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Everything posted by TroutDog

  1. Having worked as a consultant with a group who developed an innovation tool (which I love and have sold worldwide), all of these tools are subjective. You count on people to be ‘one way’ and to be educated in the same manner, etc (I can extrapolate but I’ll leave it at that). I’ve never studied the Wonderlic or taken it but I can share this: I have interviewed hundreds of people and every single one was different than they appeared on their resume and/or on given tests. It’s one piece but not the only piece. From my experience, the personal interactions coupled with back story mean FAR more than any test/personality test. Just my opinion.
  2. My only thought is it will never happen. Old Bills regimes? Sure. This one? Not a chance in Hell. ?
  3. Nix was checked out after that pick. He said he’d draft a QB and he did...even though it was four rounds too early.
  4. His passion was epic...a’la Diggs. Most of the time I loved it: a man so driven to win and he wasn’t afraid to show it. Over the line at times? Depends on where/who draws the line. I met him when he was with the Niners: my ex-wife went to HS with him and we were in NO when they were playing the Saints. Shook his hand and it was VERY awkward as his hand was HUGE (I’m not little at 6’3” and 250 at the time). His hand absolutely enveloped mine so I couldn’t shake ‘normally’. He was clearly caring, thankful and appreciative. I was glad when we grabbed him and, once Fitz came in, he was solid. Would have loved to have held onto him for a reasonable contract the next year.
  5. I’m not familiar with him but I’d really rather not take another RB in the top 3 rounds. Is it just me? They seem so interchangeable these days, save a few. I have no doubt he’s good given some of the comments here from TBD’ers I really respect but I have difficulty getting past another position of need in the first two draft days for a RB. Am I wrong? EDIT: just watched highlights. Slippery little devil and clearly very fast. Does his stride look short or was it just the video? Intriguing but I’d still hope it was in the fourth (or later).
  6. Interesting info but I suspect if you looked at the other teams with D-line cap numbers near ours, I would expect them to have one or more ‘elite’ rushers which skew everything. We have a group of pretty good rotational (read: ? D-linemen. Thus the danger of only looking at one metric. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still interesting but needs further fleshing out in my opinion.
  7. I think it’s important to remember that Beane took us from 6-10 to 10-6 in one offseason. He basically rebuilt the entire roster in one offseason. I have very little doubt that he not prepared to handle all that is in front of this team for the next five years. Point being: if we’re aware of these things, he is too. ?
  8. It’s time to listen to experts and ONLY experts. The rest is too suspect.
  9. Some concerts are happening now...then televised or put on the web. People can get creative instead of simply cratering.
  10. I believe it would be the right decision if they can pull it off. Like Mike Trout said in the article, there are tons of hurdles but, selfishly, I’d like sports to come back. Should the new pin-prick test come out soon then it could be a possibility...albeit without fans in the stands.
  11. https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2020/04/15/nfl-empty-stadiums-sports-return/ The article touches on all of the major leagues. Glad to hear they’re considering all options and listening to health professionals above all else. EDIT: I shared this as a manner for others to see what the NFL and other leagues are looking at. It was NOT intended for people to spread disinformation or anecdotal evidence based on their ‘favorite expert’. Please let’s keep this to the sports arena, preferably Bills and Sabres. Thanks. ?
  12. Wow! At the 1:10 mark (or around there), there is the precursor to the Minnesota Leap! ?
  13. Pretty sure this has been pointed out before...just look at all the posts. ?
  14. If you’re not stoked to have 75,000 people screaming for you or against you, then the NFL isn’t your bag. ?
  15. I appreciate the figures but they seem way off the mark to me having priced out digital security for companies in the defense industry. Like WAY off the mark. I’m no technofile but I know costs and these seem radically underestimated.
  16. Beane was on OBL today and said they will be using Zoom. Kind of what I was after at the outset as it is an inherently unsafe platform (again, per the CEO of Zoom). I’m not sure, but I think there’s a team in our division who has cheated before (cough, cough). ? Again, I get this is far fetched but for dead time it did pique my interest. Yup, Zoom...that’s the problem: very easy to hack. That’s my question. The NHL is as well and just a few teams carry the rest of the league. Not all owners are crazy billionaires...some snuck in so they can’t throw the same money around.
  17. ‘Ruff’ or ‘rough’...totally up to you! ?
  18. Delivery, ***** all to heck! ? EDIT: didn’t know I couldn’t say the big boy word of ‘darn it’. Oops.
  19. Kind of my point: there is talk in media of NHL teams folding after this as they operate at such thin margins to begin with (see Florida, among others). Not too many years ago, Ralph wouldn’t have been able to put the money that the Pegula’s are putting into the Bills. Jacksonville, for one, makes me wonder if they have the coin. Others? If so, how do the deep pocketed teams gain an advantage in an otherwise parity driven league? This is inherently unsafe as has been all over the news recently. In fact, the CEO of Zoom admitted as much. Kind of my point.
  20. I get it. Just wondering if there is a way to ensure more connectivity to multiple connections and how that could impact the process. Bills, for example, have deep pockets (like Dallas and others) but some teams have tighter purse strings. Apologies if this is silly, I just found it interesting and given the state of things, hoped someone could expand on possibilities. ?
  21. Yup. The ability to ‘do’ does not mean you have the ability to teach.
  22. Love hearing these stories! Alas, I was born in ‘69 so didn’t get to see it.
  23. On OBL today, they had a discussion with Trey Wingo (seems to be only in the app right now and I can’t post a link from there...it’s in hour 2). They asked him if it’s possible for one team to gain an advantage with the craziness of this year. He didn’t really answer it but I’m wondering, for some of our more adept IT people here at TBD if they can come up with any (as I suspect that’s where it would come from).
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