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Everything posted by TroutDog

  1. I would agree that there are no glaring holes but the O line does need some love. I believe RB can be addressed in late rounds or with a free agent. Would not be a bad pick in my opinion.
  2. I’d love Higgins or Gross-Matos at 54. NOT a RB!!!! I think they’ll be gone by then but a guy can wish, right?
  3. There is no comparison, in my opinion. The writing was on the wall with Johnny ‘$’. That was never Tua. He’s a team guy and isn’t made of glass: he always played to win a’la Josh...not a bad thing.
  4. https://www.stamfordadvocate.com/sports/amp/AP-source-Bills-pick-up-5th-year-option-on-CB-15221133.php Bills picked up the 5th year option!!!!! ?
  5. Gotta say, Beane’s setup is MUCH more impressive! ?
  6. Yeah, I don’t keep track of what people say from post to post. I take what they say in each individual post. Probably makes me a little different. Thanks for pointing that out, though. It’s a good sign that most of us are recognizing the good that’s coming!
  7. I’m glad you said this @BillsVet Since this leadership team came it felt different. That’s what made me shake my head after every loss and some were calling for heads to roll. Boggled my mind. Righting a ship as big as an NFL franchise takes time and expertise. I recognize we all want it now but we are getting there...and the ride is fun!!!! ?
  8. OBL has a guest on yesterday or the day before who mentioned how the Bills were ahead of most others in preparing for this. If I recall correctly, they were planning on this two weeks before closures were announced and setting up their homes. This leadership group is light years ahead of anything we’ve had in the last 20 years.
  9. This is something I brought up in another thread, pre-trade. The $10m DID hit their books albeit for only a second. They knew this was a possibility thus had a plan to get rid of it. Between TB’s dead cap hit and if Gronk came out of retirement, it was untenable. Thus the immediate trade. Has been discussed ad nauseum on sports radio. Both Gronk and TB had their way as there was no other way for the Pats*** financially.
  10. I was at the Bama/LSU game when they were 1/2 in the nation. All the talk was how will Bama stop Fournette? Well, they shut him down. For me, that is EXACTLY why you don’t sell the farm for a RB: there are very few who can do all three phases (run, catch and pass pro) at an elite level. If they can’t, you can get a completely serviceable (and cheaper) back later in the draft.
  11. https://apnews.com/206670e0ad6a4819879af3b6540f94c4 They were thinking of this as well. ?
  12. 31 years old and, with the years off, should have some left in the tank. With that being said, I’m not sure if he’s Bills material anymore.
  13. Same here. Even as a kid I’d go bonkers when he would drop his head but I loved the guy nonetheless.
  14. Haven’t read the entire thread, but they HAD to trade for cap reasons. Beane? He’s already handled this type garbage. ?
  15. I certainly do not hate him...I simply see his game as questionable at this point. He was so far removed from the norm that it took a second for the league to catch up last year and the Bills did it first. ? He’s electric to watch and I wish him all of the best save against the Bills.
  16. It’ll be interesting to see how this will impact Pats*** cap. Haven’t read the articles but on radio I’ve heard it would put them in even more of a bind because as soon as he files the paperwork, his salary hits their books.
  17. Wow, I leave for a few hours and this thread flew WAY off the rails! ?
  18. Yup...makes sense as he’s the MVP. I do wonder about his longevity, though. Not to mention we basically shut him down last year. Should be interesting moving forward. ?
  19. I have many friends who love OSU and exactly one called it correctly. Ugh.
  20. Every single one of my OSU friends said the pick was genius. Alas......
  21. People wanted this a**hat here! He is a clown.
  22. I was waiting for this to be rolled out! ?
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