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Just in Atlanta

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Everything posted by Just in Atlanta

  1. Me too. I’ve been a “student” for 10 years. A male and a female.
  2. Maybe he thought he was going to fall off the edge of the earth?
  3. So should we know the name Tony Corrente before this incident? Do fans know the names of refs? Or am I just ignorant? Do these guys have playing cards or something? The only name I can think of off the top of my head is Ed Hochuli. Either way, I’m down for bashing this guy as well as the dingleberries who called our game Sunday.
  4. We all know what they say about "assume" but it's a fair bet we can assume Daboll knows what a slant is. And he also knows this mysterious slant you speak of is not the reason this team isn't rolling. But who knows, if you're listening Brian Daboll, and you don't know what a slant is, why don't you give it a whirl? It's the No. 2 thingy below.
  5. Here comes the B team ... Thoughts about the Jags game, in no particular order: 1. The Cover 2 "shell" concept was credited for stymying Josh. Seems like a vanilla defensive plan to this fan. A quick google of the scheme yielded this: "The main weakness of the Cover 2 shell occurs in the middle of the field between the safeties. At the snap of the ball, many times the safeties will move toward the sidelines in order to cover any long passes to quick wide receivers. This movement creates a natural hole between the safeties that can be attacked." I find it hard to believe our offensive coordinator would be dumbfounded against this scheme. Something else is amiss IMO. 2. Seemed to me the Jags were bringing the house all game long but the reality is they blitzed on only 12 of Allen’s 55 dropbacks. Our o line, or lack thereof, made it look like a jailbreak. 3. Zack Moss has a way to break his first tackle. He's solid and reliable. But he isn't scaring anyone. He'd be a solid No. 2 next year but it's clear we need a home run hitter that defenses will game-plan against. 4. Those refs! Those flags! My God something should be done to that crew. Four times, they missed players' numbers, called phantom calls, got the wrong team (!) once and flat out missed the entire Jags line moving prematurely. These turd burglars were throwing flags every chance they got and made an already unwatchable game more unwatchable. 5. Dead shopping malls rise like mountains beyond mountains / And there's no end in sight / I need the darkness, someone please cut the lights 6. Cole Beasley's a beast. But he was dropping awfully quick after his catches. I think the Jags were hitting mighty hard. As sloppy as this Urban Meyer coached team has been they hit hard and are fundamental with their tackling. Very little YAC for any of our receivers. 7. The thing I'm most worried about? It's not the line per se. We had the same line more or less last year and we were explosive. It's the lack of consistent rhythm on offense. Last year, you'd see this O moving like a bullet locomotive. The Jets are next. Let's get the band back together, Daboll. OK, that's it out of respect of Virgil. Better see your post next week!
  6. It was between this game in the bucs game for me to attend. At least if we lose to the bucs it won’t be so embarrassing.
  7. Above average fast food, brilliantly executed, friendly service every time. It’s the In-n-out burger of chicken sandwich joints. The only thing I don’t like about it is the 5 pounds of cardboard, plastic and paper waste every time you eat there. It’s kind of crazy. also, the one time of the week I really want a chicken biscuit is Sunday morning.
  8. Josh Allen sacks Josh Allen! Josh Allen intercepts Josh Allen! Josh Allen fumble recovery on Josh Allen! what’s left?
  9. And no flag on this one with all these flags? ***** these *****!!!!
  10. 1sts in this game: Jacksonville has a field goal in the United States Josh Allen sacks a Josh Allen Josh Allen intercepts a Josh Allen nothing will ever be as bad as that 6-3 Chicago Browns game in the snow but this one’s pretty close
  11. If we lose this game, you guys are going to have some answering to do. I’m gonna to have a lot of questions.
  12. Maybe we can switch out the refs and our offensive line at halftime. See if we can see the difference
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