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Everything posted by TroutDog

  1. That is called PR. It is looking more and more like it won’t be a ‘regular’ season. Imagine this headline: ‘NFL Has Fans in Attendance and 32% are now Positive for Covid-19’. Sub headline reads, ‘47 Have Died’. Not a winning move...but this is. And, more importantly, it’s understandable. This facts around this are changing faster than the Bills changed regimes in the last 20 years!!!! ? EDIT: It is great that they’re taking care of the lower level folks.
  2. I’m not a big YouTube guy but given the current state of affairs, I’ve leaned on it for a sports fix and old SNL stuff (along with TBD). Thought I’d share the enjoyment here. I was at this game and will never forget it. One thing, in particular, stands out in my mind: after the winning kick, Bellicheat was such a jerk when he was supposed to shake hands at the end. ? At the beginning, I was stuck in the ‘here we go again’ phase but it was a ton of fun. Enjoy!!!
  3. Now he just needs two more: ‘Painkiller’ by Priest and 'The Trooper’ by Maiden and I’m sold!!! ?
  4. Good indication that the season will not move forward normally. I’m suspect something like this wasn’t addressed in the new CBA but it’ll be interesting to see how this all plays out.
  5. Yeah, a friend of mine who’s a very high level exec had received a report from McKinsey and he called me and said to be prepared with enough food for five weeks so that’s what I sent her to buy. $700 Costco bill later and lots of it is still sitting here. As most if it’s processed, I’m happy to give it to someone needy...or who likes processed food. ?
  6. Speaking of food: I sent my daughter out when this all started with the direction of ‘just buy calories’ in the event stores closed. Now that we know they’re not closing the stuff she bought is just sitting here. Anyone in Rochester who wants it, I am happy to give it to them. Just PM me. ?
  7. Have you watched the video? You’re making my point as he didn’t leap over tall LB’s with a single bound, etc. (in ‘19j he knew when to slide. ? I love having the threat of him running...or him actually running! That’s for the DC/ D to figure out! So long as he can do it safely, I love it.
  8. Wow, I wish I were a member way back when this started! I served as an air traffic controller in the USN and saw/heard of ‘UFO’s’ relatively regularly. While I was there (five years), we could figure out what they all were. I’ve got tons of interesting stories (including TWA800). Not aliens or a missile in case you’re wondering. ?
  9. Maybe I worded that poorly? Not sure what you mean? Agreed...they’re just discovering it now according to multiple sources. At any rate, I don’t come here to bring anyone down...only to talk about the Bills. Please be well and be safe.
  10. I get it. We all want those days to come again...and they will! Keep you head up my friend and please, please recognize that it’s not about ‘you’, it’s about the many. We could get close today to filling the Ralph with dead Americans. That’s overwhelming to me...I don’t want me or someone I love to be a number.
  11. But I am...or at least the threat of them so long as JA knows when to slide. That’s my point. Cam needs to be the hero (thus the Superman thingy). I believe Josh wants to win and, if the guys around him aren’t enough, then he’ll do all he can to get there. Reaching my conclusion that there are enough guys around him now and the threat of him running is valuable.
  12. All these posts that you’ve made shock me as I normally very much appreciate your thoughts regarding the Bills. There are exactly ZERO doctors/scientists who know all there is to know about this and yet you’re throwing out figures like it’s JA’s completion percentage. How about this: it’s called a ‘novel’ Coronavirus because it’s completely different than all that came before it? What do the blood clots mean? The damage to the kidneys? The changes to the brain? The increased chance of death with blood cancers? The fact that people who were asymptotic may deal with damage down the road? These are COMPLETELY unknown so to speak in finite terms like you are is baffling to me. I’m not trying to be rude here...
  13. Nope, I’d venture to say that I agree with you completely. My only contention is that we do not discard people for being successful or being experts in a certain field. I suspect if you and I sat down we’d feel the same about most things. My belief may differ in that looking to business owners to come up with novel ways to open things up should not be overlooked. Look, I have a blood cancer and it came out today that I have a 10% higher chance of kicking the bucket from this than the rest of the lot here. Should the NFL not move forward because of that? Nope, not in my opinion. It requires me making good decisions based on my circumstances. I want sports back (particularly football!!!!!). Yes, I am completely aware that there were people willing to injest/inject bleach. I am only commenting as me...not the masses (remove the ‘m’ if that’s helpful ?).
  14. Right: get rid of someone because they’re successful? She was invited to be one voice. That’s it. In my opinion, there are much more conflicts of interest in government to worry about than this. Trashing experts because they aren’t ‘on your side’ enough is radically more grotesque than this. Expertise matters. Now if she recommends filling the stadium instead of being half filled in opposition to scientists/medical doctors? Completely different story. I completely respect your question, just sharing my opinion.
  15. Ha! Ok, if you want to choose that stat then we’ll work from there. He had a 20% reduction in runs and yardage from year one to year two. That’s a pretty radical reduction! (There’s a ‘Thats what she said’ joke in here somewhere, but I digress).? If you can extrapolate that out to what you’re projecting, then more power to you!!! For me, I see far more improvement in his passing game coupled with the threat of his running game and his ability to know when to slide. THAT is a modern QB!
  16. Ummmmm...did you read what I wrote? As an aside I’ve found it’s never wise to question the ability and intelligence of an individual (read: couple) who own two major league sports franchises. ?
  17. I agree with the gist of what you’re saying, it just feels a...little out in left field as compared to what I’m taking about. I could care less about what national sports media is saying...within reason ?
  18. @White Linen: what were you confused about? Just wondering.
  19. Agreed. As I posted elsewhere, he had a significant improvement after his rookie season injury and again in his second year. That’s almost a trend. I have no reason to believe it won’t continue and, if it does, let the kid run intelligently.
  20. That is a completely different proposition than what was initially proposed. ? I would still stick with Brown, all things considered. Props to making a semi-reasonable AJG thread...but please stop! (Superfluous ?)
  21. Cool...good info: thank you. With that being said, and assuming a marked improvement moving forward, I would continue to argue that his running is still a worthwhile risk.
  22. Didn’t read the link (apologies), but this is a good thing: a further NY connection to our team and a further ‘deep rooted’ owner who can push the NFL to open in an intelligent manner. I’m all for it.
  23. Really another discussion but I’ll play: Yes, this is yet another thing he needs to work on. I believe he has and will continue to do so. If it remains a problem, then none of this discussion is worthwhile. What would make it valuable is if we knew about when the fumbles happened: running plays or passing plays? I don’t know.
  24. Most of those yards were in year one when he WAS the O. I don’t want that and do not view it as sustainable. The video I attached showed a radically different running QB than year one Josh...that IS sustainable. I would disagree completely (but respect your point of view): I’d want Daboll/Josh to call them whenever they see the right D to call them. He’s the field general and should move forward as such while also recognizing the need to play the entire game...the next first down is not the goal: playing a winning full season is.
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