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Everything posted by K-9

  1. You think he looks lean there, you should see him standing next to Vincent Jackson in a suit.
  2. He not only refused, he didn’t even bother to answer his phone the entire offseason when the team tried calling him numerous times. And to top it off, he screwed his teammates and the fans, by showing up grossly out of shape after skipping camp. He was the picture of unprofessionalism. Yes, it was a damned shame we couldn’t find a way to keep a future HOF player. And we definitely screwed the pooch in many aspects of the relationship. But it takes two and he made it clear he wanted out the entire time. And why? Because the Bills had the temerity to ask him to own up to the deal he had only recently renegotiated?
  3. Peterman and McCarran will be lucky to get through camp without being thoroughly demoralized by the arm talent of Josh Allen. They’ve never seen that kind of arm up close before.
  4. NewEra needed to incorporate the Whammy Wheenie instead.
  5. Nah. Back in the day, when they formed the NFL Quarterback Club, Kelly, Marino, Elway, Esiason, et al were the best of friends outside the lines. But they wanted to crush each other on the field. Just the way it should be.
  6. Are we supposed to caption all the players in this photo as well?
  7. Gotta go with the Joe Webb package deal. But you have to connect a lot of dots first.
  8. Thanks again. I was in the same ballpark as your estimates. I like the series for what it is; a surface level view of some of what goes on in a training camp. And while I realize it’s not “scripted” like other reality television, I am mindful that it is heavily shaped to support certain selected emerging narratives as they arise. It is also predetermined what players will be the initial focus and for good reason as that mirrors fan (audience) interest initially. As much as I enjoy it each season, I hope we are never the subject of it. It is a major distraction and the less of those a team has going into a season, the better.
  9. CFL is tailor-made for his game. If he keeps it together, he can shine up there.
  10. Appreciate the insight. Can you ask your friends what percentage of the video shot ends up on the editing room floor? 
  11. That has always been standard protocol at roasts so those that don’t give the roastee final say are the exception.
  12. Typically, the roastee has final say after everyone else on the dais has taken their shots.
  13. His highly paid professionals in Miami or at Alabama?
  14. Forgot all about SaviorPeterman so I have to amend my previous post. Waiting until after the first preseason offensive series is the patience of Job. Waiting until October is the patience of God.
  15. October!? You're gonna wait until October!? That's the patience of Job around here where he gets the end of the first offensive series in the preseason. October. This guy.
  16. That no player in history has been better served by a boulder-sized chip on his shoulder.
  17. Great stuff. Fitz's delivery was fantastic. Tip of the hat to the writers who created some great material, too.
  18. We all came from Africa. What’s the mystery?
  19. Don’t recall off hand. But there are countless QBs I liked that crapped the bed.
  20. Three-way team tie breaker. End of story. All the other stuff, from getting favorable calls from refs to forcing turnovers and everything in between tend to even out over the course of the season and EVERY team benefits or suffers because of them.
  21. Sad to hear. Less media diversity leaves us more susceptible to less media diversity.
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