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Everything posted by K-9

  1. I said before the game it would be interesting to see if Cleveland could rebound from such a loss in game one and predicted they wouldn’t be able to. Within the first few minutes the answer was clear. Granted, there’s a reason the Cavs are the biggest finals underdog in 30 years, but it’s one thing to get whipped physically, quite another to lose mentally like they did last night. Game three will be an even bigger mental challenge, too.
  2. Wow. Talk about body language. They had no chance in OT after that.
  3. There never was as some of us maintained after his botched retirement announcement, but some in the media and around here jumped to the conclusion that there had to be. It's my understanding, Wood isn't losing a dime in the injury settlement and I hope that's true. The Bills organization wants to exemplify an operation that takes care of their own when it comes to players like Eric Wood, who's done it the right way his entire pro career.
  4. Shady has to break the 12k barrier to have a shot at a yellow jacket.
  5. So a person’s upbringing, economic class, and eventual affluence precludes him from sympathizing with and seeking to effect change in a societal issue he finds important? Perhaps the single most narrow-minded viewpoint I’ve read since the debate started.
  6. Boilermaker dominos was cool.
  7. Bleep that bleeping motherbleeping bleeper. Too much bleeping bleep getting tossed around and it just bleeps things up.
  8. Well, that I can at least understand. If the players were protesting an issue that was merited in your opinion, would taking a knee during the anthem still upset you?
  9. Viewpoint of debateable merit? Meaning what the players were protesting in the first place?
  10. And you accuse me of bringing emotional appeals to the discussion? LOL!
  11. They are bringing in some good pieces. But it’s one thing to have the pieces and quite another to get them to play together. Personally, I think they will regret the Landry signing.
  12. It’s been suggested that people who stand for the anthem are more patriotic than those that don’t. By pointing out there are anti American groups that do that all the time, I seek to point out the short sighted nature of that position. It’s s logical argument. And I would suggest that you are the one bringing the emotion into this particular exchange. I’m not upset by those who choose to exercise their right to sit, stand, or whatever while you seem to have a real visceral reaction to those that don’t stand.
  13. It has to with symbols meaning more than the very rights they represent. I’ll leave it at that.
  14. Nice to know those white supremecists are being so “respectful” when they stand and salute the flag.
  15. I agree. The question was posed to those that say not standing is unpatriotic.
  16. I can appreciate the owners being worried about the perception of disrespecting the fan base, but they walk a fine line because I can also appreciate them not wanting to offend a large percentage of their employees as well by not respecting their concerns over the issues at the center of their protest.
  17. Regarding the notion that standing = patriotism, members of white supremecist groups stand and salute our flag at their rallies. Should we consider them “patriots” as well?
  18. Always appreciate a Groucho Marx reference. But I gotta ask, just how does an elephant get in your pajamas?
  19. Yep. Pre Marv, it’s Saban and Knox and absolutely nobody else. End of story.
  20. Sheesh indeed! UB was a small, private school with an international reputation as a medical school and not long after, a law school. A fine school. And since you were shouting, let me again say, I ONLY MENTIONED UB TO POINT OUT IT WAS SIMPLY OLDER AS AN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION! SORRY YOU FELT IT NECESSARY TO MAKE THE ASSUMPTION I WAS COMPARING EVERYTHING ABOUT UB TO BERKELEY! AS IF ANYONE SHOULD DO THAT!
  21. We’ve had a number of rank kickers, so it’s really hard to say who was the worst.
  22. I appreciated Dave’s qualification as I understand the inception of the SUNY system in the early 60s and UB becoming a member school. I just thought it was worth mentioning given his mention of how old Berkeley is when UB is actually 20 years older.
  23. Who will insist on making it a wedge issue leading up to the midterms? You watch, he won’t waste any time calling out players who choose to stay in the locker room.
  24. You mean so he would “know” what advertisers to avoid? I hadn’t thought of that but it’s a good question. But some of those companies, like P&G for example, are so vast and have holdings in so many other companies that it’s nearly impossible to avoid buying their products at times. Can they act like many of the drunken nimrods in the stands?
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