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Everything posted by bigK14094

  1. Season ticket holders receive access to the NFL Red Zone as a benefit. Interestingly enough, being a season ticket holder, I signed up, and now have the capability on my phone. Of course, the phone doesn't work in the Ralph C Wilson stadium....so, this benefit amounts to zilch for those season ticket holders at the Bills games. (where else would they be?) While I am at it, should mention the other really lowtech situation surrounding the new stadium configuration/setup. Used to be (last year) a special fm radio broadcast in the stadium so that those attending could listen (to John Murphy) to the live real time broadcast . Now, the Bills changed radio broadcast stations.....55am is 10seconds delayed, and is received in the stadium....makes it useless really . No FM whatsoever......Bills have technology regression...back to the 60's!!!!
  2. In the USA, you are inocent until proven guilty. You, my man, have serious bias toward believing the media, and against the courts. I say the man should be able to earn a living until found guilty. Now, the NFL is bowing to PC pressure........and that is their right....but I see a serious rush to judgement here. Now, I was the beneficiary of corporal punishment when I was growing up, mostly deserved, I might add. So, I have little problem with the idea he uses such methods on his children. It seems based on facts made public so far,, he overdid it in the one case......but, as the father of the child, he has the right/obligation to raise his kids in the manner he chooses. I don't care what the various studies say, this is a choice of parents.....and cannot be legislated by the government or the press. Stay out of the home...all you do gooders. Now, having said that, he did go over the line, and my view is you "reinstruct the parent here" The fact AP was treated like this as a child....this treatment was like he was treated.....can't stop that from happening. And ,yes, I did spank my kids....open hand....and they are none the worse for wear all these years later. Sorry, I just can't buy all this meddling in private affairs by the press. Let the law progress.......and handle it.
  3. I am a real old timer, having had season tickets a couple of years at War Memorial Stadium. I have seen them all, mostly. (including Duby) After seeing Watkins live the first time last Sunday, he reminds me of Andre Reed, especially when running those short under crossing patterns which turn into 15-20 yard gains. If Sammy turns into another Andre Reed, it was a great trade. And, after one viewing, I think that is a possibility.
  4. So far so good on the Henderson pick. It remains to be seen if Henderson can stay clear of the weed and other distractions. He can make a ton of money if he can....that is a sobering influence on some people (it would be on me) whaley, then, made the gutsy call, and is looking goooood at this point. But, time will tell.
  5. Buffalohio is right.......its a matter of degree....yes, he was over the line....yes, he shouldn't loose his job over this.....and, this might have been typical of the way he was raised.....you can't totally judge somebody by the sururban middle class standards many are raised in....others come from hard environments. And, who says yours is the right one.....
  6. Yes, I certainly was a time or two....the thing is, hitting the kid hard enough to leaving those kind of markings is wrong......I think an open hand is enough...don't need to do the switch things...thats real old school. Of course, the Divorsed mother, anything to keep the kid away from AP, I am thinking. Bad situation, and I don't think the criminal courts are the place to sort out, some sort of other non judicial process is in order....
  7. I was there.......CB situation is interesting and hard to read. McKelvin sat out q1 and about 1/3 q2.....then he played until halftime. then, Gilmore back in....and played until about middle of Q4...then McKelvin again. Gilmore didn't look good....got beat numberous times...and seems to be a step slow out there. McKelvin makes the pick at the end.......but it was over by then. Anyhow, somebody is reading the marketing stuff on Gilmore....he is a concern. Now, Sammy, reminded me of Andre Reed going over the middle in his prime. We are going to see that a lot, and for big yardage as Sammy is so quick after the catch. The early long pass was right there in the Endzone, but the Miami back made a great play to knock it out. The officials made a few bad calls...missed two false starts by Brandon Alpert.....a critical one when Miami went on 4th down.....couple of other bad misses both ways. LB play was good, Brown/Bradham playing well. D line was good, plays by many, and yes, Manny Lawson had some great plays from the DE. Jerry Hughes a couple of off sides....he is the new Fred Smerlas in that regard.. But, he got a sack also...... EJ no mistakes, so far so good. He missed a couple of throws, but mostly was good. He is not doing his running thing with heart yet though, remembers getting hurt last year I am thinking. Special teams looking better than last year. I guess I have to think hard for a bone head play, other than the guy in shorts on the Bills bench who knocked down the offical on CJ's 102 yard return. Cost the Bills 15 yards on the kickoff. You got to stay clear of those officals whereever. I think the side line team folks are supposed to stay behind the yellow line....anybody confirm that rule?
  8. Criminal punishment serves three purposes: Retribution, deterence, and, making any victim whole. This particular set of "punishments" is short in the deterence category in my view. I am not big on retribution....no reason to jail him on that basis.....but, I am big on deterence....and he should have gone to jail for a period of time as a deterent to other stupic drunks. This guy didn't slide down the rail once, he did it multiple times.......he knew what he was doing, and did it anyhow. I would have made an example of him. The above comment about losing the civil suit, and declaring bankrupcy is right on, the victim will not get much, if anything. I think the justice system is failing here.....or at least just passing....give the system here a D
  9. Goodell will stay. You want to see somebody get fired that needs to....try the CEO of Home Depot........
  10. Well, I think all three guys.....Brandon, Whaley and Marrone have the new owner eventuality covered in their contracts. Big money if they are let go....and , if let go, all three will land on their feet elsewhere in the NFL. I think Whaley is the best comodity aroudn the league, and the best candidate to be retained. Marrone, as stated above, survives if the record gets better this year and the team looks better....they didn't look better last year vis a via Chan Gailey teams(at least overall, yes the D was way better) Pegula put his own guy in right away at the Sabers as President (Black), and I might expect the same here. His guy will be overall in charge, although it might be just the finance guy. (adios to Wilsons cohort here, although a handoff will occur to train the new finance guy in the capinomics etc) All in all, nothing but at the very top for the remainder of this season.
  11. Actually, if passed, this is very bad news for the Bills and football fans of Western NY. Ralph Wilson stadium will become a studio during NOvember and December, season tickets sales will drop. As for those who contend that the taxpayers pays for the stadium, that is true. And the bills rent the stadium as compensation for the use of the Erie County owned stadium. Now, the ownership of the intellectual property that is football entertainment are then free to do what they will wrt to the distribution of the game. If the blackout policy is lifted, I predict empty stadiums ala Jacksonville, where they cover the empty sections with CANVAS so that they don't look so empty on TV. BTW, if Garth Brooks plays in the Ralph, how many of you think that is going to be televised free? I can tell you, that I, for one, will drop my season tickets (4) if the blackout policy is lifted. I want to beat the rush out the door!!!
  12. With the Pegula announcement today, we are all already 19-0 for the season!!!!
  13. Ashley Palmer, playing tonight for the Lions. A starter, I think, He only had one season here and was cut...Jauron administration I think.
  14. Yes, Gilmore is all headlines and no delivery......fair first year....bad last year...and a no show this year. Still another #1 that hasn't lived up.....it took Leotis quite a few years to get it, and I think gilmore is in the same learning curve. Don't understand all the favorable comments on gilmore......what has he shown on the field for that support. I think gilmore is inactive until he is fullly healthy, and not sure, if things are going well, he starts right away again. A CB controversy, life is good!!!!
  15. I have an old standing Buffalo decal on my garage door window, been there a long time.....as long as I have been a fan!!! Standing Buffalo is the real old days.......
  16. What about the helmet to helmet hit on Woods after his leaping catch.......no call on that play.........Bills need to advise the league and get that guy fined about $30K for doing that!!!
  17. McKelvin had a couple of bad plays......and a lot of good one.......13 tackles today....thats a season for some players. And, they weren't all receivers he was covering. I feel much better about McKelvin than I do about Gilmore. I have never seen the shutdown corner named Gilmore that the Bills were marketing as recently as last year. He doesn't exist until I see it , and I am a season ticket holder....I see-um all. Gilmore is a #1 that has yet to deliver...that first year was only fair....last year a diaster.....we will see this year. Show me......I have n't seen it yet. Now, a couple of points I haven't heard on the board here about the officials. First, on Woods leaping catch..play of the game other than Fred's run I thought, the Bears DB did a head on head hit on Woods. the Bills should write this guy up to the league, and he ought to be fined $30K for targeting our guy....the announcers were pro Bears, and did not mention that bad boy play. And, in OT, Spiller around the left end and out of bounds...Spiller is beyond the white stripe and running along the sideline OB, he gets clobbered....that should have been flagged....Spiller was obviously annnoyed by the hit, and so was I. Real homer officials. Finally, point of clarification, as I don't know, but at 4:02 of the fourth quarter, the Bills kickoff to the Bears.....and the guy fields the ball in the endzone. He runs up about 8 yards, thinks better of it, and downs the ball. How come the clock doesn't move? Seems to me, as he is running....time must elapse......anyhow, I may not have the rules right on this point....need a comment here from the board. All in all, a great start to the season. Bring on the Phin's, I'll be there!!!
  18. Officials missed the helmet to helmet on Robert Woods after his flying reception. I hope the Bills complain to the league and get that Bears guy for $30K!!! And fire the officials that missed it....
  19. Our season ticket group will gather at my house for many drinks and munchies and pizza afterward. Next week, Cuban sandwiches at the tailgate...we always do thematic food, and that seems right for a Miami team! Shades of my time at Fort Polk!!!
  20. The Bills were full of hype onthis guy...shutdown corner and all that. It now appears he is injury prone, and not going to be the impact player we thought. He never looked good last year.....although he showed heart playing with the club, I mean cast, on his hand. Lets hope he repairs and can contribute this year. But, he is not going to get the big bucks he is hoping with the kind of seasons he is having.
  21. In a perverse way, the bills failure to use CJ extensively has actually benefited CJ. A running backs physical condition is the sum of all the hits he takes. Since CJ takes fewer hits over 5 years, he likely is in better shape to last a couple of years longer. IMHO.
  22. Actually. you have this wrong. Denney, Wire and Bannon all played in the league for 7-8 years. No superstars, but pro's non the less.
  23. Our season ticket group goes for the football. The Jills.....we aren't there to watch T&A.....Jills are irrelevant to the experience for our group. Drum and Buggle....OK by me........actually better now that I think about it. In terms of the legal dispute, I had an experience many years ago where my organization ran an event where the Jills came and helped with the displays being discussed. They were not paid...they were given dinner for two certificates....and that was good by them, as they were all doing this as fun experience...not wage paying job. (One of our folks was married to a Jill, and that is how we made the connection) The Jills morphed from a voluntary group to one expecting compensation over the last couple of decades. Anyhow I have no problem with the Bills deciding the Jills are history...permanently.
  24. Spikes and Tebow...were.together in college. They visited Alabama at the same time while being recruited out of high school and met there......after the visit, the 'bama staff ask him where he was going to school, Spikes replied....where ever Tebow goes......and that is the way it happened.
  25. I voted all season.....having said that, I think that if you get near the end of the season, and you are going nowhere.....they you need to find out about others.......give Tuel a game or two to see what he can do......Orton only gets in if EJ gets hurt and you are still potentially going some where. Like it or not, Tuel is our developmental QB...and he needs to be developed if EJ isn't cutting it. It also could come to pass that EJ is getting pounded from lack of protection...and getting him out of there a game or two might be good for him...this in the event the O line is badly overmatched this year. Likely though, this administration gives EJ the whole season.
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