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Everything posted by K-9

  1. All true. Saw a great and dangerous example of that today when an "anonymous twitter source" tweeted about the phrase "oconus sources" (intelligence operations) used in texts between Strzok and Page of the FBI. Fox news then jumped on this, reported it as "operatives" in the Trump campaign and The Donald then wasted no time tweeting about "spies" in his campaign. A non-reputable source offers a tweet of half truths, it's picked up by a major outlet and reported as facts, and our own president tweets it to millions. These are dangerous times.
  2. Totally agree that credible journalists are credible journalists, no argument there. But imo, to say platform isn’t important contradicts that because social media platforms don’t always employ journalists, credible or otherwise. Fake news items can be fabricated and planted by fake organizations and shared by a million users accepting it as gospel truth. There are four main components to comminication: the sender, the receiver, the message, and the media (platform) used for delivery. When an unregulated platform not held to legal and ethical standards can be so easily manipulated it’s important. Very important.
  3. No, nothing new indeed. The platform makes a difference though. It is easier to manipulate, hide, and even create totally bogus sources on social media platforms. Which in turn makes it easier to cater to what people want to hear. We all need to be more diligent in identifying sources.
  4. Especially disinformation and fake news. IMO, one of the other reasons print media is struggling is that it's held to certain legal and ethical standards whereas twitter and facebook aren't held to any standard at all. And it's hard to compete against that when people have grown so comfortable with just hearing what they want to hear.
  5. Definitely easy to see how TG would be annoyed with the fan base. After all, he routinely shows contempt for it. Unless I misunderstand the phrase "go hump a fist" and it's really a term of endearment.
  6. I can see your larger point and,if that’s the case, then Graham’s point is lost. Realistically, how many fans convey “hero” status on Cornelius Bennett today? Certainly not any fans born after 1998. And certainly not the fans of his era who are acutely aware of his abhorrent behavior and had lost any respect they might have had for him at one time. So who is left for Graham to preach to in the fashion he chose in his tweet? Fans who might not know better than to realize great football players can also be deplorable human beings?
  7. Perhaps it’s because the #metoo movement is topical combined with Graham’s reluctance to acquaint himself with facts before spouting off. Lot of that going on in here.
  8. Insidious disease. F-word cancer. Good luck to Mr. Gettleman.
  9. Like you didn’t know I was clearly talking about Graham’s false report about being Bennett being convicted of RAPE. It was clear to everyone else here but not you for some reason. Your blind defense of everything Graham and the subsequent bashing of anyone who calls him out renders you incapable of reasonable debate on the subject. I understand why you need to lump me in with anyone that would defend Bennett’s abhorrent behavior, but I didn’t and never have. Just more of your dishonest approach to debate. As as far as I’m concerned, our particular exchange on the matter is finished.
  10. Graham said he was “convicted of rape.” Bennett did not get charged with or plead guilty to that crime, ergo it was a crime he “didn’t commit.” Your parsing of language and weak semantic argument is, AGAIN, indicative of your frequent intellectual dishonesty around here. And, just as you telling people they need to choose their words better, you, AGAIN, are the LAST person to suggest anyone here should own their mistake and move on.
  11. Why is Graham brining this up now? Because he’s not a better person now.
  12. Another example of lack of situational awareness. Maybe Timmah needs more mental reps.
  13. That’s true about credibility and prosecutors and defense lawyers hammer it all the time. But in this case, Bennett’s guilty plea supports her credibility as a victim.
  14. The women’s arrest has no bearing on being a victim of sexual abuse. None. Criminals can be victims of sexual assault just as much as a saint.
  15. He stated Bennett was convicted of RAPE; that crime. Nobody here suggested Bennett didn’t commit a crime and plead guilty to a misdemeanor. But in your typical intellectually dishonest fashion, you must move the goal posts and twist other people’s words to make a futile point. You are the LAST person to suggest anyone here should choose their words carefully.
  16. You could call it that, sure. Does that matter to Vic Carucci? To the other people in that picture now associated with the first tweet? To the entire Jim Kelley event? Timmah needs to stick to features only, where he can better use his overly emotional appeals and where he has more time to actually research FACTS before spouting off and smearing people.
  17. We better ease up on all this Tim Graham bashing or we may never be able to convince him to return to the forum.
  18. No, he's a douche because he falsely accused someone of being convicted for a crime he didn't commit on a public platform and chose the Jim Kelley event to do it.
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