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Everything posted by jletha

  1. it was bizarre we were able to rattle off multiple 10+ yard runs in a time when they knew we were running. The only thing they couldnt do was let us get first downs and we werent gonna pass and they just let us do it.
  2. Yikes, Patriots SB chances at 30% seems high, but I get it. My pipe dream is that the Pats lose 1-2 against the Chiefs/Texans and we go into week 16 with a game to decide the division which we win... And we lose the next week to the Jets and end up the 5 seed afterall.
  3. I just dont think this is the way Daboll and McBeane want to build the offense. If all we were missing was a talented RB to compliment Gore and SIngletary while also being able to catch when needed we never would have gotten rid of McCoy. We would look pretty dumb IMO to cut Shady and then trade for Gordon. Of course Gordon is younger but for the 1-year fill in role he likely wouldnt be that much of an upgrade over McCoy, certainly not enough to tip the scales enough to make as a SB contender.
  4. He looked AWFUL against us in the preseason. Im actually surprised he is playing well because of that but good for him.
  5. I think the best we can hope for is the Big Ben/Russell Wilson (and Brady actually) path towards franchise QB for Josh. Limit his exposure but let him manage the game now with a stout defense and then with experience he will develop into a more capable QB. The tools are there, its very obvious. Yesterday was a step in that direction. The lack of deep threat is Josh's own doing. He needs to work on accuracy there this entire bye week.
  6. I think youre misremembering honestly. What deep ball did he ever hit on last year except for the Foster one against the Jags (which was still kind of a crossing route). The only deep ball I can remember hit completing was to Zay against the Chargers but that was 5-10 yards under thrown still. IMO he has never been good at deep balls, people just want him to be because of his arm. But I could be mis-remembering too.
  7. This play looks so Allen-like its scary....and maybe a bit encouraging lol?
  8. I think anyone that is still 100% convinced that Josh is the guy is lying to themselves a bit but at the same time if you are 100% sure he has no chance at being a decent starer in this league then you're also being disingenuous. Through the first two games, and a good portion of the Bengals game, there was more good Josh than bad Josh. That is encouraging and was progress from the year before. Every advanced stat showed that he was legitimately improving in decision making and accuracy. The biggest thing I wanted to see going into Cincy and especially NE was to be good Josh for 4 quarters and to minimize dumb turnovers. Boy howdy did that not happen at all. Im still willing to give him many more games though. I still have hope.
  9. Yes, it doesnt have to be one or the other. I too still believe in Josh but this game was an unmistakable disaster in every sense. I have seen enough improvement in the first three games to remain hopeful. He has shown for at least 1/2 of every game through three weeks that he can take the underneath stuff and be accurate. I am not sure what caused him to abandon that for all but 1 drive against the Pats but you could tell him Daboll's sideline admonishing that he was NOT following the gameplan. I will be very curious to see how he bounces back from this.
  10. Stats are one thing, and Im a analytics guy, but you have to see the way they play for it to make sense as to why I believe n JA more. EJ looked terrified out there, Allen looks much more comfortable since coming back from injury, save for this past game. I would rather have a QB that can do it all and try to reign him in than one that doesnt look like he can make the throws. EJs throwing motion was just so awful, throwing darts. I dont think EJ ever looked as comfortable as Allen has looked in the pocket through the first 3 weeks. But this NE was bad bad bad.
  11. We should be able to move the ball more effectively against the Titans no matter who our QB is, getting Singletary back would help too. Eliminate the 5 turnovers and dont get a punt blocked and returned for a TD and I think we can win this game.
  12. You can see this D laying an egg for what reason? Based on what evidence? They have played dominating defense for 4 straight games, save for 1 quarter against the Bengals. Mariota isnt Brady. I am profoundly more worried about the offense next week than our defense, especially if Barkley is the starter. Im really confused by your take.
  13. This particular team is 2-0 on the road. This defense can make Mariota's day miserable. I think Tennessee is very very winnable.
  14. If they can play a clean game with no turnovers, and our defense continues to be good then we CAN win. Im not gonna say we will. Both the Jets and Bengals games would have been won handily without stupid turnovers.
  15. Isnt the first half the same article that was posted before the Bengals game? ok so it was before the Giants game. Same author though: https://www.bigblueview.com/2019/9/12/20862529/giants-vs-bills-what-kind-of-quarterback-is-josh-allen-in-year-2
  16. Yea agreed. but YardsPerPass still shows gifs of the game every week and mentions some stuff. But its less in depth than it used to be. Still good though.
  17. I think the problem is that he is very inaccurate in deep bombs. I think the only one hes ever really hit on with an accurate throw was the one to Foster against the Jags. I think BB would love it if we tried to beat them with deep shots all game.
  18. The Jets with Mosely are a bottom 5 defense? And the Jets without Mosely still had Baker all types of confused. Allen looked much better against the Jets, even with Mosely, than Baker did withou t him for 3 Qs.
  19. He wasnt even a coordinator. He was a RB coach that was moved to interim OC when they fired Hue. He had never had real coordinator experience and never gone through an off season as a coordinator let a lone a HC. Baker and him seemed to have a good relationship which is why they made the move but I think its beginning to show that he isnt ready to be a HC.
  20. Please god no. "Big Time" WRs are such a waste. Whats missing is putting together 4 straight quarters. Defenses make adjustments in the 2nd half and we dont react quickly. Then Josh tends to get a little too much in his head; leaving the pocket, not trusting the line, etc. I think its mostly playcalling adjustments which translates to Josh's confidence. My wild card guess is that we run a lot more no-huddle than we have been. We have seen it a bit, especially late in this past game when we needed a score. My sneaking suspicion is that Daboll wanted to keep it under wraps but broke it out cause we needed a score. We will bring it out against the Pats since there is very little tape on it but they have probably been running it a lot in practice. Just a guess.
  21. They look scary but their opponents so far are 0-9. Obviously ours are 1-8 and we have looked worse than them but the point remains they have not been tested at all. I still will never pick us to beat them but its something to consider.
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