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Everything posted by frostbitmic

  1. I'm like a broken clock though, only right twice a day, so the odds on me being right are slim.
  2. Don't be surprised to see Murphy start at OLB along with Milano with Alexander getting reps backing up both Murphy and Lawson. Remember, Alexander is like 62 or something like that.
  3. Hughes ... I know your next question is what about Murphy ? Murphy played well for the Redskins in 2016 as an OLB I believe. Besides he's coming off a blown knee, guess we'll see.
  4. Chris Spielman did far more for the Bills in his time here than TO. London Fletcher should be higher on this list.
  5. Shaq will be the starting DE on the left side this season.
  6. Moses took many selfies ... At the bottom of a pyramid, in front of the parted Red Sea, In front of the burning bush, though you could see the zippo in his hand. The Jews however, took his selfies and hid them in Al Capones vault. That was ruined when Geraldo Rivera opened the vault and sold the selfies to Michael Jackson who took them to the grave with him.
  7. Once they have a taste for human flesh .... Solid pass there.
  8. Scary place ... Pretty quiet in both of my places.
  9. Can you blame the shark ? ... I'd bite that too. I've swum with a dozen Nurse Sharks, they're very docile.
  10. That's the point where you drop your vehicle into neutral and slam down the gas pedal ... they'll move over quickly.
  11. Escort training school ... who knew ?
  12. My Insurance pays for a physical every three years so I think I'm due in January. My doctor used to have me come in every few months for blood work as my triglycerides are high and my potassium is low, plus he liked to check on my high blood pressure. Since my blood pressure has been great the last few times I went, he hasn't scheduled an appt for me since last fall... that or he figures I'd be dead by now. Colonoscopy, had one at age 50 and he told me every 10 years after. The one I had the drugs didn't even come close to knocking me out so I watched the entire procedure on the tv screen he used to do the procedure.
  13. Why must you confuse me further ? .. CBF ? Need I wait to cash it like the last time ? One of these Sundays this fall we need to have a beer or two and watch a game my friend.
  14. Mead for his mead coins that I'm in the process of buying a Caribbean Island from the profits I've made from them Yolo for his incredibly quick new news OldtimeAFLguy for his humor
  15. Yummmmmmmmm ... I'll be making that sometime this week... It looks sooooooooo good.
  16. This is a thread about McCoy, since when has he played QB ?
  17. IIRC, when Groy first signed with Buffalo they had him play some LG in the preseason and he was pretty bad but he was the only other player on the team that could backup at Center, which is why he made the team. Of course he' has been here a few years now and maybe his game at Guard has improved but I still don't see both he and Bodine playing at the same time unless it's an emergency situation. I do believe that Groy will have every opportunity to win the starting job and it should be a good competition. At Guard I think you'll see Miller on the left and Ducasse on the right.
  18. IMO, if Shady misses any games this year it'll be because of a hamstring injury, not a suspension.
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