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Everything posted by bigK14094

  1. Goodwin....a speed guy....needs to run a deep pattern during the game sometime and get a chance to outrun somebody, which he can do. He doesn't need to return a kickoff and stick his nose in there up the middle and get hurt again. Goodwin may have value, but they are not using him correctly imho. He is too injury prone to be on the team....I say he has to go if he is not good enough when healthy to be a top 3 receiver....and apparently he is not. The Bills also need a second and third TE that can catch.....throws to both backup TE's were on the turf......Gragg has zero hands, and neither does Lee Smith. A BIG need in the next draft.....Chandler still serviceable...but no superstar either. Coaching...lots of good plays, and for a change, I thought the bills actually did adjust at halftime to get the O going. None the less...the lack of comprehensive make sense play sequencing is bothersome to say the least. I did actually see a screen pass (Hackett has at least heard of it, apparently) Of course, Boobie Dixon decides to run by the three O linemen in front of him. Instead of getting 25 he gets 10. ACTUALLY, NEITHER TEAM LOOKED LIKE A PLAYOFF TEAM TO ME.
  2. James Hardy was a major mistake by the Bills in assessing talent. He WAS big, but he had really slow feet. I knew the first time I saw him play he was a bust. I really don't understand how he was a #2....he was UDFA talent level. Now, wrt to his incarceration in a mental institution, I hope he gets the help need to get him striaght.....but, after a trial out of the hospital, he is going to see the Slammer for a considerable time. How do people get that far off the railroad tracks?
  3. Yeh, but Winston can play....so not a good analogy. Winston is more likely CAm Newton V2.0
  4. Yeh, Vincent definitely took the shot at Losman......and I always refused to believe the "quality" guy image he was portrayed with. Getting rid of Bledsoe and turning the reins over to Losman was a BIG mistake....as Losman was a bust happening. At least in Dallas, Bledsoe lost out to a player...tony romo.
  5. Seems like a lot of Bills getting hurt in practice.....something wrong there at this time of year, practices should be lighter, and non contact. I wonder if Marrone is a little bit to old school for the modern NFL.
  6. About Todd Collins. He lasted 15 years in the league....after Buffalo KC and the Redskins I think. Mostly backup, but started some games late in his career and did well. He was one that the Buffalo coaching ruined.......
  7. I have only seen Winston on TV.....looks like another Cam Newton to me.
  8. It will be interesting to see Orton return to Denver on December 7......and we know Kyle will be MOTIVATED to show his stuff that day!!!!
  9. My fear is the Bills try to bring on EJ to fast again. I see no reason Orton can't play 3-5 seasons more for the Bills......EJ may be a free agent before we let Orton retire again. Of course, all this is predicated on Orton and the bills becoming winners, finally.
  10. Actually, the bills are off this week after watching film today. So, only a standard week of practice before the KC game. Of course, the coaches will be working, and getting game plan ready. Might even be working the Miami game plan.....as they will only have 4 days to prepare for that baby. If I were HC, I would be doing that as well. Prep time is critical, get your head in the right place and the good game plan will follow.
  11. Setting aside the Jets game, Hackett has failed to deliver the advertise run game. Last year, lots of yards, but yds per carry was not great. finished high in rushing because they ran so much, not because they were great at it. run game is even worse this year.......especially without the #1,2 backs.....The recent successes of the offense fall on finally having a pro QB. The bills o is still in the bottom third of the league.........So, I say, Hackett takes a fail......now, since we are talking coaches, although things have not been as agreious as last year, I am still no fan of Crossman.....other than the kicking game....I have not seen great plays....on a regular basis. To many holding penalities.....has to be coaching, can't be that many dumb guys on the Bills. So, keep the rest, let the other two gracefully move on....unless , of course, Marrone wants to pull a Wade like move, throw his body in the road in front of these two guys......(Wade protected Ronnie White, I think it was, and Ralph fired them both, then)
  12. The Bills won ugly last week, and if they can't put away a 1-6 team....then there is not really much hope. I do think its a tough game in NY, but, you have to win where you can and should. A win ahead of the bye week would set the team up for a playoff run..... The injury situation is, of course, a concern. I am happy to see real talent on the roster to step in with the loss of our major talents at rb. And, signing a guy off the street with experience at Dallas for three years, that also OK, as long as he doesn't need to know the offense for a couple of weeks. My bigger concern is at safety, where we are weak if Aaron Williams isn't 100%. They need him this weekend, but, if it means healing through the bye week and being 100% again, do without him.
  13. Branch hosed the Bills....just like Orton hosed the Cowboys. Need to have a way to deal with that kind of non professional behavior by players. Branch can play if he is in shape.....I have no complaints about the bills d line play this year, but Branch would have made them even stronger. Wynn and Charles are a bit younger for sure, but not with the pedigree of Branch.
  14. three tight end game plans are a staple around the league upon occasion....but, in the case of the Bills, we don't exactly have the cast at TE to make that offense a credible threat. Chandler is capable to some degree, a B player at TE , say,. Lee Smith is a C- player, at best, and Gragg is a C player as well. So, why are we focused on getting all three of that caliber players on the field, when we have all A and B players at Wide receiver. (OK, we can argue about HOGAN) Seems to me a system has to be designed to use talent at hand, not the system we would like if we had the players. Face it, our TE's are not GronK and Hernandez in their heyday.
  15. You know, the Media are so pro Jets biased, that a win over the Jets is always doubly sweet. I love it when the NY media has to explain how they lost to the upstate Bills.
  16. You can go by the QB's arm, and EJ doesn't have the arm......Orton has the arm.....can throw....like a pro should. I don't like the fact that the Bills picked EJ on intangibles......and failed picking on the ability to pass the ball. I hope the Bills don't waste 5 years on EJ like they did on Losman.......
  17. I found the game announcers commentary on Orton to be insightful. One was a former teammate of Orton's, and he said he didn't recognize the guy on the sideline. Orton has grown up and matured....and is leading a flawed offense with the skills of a veteran. Now, I have been a season ticket holder for 40 years, and have seen them all. I can tell you the number one qualification of an NFL QB is the arm strength and accuracy. EJ doesn't have what it takes, set aside all the other great qualities. I have not seen a professional down the middle throw from EJ in the two years I have watched him...not an NFL ready arm. Orton, on the other hand, is short on running capability/escapability.....but, he can chuck the rock in there, short and long. The stats show it....EJ was missing wide open receivers, and Marrone faced an insurection from the wr's....he had to make the change. I think the Bills were lucky to get Orton, and might end up north of .500 for the first time in many years. Not predicting playoffs here, but saying the right QB is running the ship/ I think we will see Orton for a couple of years...until another QB shows up. (EJ a bust in my view) As for the Fitz comparisons, Orton is less athletic than Fitz, who could scramble pretty well you might recall. but, Orton has a better arm, especially on long throws, and is my preference when selecting between the two veterans.
  18. Yes, and the play(s) where they ran Boobie wide were wasted as well. Hackett doesn't know how to adjust on the fly, off script and he is in trouble. He kept calling the Fredex plays, even when it was Boobie in there. Boobie is downhill all the way, with power. The TV announcers were even onto this strange play calling wit Boobie carrying.
  19. Marrone and Hackett can't get off script at all, shows a lack of depth in knowledge of how to win. When both rb's go down...and you are left with Boobie Dixon running, you don't still call the outside runs. Announcers were chokeing on that call........so was I. Another series, they called two runs and a pass which ended with a sack. Down by 6 and the ball never got in the air. I give Orton credit, he keeps his head, he has been there.......I watched closely at the end, imho, Orton was telling Hackett how to do it. And, our all American LaCross player (Hogan) did make a few plays, but he still isn't a football player......Announcers kept waiting for Chandlers number to get called. Wasn't until the last series.....Hackett doesn't get it/.....proceed until stopped if the rule. Same applies to Watkins...could have been targeted more. He reminds me of Andre Reed some, and happy he is a Bill.
  20. He will fit in on the Jets, then! Must be the Jets realized TJ Graham was not the answer, either.
  21. Goodwin is the second coming of Robert Parish....and we all know how that turned out. Hammy hurt in practice. This kid can't stay healthy, and really doesn't have a career in pro football if he is that brittle. I wonder how long the management will take to realize that Goodwin is a part time player....only physically active part of the time, and not a starter. Of course, everybody in the league understands his speed. Not sure he shouldn't go the same route as TJGraham...likely next preseason. BTW, TJ on the Jets roster last night, didn't do anything.
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