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Everything posted by Van_phelaN1

  1. Not all smokers are pack a day smokers. Nobody is demonizing smokers, there are new rules in place just like at the bar or your office building. Again nobody is telling you that you CANT smoke. They are just saying you can't do it in a particular location. It's the people in NYC who can't even smoke outside in the street anymore that I feel bad for. There has to be worse pollution in the air of NY than cigarettes... EDIT: by "your" building I of course mean it as a generalization, for all I know you work outside lol
  2. Tell you what, go give that same speech to someone who has lost a loved one in a drunk driving accident. Just because the act is punishable, Doesn't mean it can't have an effect on the people who are not participating in the consumption of alcohol. Besides that, I agree 100 percent. As a former smoker I tend to sympathize with those that do, but they are wrong in this argument. Good post. You know, I never even thought of that angle to it. Usually we are by the endzones (thank god ive never suffered the upper deck) but I am probably around all kinds of folks that do not attend even as often as I might. I am probably more prone to be around those kind of people than you are with the season. I too would hate to see less fans attend and support because of this. I guess we will have to wait and see. Thanks for the constructive arguments
  3. It wans't a major problem IMO either, but you know what they say about opinions. They make a op out of in and ions...wait...that's not right...
  4. I say sign him, I am willing to bet he could beat out Mr. Maybin for a spot as a LB.
  5. You chose to pick up the first one and put in in your mouth just like I did. I didn't say it was easy, i just said it's possible. Sorry I didn't see your other post about how you quit. Poor thread reading on my part. However that doesn't change anything. As far as going to the games: I live in Albany so I don't make every game. I try to make it to several a year but the last two years I have only been able to make it to one game each (last year was the eye-sore that was our home opener against Miami but CJ waved to my gf while she took a picture so at least someone was satisfied with the game ) So I am there enough to see the people who smoke in the stands, and YES they DO exist. To be honest, I am with you in that I was never bothered by it and people who walk past the "smoking area" and still complain about it are stupid. As far as the statement being 100 percent bs? That isn't hard to imagine but if I was going to pick out all the BS statements that have come out of One Bills Drive we would be talking about a lot more than than smoking.
  6. I didn't say that I KNEW these people personally but judging by the statement about the "vast majority of our fans" that they "listened to" I would assume there are at least some out there, wouldn't you agree?? Just because you don't have a problem with it doesn't mean other people don't. How is it cruel?? If smokers want to have a cigarette while they watch the game they can do it somewhere else. Nobody is forcing anybody to buy a ticket. Sure, they WANT you to buy a ticket and come but nobody has a gun to your head telling you to go to the stadium. And I used to smoke so don't give me your "people are addicted" argument. I quit, so can any other smoker, no matter what they tell you.
  7. I guess my point was more that, not ALL smokers are inconsiderate jerks and it is lousy that the polite smokers who follow the rules are getting screwed because of the jerks, but hey, that is life. Happens all the time. Although I would like to point out that drinking is just as much of a choice as smoking is. So why should I have to put up with the choices of some !@#$s who spill beer all over me and say obscene things to women or in front of children? I feel this is more a move made to follow the county's ( and the state's )standards and stances on smoking more than it is a move to make people happy or unhappy anyway. Or you could think of it in terms of money for the team. Beer = $$$ Cigarettes?? Well they sure don't sell them at the concession stands At the end of the day, nobody's rights are being attacked (even though people would love to argue about freedoms and the constitution or the bill of rights) so I don't have any kind of problem with it. If it makes the game day experience more enjoyable for fellow fans than I am all for it. Just my two cents.
  8. Just a side note, it might also be that the logo "appears smaller" against the white background. With the red helmet, there is the white outline of the charging buffalo, with the white hemlet it blends in so that the blue portion of the Buffalo is the edge. Does that make sense to anyone?? Maybe a light gray or silver for the outline against the white would help?? a little out of place though in the color scheme. Oh well either way we will know for sure soon. The stripe looks sharp.
  9. Haha, first thing I thought of after I quit smoking and my sense of smell "came back" as they say, was how bad the smell of a lit cigarette was. They STINK. When you smoke all the time you get used to the smell and don't notice it but believe me it is a wretched stench to a clean nose.
  10. I agree that it is the losers who smoked in the seats instead of going outside that utterly ruin everything. In fact, that is probably the real reason for the change. No more excuses like "i thought this WAS a smoking area..." On the other foot as far as the "filth" as you call it, wafting into non smoking areas, smokers can't control which way the wind blows and you can hardly blame them for that. Most smokers are considerate people. They have no intentions of MAKING you smell the smoke or inhale it second hand and they aren't going to light up where they aren't supposed to or blow it in your face on purpose so I feel bad for those people. A few bad eggs can ruin things for everyone. AT the end of the day, this is probably something that will increase the quality of the game day experience over time. I still think that the excessive drinking is the real problem. People don't realize how stupid they act and can be an actual physical threat to another person depending on how well they can handle their anger after getting sloshed.
  11. You know it is funny, I was just about to comment on how I can understand where non-smokers are coming from and then I read your post. First let me say I am a former smoker myself. About 2 years ago my right lung collapsed (the doctor called it spontaneous pneumothorax) and it required surgery. It was actually unrelated to my smoking habbit what so ever, but it scared the crap out of me and I never smoked again. Now, not everyone is lucky (or unlucky enough) to have something like that happen to make them stop. Most people try to stop because they WANT to. So for all you recovering smokers out there, I know what you are going through. I was at first hoping this might deter some of the super-drunks from going to the games. I only make 1 game a year from Albany so they never bothered me too much but they seem to be worse and worse every year. Maybe if they can't smoke, they won't come. But you are probably right, they will still come, they will just have less things to do and it will probably not end well. Plus with the parking lot opening 1 hour later, they might be drinking even harder, earlier, and faster. I have a few beers at the games like everyone else, I used to be a smoker so I can understand how you would feel discriminated against. At the same time though, if you can't resist a cigarette for a couple of hours if you HAVE to...it might be time to get some Chanax...
  12. All good points made in the article. Something more could have been said for the support from his team mates. I really think they admire his leadership qualities. When you break it down though, the article is dead on. Most reasonable Bills fans know Fitz doesn't suck but we also know he has a lot of improving to do if he is going to hang around.
  13. These are probably the same people that thought T.O. coming here was going to get us over the hump.
  14. This is a welcome addition to the bb.com coverage with all the lockout stuff that has slowed down. I hope to see some break downs on Lee Evans as well. Watching him on that film was a reminder; I almost forgot how fast he is.
  15. I can't believe it's already been three years. Rest in peace Tim, you truly were a class act.
  16. It could be a number of different reasons. I think the fact that the Bills are not openly for sale would be a huge factor. If you were putting together a stadium to bring in a NFL team, why waste your time with the mess involved in obtaining the Bills when you can go grab a team that is actually "on the market." I would like to think there is a plan in place for the Bills in Buffalo. I would think that redesigning the uniform and moving the games in Toronto and things of that nature hints and them staying. No reason to put that work in if the team is going to move. Then again, what better way to make a last few bucks than by selling new jersey's lol. At the end of the day, we won't know what the hell is going to happen until it does. I used to wish for a Bills super bowl win before I died, now I am just hoping to make the playoffs before they leave
  17. Wow what a bunch of BS! I bet if he played for New England he would have made the top 10 where he belongs!!!!
  18. Ralph gets a tax write off; The charity gets money - nobody loses. Except maybe the Bills... but that tends to be an "on the field" issue. At the end of the day, there are owners out there who are obnoxiously obvious with their greed and could care less about the team (as any fan of the Pittsburgh Pirates will tell you) so it could be much worse.
  19. Honestly, you probably like Gailey for the same reason I do. He just looks, acts, and talks like he KNOWS the game and KNOWS what he is doing. It is easy to get behind a guy like that after dealing with Jauron. When he talked he always sounded like he didn't know what was wrong or how to fix it. He always said they would "work on it." At least with Gailey, you can see improvement offensively for this team (in a sense) and now you are starting to see guys really buy in (as players I mean). I agree that he hasn't really accomplished anything, but I have also heard Jerry Jones say he should have given Gailey a fair chance and Cower sings his praises. Let's see how it translates. I think 29th is a little low but with only one year to look at and the kind of season it was, I guess I am not surprised by the ranking. These things are all opinion based anyway.
  20. Hahaha, wait I am lost now. I actually LIKE the white helmets. I just prefer the charging buffalo to the standing. I think it looks better against the white background. I have been hoping they changed back to the white helmet for YEARS. I was only objecting to you stating that if people don't like the standing buffalo logo as much that means they are disrespectful or something. Yeah I got the back to back champion part in caps the first time guy. And the end of the day you are a Bills fan and I would be proud to stand next to you, even if you don't like me because you are jealous of my youth lol. And Phelan is my last name I don't "call myself" that. Unless you are referring to Walt Phelan (drummer from RF7) Im afraid I don't get the punk reference
  21. Well if I'm wrong, I'm wrong. Either way I have said my piece.
  22. Oh no, I respect tradition. I actually own more merchandise with the standing buffalo logo than anything else because I respect tradition. I have read all the books and done the best I could to educate myself on the history of this team. Is it MY fault when I was born? YOU on the other hand think that just because someone prefers the newer logo or describes the classic one in a way you don't like, it must mean they are too young. As if because by the grace of god you were born long ago enough to witness it first hand doesn't mean you have any more right to this team than I do. And it sure doesn't give you the right to tell me anything. Sounds to me like you are throwing around generalizations and making yourself look like an out of touch !@#$. Call me a punk if you want but you are the one who comes off as ignorant. And just for the record, the comment was intended to poke fun. Things get taken out of context on message boards, but I think it's just that you take yourself way too seriously.
  23. No. If you can't have pride in the new logo, you're too old.
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