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Everything posted by frostbitmic

  1. Zay - Is that a fight in the stands ? Kelvin - Gonna get me a pizza and some wings when I get home Terrelle - Why didn't Cleveland want me back ? Shady - I miss being an Eagle, why didn't they trade me ? Mills - Why did I start Peterman and McCoy in fantasy football this week ?
  2. Visions of Anderson's last two snaps keep dancing before my eyes.
  3. Benjamin flagged for lining up offsides negating a 23 yard run from Shady.
  4. Can the Bills offense outscore the Bears defense ?
  5. Too many people were watching ... And yes I've believed that the NFL is WWE esque for years now ... WWE Fans know it isn't legit too, they still watch anyway.
  6. You can't believe for a second that the league and Mr. Riveron didn't help them get to the super bowl do you ? With how many bull ***** calls that went in their favor from the league office against the Steelers, Jests, Chargers, Bills etc ... Are you blind or do you really think the league is legit ?
  7. The NFL will award the patriots another Super Bowl trophy and Brady another MVP award. The NFL will also likely give Brady the defensive player of the year award too.
  8. If a GM and HC decide to tank a season, more likely than not they have the blessing of the owner of the team otherwise it's plain and simply going rogue. That said, the offense they put together for this season is incompetence at best if it isn't a tank.
  9. We already signed the guy that should be playing QB ... Terrelle Pryor. Line him up in the backfield and run the wishbone with Shady, Ivory and Demarco. Forget WR's and start 7 O-linemen.
  10. I'd give McBean two more years, he did end the playoff drought last year after all. Yeah they screwed the pooch on the QB situation this year by keeping Peterman and a rookie and nothing else though they are building a defense that is becoming quite good. I'm not even as down on Daboll as I was after watching the plays he came up with vs the NFL's favorite team.
  11. Big Ben couldn't stand Haley which got him fired in Pittsburgh. Everyone in Cleveland hated Haley, which is why he's unemployed now. I think his NFL days are over.
  12. The problem with our offense is that our OT's don't tackle very well. They need to watch tape of the patriots OT's and learn the finer points of tackling DE's.
  13. Thankfully McBeane realized he can turn Benjamin into a viable #1 WR.... I see a contract extension happening soon.... 15M per season for 6 years seems fair.
  14. Why didn't we give both of our 4ths for Aaron Rodgers ? ..... Fire McBeane now.
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