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Just in Atlanta

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Everything posted by Just in Atlanta

  1. I guess we don’t believe in playing safeties in bad weather
  2. I don’t know about quarterback numbers but these things might* make me cry: Bonnie Raitt’s I Can’t Make You Love Me Terms of Endearment The Bills winning the Super Bowl
  3. It's a lot more logical to believe there were two shooters than some widespread scheme to fix the entire sport of football.
  4. Some numbers: 121 officials, seven per game, 272 regular season games, 1,800 NFL employees. 96 million views, last season's Super Bowl was down but still the No. 1 sports event draw. $15.3 billion - 2019 revenue, by far the biggest sports draw in the country. The NFL has steadily increased revenue every year since 2001, with a logical drop in 2020 due to the pandemic. While human nature is human nature — I'm sure there is some bad behavior on an isolated scale — but what would happen to this goldmine if widespread game fixing was unearthed? It would more than likely be a tremendous blow to the millions of fans everywhere. Conspiracies take three things to succeed. A compelling reason to start a conspiracy. A high number of competent conspirators. An ability to keep said conspiracy under wraps 365 days a year in a world where everything is leaked. While it is appealing to see Belichick vs. Brady, my instincts say fans want something different. "Anybody but the Patriots". Once one's head is wrapped around a conspiracy, logic and fact will rarely persuade. It's easy to see trends that favor a massive plot and even easier to ignore trends pointing against it. It's why we, as fans, regardless of team, believe the refs are against us. Conspiracies are easy to believe in. And they're near impossible to pull off.
  5. Step 1: Limit penalties and have no turnovers Step 2: Bring the the linebackers and secondary closer to the LOS with a healthy dose of Breida to the outside Step 3: Exploit the middle with Beasley/Knox on quick plays Step 4: Wait — patiently — for the deep plays to open for Diggs Step 5: Keep on doing great things in the secondary Step 6: Remind Mac Jones he’s a rookie near or at his ceiling.
  6. It would be delightful if this doucheknocker goes down — hard — on Monday.
  7. Wrong. Mac Jones is the pleasant earthy smell after a soft summer rain. There’s a word for that: Petrichor. Mac Jones is petrichor.
  8. The relentless grey skies in Western/Central NY - awful. Cold and snow never bothered me. When I was stationed in California at 19, I realized one day I was washing my car in December in shorts — under blue skies — and thought to myself no one should be depressed here.
  9. Statistically They don’t pass the eye test And we all know in reality, elite backs — Darrick Henry and Jon Taylor — run wild
  10. I don’t know about this play in particular, but I certainly did enjoy this crew not injecting themselves in every other play in the game. After so many games with one flag after another it was a fun game to watch and the refs were a reason.
  11. As good as he is, and he is very good, I find it hard to believe his absence will sink the secondary. We have the best secondary in the league, and Tre white is one reason. Not the whole reason.
  12. So have we figured out who the fire McD/Allen mouth breathers are? Trolls or just misanthropes? This week on this board has brought them out of the woodwork.
  13. Run game and Breida looked commendable. Diggs is amazing. Josh had a solid game, even with the picks. Mafia showed up in NOLA in force. D line looked impressive. Poyer! Knox! 31 points on the national stage. 10 days to prep for Mac "the second coming of Brady" Jones and the Hoodie.
  14. Loved that angry run by Singletery and the tap dancing by Diggs
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