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Everything posted by Van_phelaN1

  1. If Jasper was heading east going top speed and a locomotive was heading west at top speed on the same track, How many survivor's would be left on the train to ask for his autograph?
  2. We already know they are going back to the white helmet with the charging buffalo. Sorry but I think you have to be prepared for disappointment. I have always liked the white helmet with charging buffalo the most. I think it is because I was born in 1984 and can only remember the red helmets as a kid but always saw the old pictures and videos of OJ churning up yards in it. Just looks classy IMO. Still I do like the red helmets, I have known them for so long
  3. What are you trying to rope up all the outsiders and make us feel bad?? lol To be honest I would rather see the Bills have a shot at the playoffs, selfishly because I am not a Sabres fan per say. I live in Albany so for years we have had our AHL team associated with the Devils, then the Avalanche and the Hurricanes and now back to the Devils. For a while I would follow the Devils just because I could see the players coming up, now I have lost interest as it is tough to follow teams from far away without being a "die hard" hockey fan. I love the game, but I can't honestly say I have a favorite team. That being said, I was rooting hard for the Sabres this past playoff appearance because I feel the city deserves a title (I have a good amount of family either in or from Buffalo) and also because Miller is a flat out BEAST in the net. I became a fan of his watching him play for the Olympic squad. I would just rather it be for the Bills so I can enjoy it as much as the rest of you.
  4. No i think it will be more like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeZ9HhHU86o&feature=fvsr
  5. You know what, call me crazy but I think I remember Gailey saying he likes those little "waterbug" scat-backs. Look for a RB to be our pick at #3
  6. Couldn't have said it better myself. I work for an education publishing company. Part of my job is assisting professors with access to the online resources associated with their textbooks and when a new account is registered, it is also part of my job to verify the person really IS who they say they are. I can not tell you how many accounts I reject on a daily basis because it is a student trying to sneak their way in and get the answers for tests or things like that. If people don't realize there is a healthy population of cheaters at every stage of life they are kidding themselves.
  7. You are obviously too young to know that these ARE a result of studying what the team's fan base wanted because they are as close to throwbacks as a new uniform is going to get. Absolutely A+ job on the uni in my opinion. The white helmet with charging buffalo has always looked sharp. I agree with your info about the rest of Russ' nonsense though. That guy is just the worst.
  8. Yeah it was pretty insane how above their league he appeared to be. You bringing this up makes me even more excited/nervous to see what happens thursday.
  9. Agreed. You have some sure fire defensive studs in this draft so you go there first at number 3. I can see taking one in rd 2, but seeing as there is a real possibility for there to be "first round talent" slipping to the second round because of the dept in the draft at DT/DE I would imagine they are likely to pick for Defense there as well. Besides, if we do reeeeally well drafting this year on defense, we could always trade away the house next year to get the number 1 spot and get Luck. Even though Nix doesn't like trading up and down too much but hey a guy could dream. We would be in a PERFECT spot to pick a Franchise guy this year. Too bad there isn't really one on the board.
  10. Unfortunately football is the one sport I really follow closely. I do watch baseball and basketball and hockey but it just isn't the same for me. The part that is especially annoying is the Bills are a team that could really benefit from Free Agency which we all know won't be happening. That makes the draft even more important to the Bills (as well as any team drafting high). Also I can not tell you how excited I am to see the new uni's this team is going to unveil (like many others here) and it is likely they won't even plan a Fan Friday until there is a new CBA. All in all anything that COULD be fun about this offseason, won't be. If this thing gets to the point where training camps are effected, we will start to see people become more annoyed. Hopefully you are fans of good baseball teams because by the end of summer you might have much going for you On the plus side, there is a summer full of warm weather ahead so let's not worry about it until we have to. Buffalo Bills mentality
  11. This thread is almost as useless as Seattle's "The 12th Man" was in the running for the cover of this years Madden...
  12. Dear Bills Fan, You're right. Oh my god how stupid of us to now know this. We should give you a medal. Furthermore, we have decided to draft the best QB off the board every year from here on out to ensure we don't miss any possible elite QB's. This year we will even take TWO by trading away a ton of future picks to get taking Blaine Gabbert AND Cam Newton. Then when they aren't the god send of QB's right away and people like akm0404 start complaining, we will fire people and then draft some more QBs. Rinse and repeat. We have talked to our coaches and they definitely don't mind playing russian roulet with their careers because you think you have the answer to all QB problems. We are getting on the horn now with other franchises to let them know all we have to do to get an elite QB is draft the best ranked one every few years. I mean it's not like they will be busts right? Next year when one of our new QB's puts up comparatively similar numbers to Ryan Fitzpatrick we hope to hear from you about how AMAZING said new QB is for doing pretty much the same thing as the guy before him did and how terrible Fitz was and how he was only a stop gap. We do HOWEVER take some offense to what you said about our habitual 7-9 record rebuilding process. To this I say, we went 4 - 12 last year. So HA!! We would love to talk more but unfortunately we have to meet with Mr. Wilson to come up with a plan of how we can nickle and dime you all and be cheap. Truly Yours, The Buffalo Bills Office of Reaction to Stupidity.
  13. I don't see that as being within the rules of how trades are done. What if those players are gone? What if they change their mind and you are stuck with Peterson? If that is how things get conducted on draft day, why don't they just throw darts at a board of names?
  14. DING DING DING!!! And we have a winner. I had to pay off college loans for my education. If getting a free ride to an excellent college and hopefully having a shot at the NFL if you can showcase your talent isn't good enough for you and you feel the need to get paid while in college, you can go work part time at McDonald's and you don't have to play football.
  15. I think you are right on and this is a closer comparison. I can't stand the J. Russel comparisons myself. I dont't see them as much anymore butt back a while ago everywhere i went i would see comments claiming Newton is basically Russel 2.0 They aren't even close to the same style of QB. It's almost as if some people just see a tall black QB and think back to J. Russel without even actually comparing them on how they play the game. I personally don't care what color our QB (or any other player) is going to be as long as he is WINNING!!!
  16. ...I do believe they were...who could that have been...hrrrmmmmmmmmmmm...
  17. Yep. I actually heard he was genetically engineered by aliens to be able to control the football mentally.
  18. Nothing ironic about anything in that song...but i suspect you were being deliberately provocative. Yeah...but at the end of the day they are getting paid millions to play a game. Also, last time I checked there is a UFL and an arena league they could all go play in. Or, they could even put good use of that free college education that many of them received. So I don't want to hear any of that. They don't HAVE to play football. They made a choice. Don't tell me it's modern day slavery when you are getting paid as much as you are because they is real honest to god modern day slavery all around the world that actually exists. It was an ignorant comment.
  19. Not care at all and select the BAP for their defense.
  20. Dear Mr. Peterson, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul. First off, why are you putting quotations around the words freedom and speech? Secondly, wouldn't our criticism of what he said also be protected by freedom of speech? Or does it only protect idiotic statements? third... you know what, nevermind...
  21. I do follow all of the teams myself as I like to keep tabs on players that I like, but I (like you) would walk away from it all without the Bills. It just wouldn't be the same and I could never bring myself to root for either of those clubs that reside in New Jersey. In theory I agree with you, but I do think that the league is hurting itself in the long run. They can be greedy all they want and I will still watch it. The problem I have is that what they are doing could be leading to disaster. If teams build monstrosities like that space station they held the superbowl in, and then line it with luxury boxes they are going to fill the stands. However, these will be people with lots of money to dispose of and could be doing much better things with it than watch a horrible team (especially in places like LA if the league puts a team there...again...). Suddenly the team starts losing. All of the die hard fans that would show up no matter what, have been priced out. So now we have empty seats, maybe blackouts. Now you can't afford a ticket to the game, and because the Richies didn't show up, now you don't get to watch it on TV either. Lucky you. I know it is a bit of a stretch (especially seeing as some teams like the cowboys will always be popular no matter how bad they get) but I can see a big problem developing where the bubble is going to burst and it wont be good for anyone.
  22. I will never say never when it comes to the NFL. You don't know when a team is going to explode or implode.
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