called "McAdoo"? I distinctly remember the lyrics "Who has the sweetest shot in the game.?" Followed up by a deep baritnone "MAC-A- DOO MACA-DOO MACADOO...BIG MAC, BIG MAC". Very funky song... Anyone else remember this? I have searched the internet a number of times over the years, can't find any evidence...but I know it was real. I would love to hear that again...
  2. Not yet, but at least it isn't a snooze-fest against the Lions this year, for the first time in a long time.
  3. The NFL Network only has their schedule posted 1 month in advance, so so far, only times for the first 2 games are posted, up to July 21st. All times Eastern! Pre-season Week 1: vs Panthers: Friday, August 10: 10am (taped) Sunday, August 12th: 9am (taped) Wednesday, August 15: 1pm (taped) Pre-season Week 2: vs Browns: Friday, August 17: 7:30 PM (LIVE) Saturday, August 18th: 4am (taped) Sunday, August 19th: 10am (taped) Monday, August 20th: 4pm (taped)
  4. We could go back and forth with examples of anecdotal moments that should embarass people on both ends of the political spectrum. Keep pretending you are above the fray, when you are clearly bathing in it. Is protesting ice cream flavors (not even sure what you are referring to there) any different than the "freedom fries" idiocy? Sure, it is funny/stupid, but people on the right (a handful) thought of this as a real issue... social media has changed the way we discuss politics in an absurd way, and this stuff gets perpetuated by your Facebook feed....and a lot of it is just rooted in humor. But, make no mistake, people on the left are protesting serious issues too...
  5. I must say his (non) career in Buffalo is one of the biggest disappointments for me, over the last 5 years or so. I was really excited about seeing this kid play in Buffalo.
  6. Yes, conservatives have been nothing but noble and decent...you live in a nice little world...
  7. Honestly (I know you won't believe this) my response to Doc Brown was an error, meant for another post...not sure what happened. It was meant for the post above it from reddogblitz: Yes, because these two situations are completely identical. You people have lost your !@#$ing minds.
  8. Maybe it was just me, but I thought Elway was getting a little choked up during the presentation too...
  9. Love Hallie Jackson...she got even hotter today! Honestly, not a Katy Tur fan at all...I thought she was decent as a field reporter during the 2016 elections, but I think she is not so great as a show host....plus, she was once the girlfriend of Olberman....just can't forget that.
  10. I don't have a favorite... I will say, definatively, "Larry Crowne" has got to be one of the very worst movies I have ever paid money to see.
  11. But a relatively small number of wealthy donors are willing to simply generically support the Republican nonsense platform...don't leave that out.
  12. So they are too busy to understand the words coming out of their own mouths? Interestingly, Bernie Sanders fell for it too, but because he is an inherently smart and honest man, he wasn't too tired or distracted to understand what Cohen was trying to get him to say.
  13. You know, I am with you on EJ, and I don't hate Tyrod. However, I may be in the minority here, but I was all for putting Peterman in for that Chargers game. Now, I think it is very fair to say, Tyrod was given every chace. He played some of his most uninspired football the previous 3 games or so...so, I thought it was a gutsy, worthy gamble to give Peterman the start. The problem was, in my opinion is that the coach (and I completely blame McDermott) badly mis-read how ready Peterman was. Fans had no way of knowing...I trusted to McDermott to know his QB's. He didn't in this case. So, even though it was ultimately a bad decision, I don't think it was a terrible decision...if thata makes any kind of sense. In the end it was as much sending a signal to Tyrod that his play was insufficient, as it was an endorsement of Peterman, the rookie.
  14. He may never have turned into an elite QB, or even upper echelon...but I think there is a fair argument to be made that he really wasn't given a great chance in Buffalo. He got 16 starts spread out over 4 years...he started out promising enough, got hurt in week 5 of his rookie season, with a .500 record, and never really had any coach that was committed to letting him grow into the job, after that. And, lets not lose sight of the fact that it wasn't intended for him to start right out of the chute. Again, not necessarily blaming Marrone, or Rex, just pointing out that he had a very stunted developmental path with the Bills. I think he needed experience, and repetition. I think he was a good dude too.
  15. But then there is this...inflation at a six year high.. http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-biz-inflation-rates-20180713-story.html "Prices rose at their highest clip since 2012 over the past year, the Labor Department reported Thursday. The 2.9 percent inflation for the 12-month period ending in June is a sign of a growing economy, but it's also a painful development for workers, whose tepid wage gains have failed to keep pace with the rising prices."
  16. Yes, been reading your stupid **** for years. Did somebody say something?
  17. Did you actually watch Trump today? It can never be "too sutpid".
  18. It's like the idiots born in their minute all seemed to find PPP on TwoBillsDrive.com Or when you have a bunch of like-minded clowns encouraging you.
  19. I point to that video as the moment that music videos "jumped the shark" so to speak, for me. I hate this video, and by extension, this song. I don't specifically remember the first 15 seconds of the video, but given your description, I assume "sledgehammer" is euphamism for screwing....I hate this video so much though, I don't want to look...
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