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Everything posted by TroutDog

  1. Little fella, huh? ? No wonder he has back and knee issues!
  2. Love the write up. Primary area of disagreement is saying Epenesa should lose 15 pounds. I would argue he needs the weight (and a pro-level strength program) to take his game to the next level. Playing 250 on a 6’6” frame as an end would make him much more ‘beatable’. You can get them digitally now. Not nearly as hard as it used to be to get a replacement. Phew! ?
  3. Ok. ? Overall I like the draft. I know many aren’t high on Epinosa but I am. Also like the RB, but I’m generally opposed to taking them back to back in the third in this day and age...particularly a bruiser type with an injury history. The WR’s are very intriguing...only wish they could have an off-season: so important, especially for that position. Factor in Diggs and I give it a solid B+. Of course none of that means a thing until three years from now...thus my initial post. I get it’s fun to do this...especially now...but I’ve been watching football for well over 40 years now and recognize that some guys take longer to develop. Happy now?!!!! ? PS: love ‘House’. Great show. EDIT: after watching/listening to the picks interviews, there is a definitive trend with this regime in picking young men who are humble, deeply driven and have a higher maturity level than others. I really like having a team that has a ‘no knucklehead zone’ mentality.
  4. Agreed. I cannot see any path for Duke to make this roster, though. Great story but we can do better.
  5. Ummmm...can I respond in three years? ?
  6. So he played for The Eagles??? Not a true fish: Eagles EAT bass and trout! ?
  7. Hopefully, with our new weapons and Josh’ improvement, most games won’t be close. But....let’s prepare for it just in case! ?
  8. My last name is Trout so I’m on board with anyone with a fish in their name. ?
  9. Yeah, I didn’t watch the combine. I do watch the SEC, however, and while he is clearly cerebral, he just doesn’t have an arm or other physical tools like most NFL QB’s. Just my opinion, I’m not attempting to get anyone’s panties in a wad. ?
  10. NFLN just did the entire segment on this pick. Too funny.
  11. I’m no NFL talent evaluator, but not very physically gifted (compared to starting QB’s).
  12. He never really wow-ed me. Lack of arm strength and never felt he had the physical tools to propel him to be in the NFL.
  13. WHOA!!!! Did not see that coming. Don’t understand it.
  14. The write up in The Athletic states that he has been actively working on his route tree and they no longer view it as a weakness.
  15. Hell, I’ll give him a dollar if he deletes that post! ? My brain hurts now.
  16. Love Gandy-Golden. He’d be a score for us and can get on the field this year in ST’s.
  17. LOUD NOISES?!!!!! I like lamp. The majority of these posts remind me of Brick Tamland. ?
  18. ‘Failed to Load’. Just kidding...simply going with the herd. ?
  19. I wasn’t happy when they got him either but I know Fitzy will come through for us once more and screw the kid up so we can stay on top. ? I’ve actually been watching some drought videos on YouTube and he (Fitz) was fun to watch...at times. Weird to see him without his beard. Through those years we had some darn good players...but the snake that was the Bills had no head. Just horrendous in the FO from top down. So terrible looking back. I’m a glass half full guy so always went in to each season with all guns blazing only to finally realize that we suck yet again. ? Apologies for hijacking the thread.
  20. AJ was never close to Tua. I love Bama football and they aren’t in the same league in my opinion. AJ had more yards over his career simply because he played four years. Tua holds all the other records...single game, season and career. Tua has drive, is highly accurate, has the same ‘win at all costs’ mentality that Josh has and is a student of the game.
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