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Everything posted by bigK14094

  1. Yes, excellent article...I subscribe to the Athletic, so was able to read in full. BTW, Joe B has not resurfaced on the A, and wondering if he no longer employed there. I know he had a long paternity leave planned, but, camp is here. In terms of Bernard, I was surprised when he surfaced as the choice at MLB. However, I now believe that he was drafted to play that role for the Bills, and they targeted a more mobile and active lb for MLB. Results would say they got it right so far. He is not yet "complete", but starting at a reasonably high level in his first season. Yes, he was missed in the playoffs.
  2. RG3 like in his world view. Didn't work out to well for him. EJ Manual had some of that as well.
  3. Clemons and Winfield were B grade players. Made precious few big plays back in the day. I didn't care when they left.
  4. uTube Tv has its own problems. I am a snowbird, and can only change location twice a year under their rules. The problem is we go back and forth at least twice a year, so I get stuck with the wrong location a lot of the time. Can't get local content, or record local programs because I don't want to use up my location changes. since there is no way to get this problem to a real person, I am really considering changing streaming providers. Maybe HULU, maybe another....anyhow, I have had Utube tv for about a year, and its only so so. I did purchase the NBA game package during my Florida time, and a family member used it in another market via a VPN so he could see the home games of his fav team. So, the VPN was a help there.
  5. I think Coleman and Kincaid will hold each other back, unless Coleman has moves we haven't seen. I don't see the big deep threat on the roster. Hence, no true Diggs replacement this year.
  6. Terry has moved on wrt to the Bills future. His other daughter is now handling and actually has ownership (about 1%) I read. Jessica broke the family silence with her publication about her mom's medical condition and is on the "outs" w Terry is my read.
  7. Isabella has wheels, and McD sees something or else he would not be here.
  8. He was never coming back to the Bills after the shabby treatment they gave him when he was accused. No presumption of innocence by the Bills. Perhaps the worst treatment I have seen the Bills give a player in memory. (and I have been around a long time) This is a reflection on those decisions by Bean, McD and undoubtedly the Pegs as well. Who knows, the NFL might have even pressured the decision. Anyhow, no spine or principles on display by the Bills administration in this case. Good luck Matt Ariza.
  9. Yes, but the Von Miller contract takes away two starters....so, doesn't seem like genius, seems like random luck. Josh will get paid more at some point, he will not play out at $40 Million, as he is a top 5 player.
  10. Saquan Barkley didn't get the big pay day. Cook won't either, but will try and move imho.
  11. As a Bills fan for 50+ years, this is the right outlook. I lived through the 2-14 years, and it was grim. The Bills were so bad the other team didn't have to play their regulars and coasted out of Buffalo. I saw one game when the opposition threw 6 passes, otherwise ran the ball down the Bills throat. (Griese the father) Anyhow, my conclusion after those years that if the Bills fielded a team that made the opposition hustle and Bills were competitive, I would be happy. That is more than the case now, as the Bills will contend imho. But, it was not always that way. Still not a believer in Lawrence.
  12. I had a kefuffel w them about renewal. The wanted over $800 for the year of digital. I just dropped them . To many issues recent times. Based on my friends input, I am thinking they may go under, lots of cancellations.
  13. He dropped the pass from TT in the endzone against the Jags. then he went crazy in the off season. Good luck Cards
  14. Sort of, I had to enter a new password, which I used my old password, and I am in. It alleges I now have access to the Athletic and the NY Times. I don't like paying a nickel to the NYT btw. I am bundled until I unbundle I guess. Of course, I knew the NYT bought the Athletic perhaps a year ago. I am good w sports news, but don't like the left ward spin out of the rest of the NYT content.
  15. I will buy Kincaid is a better receiver. Blocking TE, I am not so sure. I like having both around, and think they have a place. I do think Knox contract is a little rich, but, he will be around a while imho.
  16. I remember his first name as Joel. Good coach, I had hoped he would stay longer.
  17. Roscoe Parrish v 2.0 would have been his career. Miss half the games.
  18. As long as Josh Allen is throwing the rock, our receivers are going to be in demand elsewhere due to their great stats. So, losing some in the future ala Davis is likely imho. Perhaps Shakir will fit that mold if he develops more this year.
  19. Spector can play when healthy. But, he has been oft injured. Even play might bring that into consideration.
  20. Now that they know him, they see he is a head case (still) We won't be seeing him in Bills uni again.
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