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Everything posted by TroutDog

  1. Yup...never want that will to win to be removed from his game. But if he can make a critical first down or keep the D guessing...USE HIM!
  2. I appreciate the enthusiasm, I really do, but I’m not sure if he’s that. All I’m saying is that he can be a serious weapon in the running AND passing game and do so as safely as one can approach either. He’s a gamer AND a hell of an athlete and limiting his use, particularly when he now knows how to run in the NFL, is silly. Make the D and D coordinator guess!!!
  3. I know, I know: another JA thread. This to me, however, was telling. Many here have said that Josh can’t sustain his game while also contributing in the run game. It really boggled my mind as I really felt as though he figured out how to be a running QB in the NFL last year...after the hits in his rookie season. I feel like this video supports my theory. Thoughts? Flame away if you’d like or, perhaps, admit that this kid (I use the term as a 50 something) is a little (lot?) more than what many have made of him...particularly if he can capitalize on the Diggs trade and become a 63 - 65% passer AND be a safe running QB. EDIT: Many posters here have stated that Cam is an example (being roughly the same size and having a propensity to run) that Josh will not have a long shelf life. My point is this: the video shows a different kind of runner. I will make the argument that Josh CAN be an effective runner, is improving accuracy and will be a more productive QB than Cam. GO JOSH AND GO BILLS!!!!! ? ?
  4. No, but the one who primarily brought it up went into the medical field. ?
  5. Shark. Hands down!!!! When you get to the ‘golden gates’ would you rather say we’re eaten by a bear or shark? Shark is just WAY more cool. ? I particularly enjoyed when my kids would get really deep in and, by the fourth or fifth ‘round’ say something along the lines of, “Would you rather have tiny incisions made all over you and then be drowned in salt or be put into a room of nails...on all sides?” That’s when I’d break down and say, “Why are we doing this?” ? At any rate, the latter two both remind me of AJG threads!!!!
  6. I subscribe to The Athletic and Rochester D & C because local journalism is so critical. These local ‘papers’ ask so little (about $8 per month) that it’s a no brainer to me. The Athletic is another story: love their writing, both local and ‘local national’. It’s a new take and I appreciate it. Just my opinion...and I have the few bucks a month that both cost. If others do, they’re worth investing in because, if you do, you can turn off ESPN which everyone here seems to loathe.
  7. Haven’t read all of this because I threw up in my mouth when I saw AJ Green. My Lord, when will people push past this????? He’s well past his prime and JB is still very productive...also doesn’t get hurt like AJG. Please, for the love of all things holy, make the AJG threads stop!!! ? We have STEFON DIGGS!!!!!!!!!!!! AJG has not had a much better season than Brown since 2015: FIVE YEARS ago! Plus, he’s a year older and will demand way more money. Absolutely not.
  8. Yeah, I know the empty backfield drives many people nuts around here. There is, however, something to be said for forcing the D to spread out when you only need three yards, particularly with Josh as the QB. Given that, I’m not sure if it does take away the run versus pass in the minds of the D and D coordinator. Certainly minimizes options, I agree. Josh can fall forward and get three years, though. ? I don’t have figures, but I would venture to say that it was a combination of O line breaking down and Josh taking too long to read the D. The latter is corrected with repetition and coaching. The former with, first and foremost, better O line play and by becoming a cohesive unit. Just my two cents.
  9. If he can control his ego, he’ll have two more years with the Pack. In my opinion, he’s earned that. The question is how much like Favre he’ll be as Favre wouldn’t help the young buck if I recall correctly. If he gets the two years, he’ll be 38 and that is a heck of a career.
  10. He really doesn’t know these guys...plus the biggest moment of his life just happened. Non-issue.
  11. I’d venture to say that he knows what she’s comfortable with: she is his Mom. He has talked about it at every turn.
  12. He said he was fine with it and has talked about it many times.
  13. From my understanding, they’re trying to concentrate on the athletic portion of the individual but also personify them. Seems reasonable to me. In addition, he has talked about it multiple times to sports media.
  14. I really appreciated this from Cover 1. Not sure if it’s been posted prior, but it supports the OP’s point.
  15. It would be interesting if Daboll rolled with a simpler O a’la K gun. The weapons are now there. It seemed to work last year with the no-huddle and then, for an unknown reason, he stopped it. Weird. Not sure if I’m as high on the O line as you @Inigo Montoya They’re certainly light years better than they were in ‘18 but still have some questions to answer. I have little doubt Josh will take another step as he has shown the ability during his rookie year (pre vs post injury) and then again in year two. Another step will happen and he is our QB.
  16. Unfortunately I watched the replay.
  17. Not sure where you’re seeing ‘stiffness’? Link?
  18. Everything I’ve read/watched simply point to the combine. Beane made a point to say those are indicators they look for (combine data) but the proof is in the pudding: game tape. That adds up in my book. ?
  19. I guess I’m wondering why bring it up, then? Seemed to me he was filling in gaps from his previous statements that had people trying to figure it out...including on this board.
  20. Agreed: the ‘fly on the wall’ quote was absolutely superlative. It shows, to me, how one ‘silo’ does their job but the other ‘silo’s’ aren’t removed from the equation. Critical in any business scenario. Lordy, sports are so fun!!! ? I wholeheartedly agree on the ego statement. Being dictatorial never works. Thinking you can do it all on your own is a recipe for disaster. Look no further than Abraham Lincoln and his ‘team of rivals’. As a leader, you should intentionally seek out dissenting views. This is an extraordinarily solid FO and the coaching staff isn’t far behind. Don’t get me wrong, I love McD, but think he needs another season under his belt to reach the level of the FO.
  21. https://www.buffalobills.com/video/watch-bills-virtual-post-draft-party Thought this was interesting. Beane admitted they were trying to jump up to get Moss and it didn’t work out. Love Tasker to pieces but the initial questions boggled my mind: did he REALLY think they would answer those??? He was much less bumbly in this video which was nice. Some good stuff in here about how the upper echelon works together...including during the pandemic vs how it normally is done. EDIT: This was initially done for season ticket holders.
  22. Beautiful perspective and it certainly makes it all the more fun. While I still watched the draft intently, I know Beane et al are going to get the players this team needs...not the Dutch Boy sticking one finger in the 22 holes that were the team. So happy my kids FINALLY get to see what I saw when I was young!!
  23. Go with something easy like ‘BeaneMcDJoshAllenStefonDiggsJohnBrownColeBeasleyTDSuperbowl’. It’s catchy. ?
  24. I KNEW I recognized him!!!! Great call! ? In all seriousness, Clowney is not a sack machine. He is a serviceable DE that wants to get paid elite money...just doesn’t make sense to me but I get why people want him: former first round pick and well known. But there’s a reason he’s going to his third team in his first six years in the league.
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