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Everything posted by Mickey

  1. Does that sound like our kind of guy? An aging, injured ,disgruntled WR? He was a good route runner in the past but this is now. Sure, maybe he is just mad about his contract and maybe he has a nagging injury that, at his age, he hasn't been able to get past. A high priced, soon to be over the hill, disgruntled WR with broken wheels won't immediately solve anything. It would be a gamble with odds only slightly better than Kelvin Benjamin. Pass. Plenty of other WR's out there and we have done pretty well with the guys we have. Green was awesome back in the day and maybe he does have some mileage left so I get the interest but I don't think its a smart move.
  2. Sign an aging WR who can't cut or plant off his left foot? Why?
  3. Ford has not been fine, he has been getting much help from the TE's and the backs which is why they haven't been available to run routes at all or have to nudge the DE on Ford's side before they can slip out and get open.
  4. Fireball from Firebaugh. Crystal Beach is back baby, there is a new Comet in town and his name is Josh Allen. Check the batteries on your home defibrillators and enjoy the ride.
  5. Here in Syracuse, we revel in our wintry reputation. I'll take a landscape of snow covered hills and trees over the dystopian hellscape of humidity, sand, insects and bad football that is the state of Florida any day, Here our pastimes are sledding, skiing and snowball fights which beats the hell out of Baltimore's enthusiasm for murder, insurance fraud and public urination. Bad weather? Really? Tell you what Kansas and Texas, I'll keep my stay at home snow days and you can keep your tornado watch evacuations, fire ants and dust storms all to yourself. From Buffalo to Syracuse I say, let it sow, let it snow, let it snow.
  6. Clear the garlic out of your souls you bunch of grinches. I love it!
  7. I think that we have to realize that the emotional stress of Thanksgiving dinners can lead some to go on a days long bender to cope with the stress. In that light, let us be kind to the OP in this thread and just forget he ever wrote this and not hold it against him in the future. Let he who has not got through turkey day in an alcoholic stupor cast the first snarky reply.
  8. I can't wait until tomorrow morning when I can turn on the radio and hear some ridiculously obscure stat that proves that we have a terrible quarterback. Did you know which QB has the lowest QBR/DVOA x YPA + YAC/TD/INT rating in the league based on games played against the Eagles in Buffalo NY in the year 2019? Oh yeah, its Josh Allen people, not that I am saying he is not good or won't eventually be our franchise QB, I am just saying that he has the worst (*&EW(e09 rating in the league.
  9. He could be the tight end that doesn't drop passes. That position on the roster is currently wide open.
  10. I'm not sure I accept the premise about the stats being identical. Tyrod's fourth quarters were nearly always terrible, especially when he had the ball late with a chance to win it with a score or to seal a victory by running out the clock. Even with a "bad" game Allen had us in position to extend the game to OT if our kicker wasn't over the hill.
  11. Is there someone I can give real life money to who can shut this kind of crap down? Here is my question: You have barely enough functioning brain cells to muster up the ability to control your own drool. Your team is 6-3 with three fairly weak teams left on the schedule and one other team that has lost their starting quarterback. You lose a game where your very young, very talented but still raw QB played a so-so game where he scored twice, had no turnovers and generated enough offense to win a road game if your kicker wasn't eligible for senior citizen discounts. Should you: A) Give up on the season and your QB and plan to tank the rest of this year and several more years hoping to eventually find a "franchise QB" while in the meantime your solid defense wastes away?, or B) Go to your room, shut the door, grab your blanky and have a good long cry and don't come out until you have pulled yourself together? Hint: the correct answer is B.
  12. Hmmm...so if we don't count all their best running plays and only count their worst ones, we can conclude that our run defense was awesome. And yes, Captain Queeg proved, through geometric logic, that a duplicate key to the ward room icebox had to exist.
  13. Yes, we are all emotional train wrecks, blindly following the irrational passions of our unruly hearts. Thank goodness we have the OP's superior objectivity, his sober grip on the realities of life and his calm and never erring guidance to help us separate fact from folly. I am truly grateful.
  14. I never made it out of training camp but my parents do have an aerial shot of me playing in an exhibition game, I'm the guy in the "34" jersey:
  15. Dan Fouts: "The ever daring and often disastrous Josh Allen..." ?
  16. The only noteworthy issue here is that she is a woman so of course its in the lead. Besides, does promoting diversity preclude her being the most qualified? Would you have celebrated this as an excellent non-diversity hire (whatever that is) if the article only covered all those qualifications you keep ignoring? My bet is you still would have responded with some version of "...they only hired her because she is a woman..."
  17. Exactly. Besides, its a boring nothing kind of story, the only noteworthy factoid in it is that the new hire is female and that is still a rarity in the NFL. So of course its in the lead paragraph.
  18. Did you not read any of the sentences after that? How about the 9 paragraphs after that detailing her experience, prior success, references, etc.? ADHD - get treatment, there is hope!
  19. The same article goes into depth regarding her experiences as a player and coach, detailing her success at every level so far including D-1 college football. There are ten paragraphs in the story and only one mentions diversity. All the rest are about her relevant experience, references, etc. I don't imagine that the hiring of an intern would gather much attention at all but the fact that she is a woman and that it is pretty rare to have female coaches in the NFL makes that the most marketable angle of the story so the PR department would be idiots if they didn't mention it, even feature it. I am surprised it was only mentioned in the opener.
  20. You are assuming that its a diversity based hiring without considering the possibility that she was flat out better than the other candidates for the position. Why? The story linked to by the OP shows that she has plenty of coaching experience, has done well at every position she held and impressed the Bills' coaching staff while working as a coaching intern during training camp.
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