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Everything posted by frostbitmic

  1. He'd a complete fool to hire his brother again, therefore he would.
  2. Wish I could be there ... Go to Melt and get a Dude Abides sammich ... go to the game ... Give the Jack some of my money and drive home in the morning.
  3. Who the hell is Jalen Ramsey and what has he ever done ? Sounds like someone who just likes to hear himself talk. A 10 yard pass from Allen into his facemask at 60 mph sounds like a play I'd like to see.
  4. We have three QB's ... only one will be the starter which leaves us with two to play in that pitiful excuse of a game.
  5. Roethlisberger is the best QB in that division ... Bell the best RB, Brown the best WR... Outside of a season ending injury to Big Ben, they win the division easily.
  6. Wild guess here but I'm going with the Steelers. Outside of the AFC East this is the easiest to predict.
  7. I've never traveled for a week or so alone. I've traveled with my parents, friends, girlfriends, wife, kids etc... but never alone. Been thinking of doing a cruise solo next year.
  8. I'm going to the show in Rochester August 26th. We won't be 2nd row but we'll still be pretty close to the action. I want to bring a sign that says "Bring Back Bray" ... I effing hate him being partnered with a Hardy boy much less the weird one who can't act to save his life.
  9. I guess it all comes down to who has the best players that'll be in the unemployment line come September. In other words, who is playing in the 4th quarter.
  10. Here are a couple others I thought that would've been included
  11. With the injury history of Benjamin, Coleman and possibly Jones, I could easily see them keeping 7.
  12. I haven't had that much to drink, though I just got home from catching an Allman Brothers cover band. So I've consumed a little.
  13. I just don't understand why he didn't get 5 sacks last night ... Cut him already
  14. In his first taste of NFL football Allen showed exactly what he is ... He's a first round draft pick with exceptional size, arm strength and a lack of fear throwing the ball. He also showed that he's a rookie and wasn't on the same page as his receivers on some plays and a little inaccurate on others. He also played behind a line and with receivers who for the most part will be flipping burgers or selling insurance in another month. I thought he looked pretty good for his first time out.
  15. I'd keep the 3 QB's ... Injuries happen and as yet I don't have a ton of confidence in our o-line. If you do cut one of them, and I do mean cut, who are you going to keep, a guy to play special teams which the league is trying to kill ? At best you'll get a day 3 draft pick and that generally becomes a camp fodder player next year ... just keep the 3 of them.
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